
Hinata Gets Sick...

I awoke in my bedroom, with a sense of nausea... My throat seemed as if in flames and my head pounded to my heartbeat. I moved my head to look over at my alarm clock, it was only 6:27Am? Why had it been so early! I sighed and got up anyways, if I went back to sleep it was possible that I just wouldn't wake up at all.

As I was walking downstairs to the kitchen, I quickly checked on my younger sister, Natsu and then continued to go to the kitchen. I quickly made myself a coffee and then looked at my food, however I threw it in the bin and sat down with my coffee, drinking it gently.

Around 10 minutes later

"Ah, morning sweetie, your awake early, are you feeling alright?" My mother was the type who worried a lot more than most people, however she was also very stupid, so you could lie to her and she would believe it. "Yes Mom, I'm perfect! Just slept early last night so I also awoke early!" I smiled brightly as she nodded and walked into the kitchen. "Have you eaten breakfast?" She said as she was tidying up things and making breakfast for both herself and Natsu. "Oh, yes I have!" I lied as I got up from the table and walked upstairs to get changed.

After I got ready for school I grabbed my volley ball bag and ran out the house straight away to get to school, even with a fever I wasn't going to stop that from causing me to miss practice!

During school I felt sick and also felt as if I was going to fall asleep any time. At lunch I ate nothing however I told Yamaguchi and Kageyama that I did eat something but I didn't fancy what the school was cooking today. They nodded but I'm pretty sure they didn't actually believe me.

After school I walked to the gym, even if I usually ran, but I'm pretty sure everyone would be fine with it. I quietly walked into the gym where people was talking and I quickly changed my outfit to my usual volleyball outfit. Everyone looked at me, kind of concerned looking about how I was late and a little less energetic then I usually am.

"Hey, Hinata, are you feeling alright today?" Daichi asked, he was the captain after all so if I was feeling ill, and I told him I would most likely be told to sit on the bench and rest. "No, I'm alright Daichi, don't worry I'm just thinking that's all." I laughed gently as he looked at me somewhat concerned. "Sure... However if you need too, just tell me so and you can sit on the bench and rest." He smiled. "Aright everyone! 15 laps around the gym!" Everyone nodded and ran around the gym. With no surprise, Hinata was the last to finish, which also with no surprise caused his friends, even Tsukishima to worry!

During practicing against one another in Volley Ball, Hinata seemed to be a lot more concentrated and would usually miss his quick attacks, which was not normal for Hinata at all!

Hinata's legs felt as if they were somewhat glued to the floor, his eyes felt heavy too, as if he was going to collapse. "Hinata, sweetie, are you feeling alright?" Suga said, she was the mom of the group so it was no surprise she was second to notice something was going on with me. "I'm fine Suga, don't worry. We can keep practicing." I smiled brightly and got on with practicing again.

Around half an hour before practice was over my body felt as if it was going to burst at some point, and as I was jumping for the quick attack, I felt my eyes close as I hit the ball, causing it to hit the other side of the net and then fell straight back to the floor on my back.

Everyone was cheering as they won, but then nearly instantly realised that Hinata didn't get up and nearly everyone ran over to him, trying to figure out if he was ok. "Grab a water bottle, he was a fever." Suga and Daichi said as they tried to get his shirt off. Suga moved and grabbed his phone to call his mother to tell her what happened with her son.

It wasn't long before I was awake and now heading home with my mom.

I was forced to sleep for around 2 days as I got better, but then I also had to rest the whole week during volleyball so that there was no chance I would faint during practice. I had to rest before the big game so that I wouldn't burn myself out before hand.

However It did go back to normal after that as my fever had finally gone.