

It's been more than

2 years she saw her


The day they last

met, Her father gave a

promise of coming soon ..

Every day she use to

come back from school

sit under the tree near

her house..In a hope that

her father is coming..

That didn't happened

it's more than 2 years


The next morning was her

birthday ..Just as other days

she went to school..

the whole way

she was thinking about

her father....

School bell rings she runs to the

home with a joy. As soon as she

reached home she saw her father

but this time shrouded in

the Tri Coloured Flag...

The drops of love fell

down from her eyes..

but this was the time for

her to be more strong as

she decided to be shrouded

in the same Tri Coloured Flag.

Now she's a graduate and

have been selected in the

Indian army..As she look at

her father's photo and say I

