

This is the story of 3 intertwining destines between The Creator,Zero and his creations Leonardo and Magnus. What happens when these characters become self aware? What happens when 1 man has all that power?!

Gregorio_porter · Urban
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It's Showtime!!! #3


   Page 1 


                                                                           Editor's Note: Setting is Crescent City University 

*Scene opens with Leo in class taking a test*

Leo: I've been a superhero since the last issue you've read so that's about two weeks.

Leo: Two weeks of ignoring my studies and now I'm kinda fucked but I have an idea.

Leo: I've been messing around a lot with my powers so I'm gonna try to copy that guy's test in front of me by mimicking his movement.

Leo:*smiles at audience*

Mr.Anthony Perkins: Leonardo!! *points downwards*

Page 2 


                    1.Leo:*Eyes begin to lightly glow and begins writing* 

                    2. *Students gets up to hand test to Mr.Perkins*

 Leo: You're fucking kidding me!

                    3. Leo: *Stares at his paper in awe*: I should've seen this coming. 

                   4. *Close up of test that shows scribbles*

                  5. Leo: *Gets up and drops test at front desk* Yeah,here's the D. Not mine…well,technically it is but I'm out of here. *Class laughs*

Page 3 

Leo: Now that I failed that it's time to do some superhero'ing.  That's not a …

Shakell: Yo,Leo!! *Shakes hands* you heading to Kali Burger ?! 

Shakell: You forgot,didn't you?! He still feels bad for you almost dying and shit. You know how he is.

Leo: Fuck! I did. Race you there?! 

Shakell: Not gonna get another boo boo,are ya?!

(Wide panel) * Leo takes off running with Shakell right behind*

Page 4


                 1.(wide panel) * both of them running and ducking through people in the hallway* 

                 2. Leo: *Leo bursts through the front door and front flips down the flight of stairs* Keep up,nigga!

                3. Shakell: Don't count me out just yet!

                4. *Both Leo and Shakell are running on the street with Kali Burger in sight* 

                5. Shakell:*Splits away from Leo and yells*:Car!!!!!!!!!

                 Six(6)Leo: *Smiling,monkey flips over the car* 


Shakell:*Stops running in awe* Holy shit!!

Leo:*Sticks middle finger while continuing to run* I win,mothafucka!!!

  Page 5 

Leo:*Walks into Kali Burger*: Will!! What's up,bro!? 

2.*Shakell walks in* Shakell:*panting* What's up,dude?! Leo,how the hell did you do that?!

3.Leo:Told ya that boo boo didn't slow me down! Get good,son!

4.Leo:*Points at Shakell* Foods on you,right?!

5. Shakell:*Raises 1 finger with his mouth slightly lowered* I..

6.Will: I got y'all. Don't worry about it. 

Page 6 

(Wide panel) *Everyone is laughing and eating* 

Will: *Talking with his mouth full*: It feels like forever since all of us have hung out together 

Shakell:*Pointing fry at Leo* Since that nigga almost died.

Will: I'm surprised you're even running around or even moving the way you are,to be honest.

Leo: *Chuckles and shrugs shoulders* Look y'all. I'm here and I can honestly say I'm better than ever!


Page 7 

*Commotion outside attracts a crowd of people across the street* 

Leo & Will: What the hell is going on?

Shakell: Who cares?! Let's not be nosy ass niggas.

(Wide panel) *5 polices officers beating down 2 black kids with batons* 

Crowd(multiple people yelling): Fuck the police! Worldstar!! They ain't even do shit!!!

Page 8

            1.Leo:*Gets up*

            2.Shakell: Where are you going ?!

            3.Leo:*Walking towards the bathroom* burger caught up to me so I gotta take a shit.

            4. Will : TMI,bro.Im gonna go be nosy so let's go,Shakell.

             5. Leo:*darts in the bathroom towards the window transforming from top to bottom*

Leo:*Going through the window falls down* 

Homeless man: Hey,man.Can I have a dollar ?!

Leo: You again? I got you when I get back! *Darts off*

Homeless Man: Can I get a medium order of fries,too!? Thanks.

Page 10 

*Splash page of the first 4 officers being laid out by Showtime in an acrobatic fashion* 

Page 11

Leo: *Stops the baton from hitting the boy and tosses the officer aside * That's enough!

Crowd(multiple people yelling): That's that nigga from YouTube!!! That man is too nice with the hands! Get em,Showtime!! 


    3.Leo:Look officers,I'm not here to cause any…

*All the officers cock their guns*Officer 1: Shut the fuck up vigilante and put yours hands up! Now!!!!!

Leo:*Raises fist in the air as his forearm begins to purposely show his skin* : My name is Showtime. I'm just a hero that represents the city but even more than that I represent the people. I am them and they are me.

Page 12 

*Leo speeds towards the first cop and put his hand on the barrel of his gun while sticking the middle finger* 

*Police officers aim their guns directly towards Showtime's head and torso*

Leo:Consider this our personal FUCK YOU to every bad guy and corrupt member of this system!

Crowd:*Yelling*: Showtime!! Showtime!!Showtime!!

Page 13 

Leo:*Smiling*: Y'all been paying attention to me so long you forgot about the boys.

Officer 2: Hey,where the hell did the go?! 

*The other officers turn away as well*

Leo: *Gut punches the first officer and begins to turn invisible*  All eyes on on me!

*All the other officers turn around and see that Showtime has disappeared*

Officers(simultaneously) *Yelling*: Move,move move! 

Officer 1: The vigilante is the priority!!! Everyone leave now!!!

Page 14 


*Leo leaps through bathroom window*

                 2.*Leo throws dollar outside window for the homeless man*

                3.*Leo walking back towards Will and Shakell* Dude!! 

Will:You missed everything!! Showtime showed up! He stopped the cops from beating these kids' asses. He was 

               4. Shakell:*Cuts off Will* He was aight,man!

Leo: Damn,I miss everything. I'm gonna actually head out.I got some things to do at home.

*Leo,Shakell and Will shake hands* 

Page 15 


Leo: *Walks into the apartment*:Honey,I'm home!!! 

2.Sasha:*Turns on tv*: Didn't take you long to get on the news.

3.Leo:*Chuckles*: Epic,right?! I know.

4.Sasha: Don't let it get to your head,superstar. By the way,I got you a job. 

5.Sasha:*grabs the uniform from the closet and tosses it*: You're now the newest janitor at Accel Corp. 

6.Leo: Um..what the fuck? You're a tech assistant and I'm a fucking janitor,Sasha!

7.Sasha:*Walks over to her bong and lights it*: You start tomorrow,you ungrateful bitch. 

Page 16  

                                          Editor's note : Leo and Sasha are standing in front of AccelCorp 

1.Leo :*Looks down at his uniform*:I  hate you!

Sasha: Shut up and come on.

*Sasha walks in and waves at the receptionist with Leo right behind* 

Sasha:Hi,Anita. This is Leonardo.

He's the new janitor.

Anita:*With a stale face*:I know.Cleaning products are in the closet in the back. Start with the second floor. You get 2 lunch breaks.

Leo: I'm on it,m'am. 

Sasha: *Waves Anita off*: She's kind of a bitch,as you can see.

Leo: *Walking to towards the elevator*: I see how you fit in here. I'll catch you later after work.

Page 17  


(Wide panel) Leo *Cleaning a messy toliet*: The world's greatest superhero cleaning bathrooms. Clark was a reporter,Bruce is a billionaire and I'm a damn janitor!!!

Leo:*Eye begin to glow lightly and see the edits drawn to the world* : Zero,you could've totally got me a better job. I'm not even trying to get rich quick!

Leo: I think you have a poop fetish or something. *Shaking head* 

Leo:*Looks out window* I didn't think it was this late.Cleaning all day really had me lose track of time.

*Building lights cut off* 

Page 18 


Leo: *Turns on cellphone flashlight*: What the hell?!

* panel of noises* 

Leo:*Aims light directly towards his face as he smiles*: I did this for no reason other to make you laugh. 

Leo: This seems like the plot of b tier horror movie where the Black guy dies but I'm a superhero so it's whatever. 

Leo: Alright,cliché plot to time explore.

Page 19 


                                                               Artist note: Hall will be completely dark 

Leo: *Walking down the hall with his cellphone flashlight aimed at various spots*: I guess I was tweaking but that doesn't explain why the lights are off 

*Panel of noises* 

Leo:*Starts jogging*:The noises are coming from that way! 

Leo:*Cuts off flashlight as he approaches the room where the noise is originating from*

Leo:*Peers through the glass window and sees a silhouette*

Leo: *Opens the door and shines his light* Who the fuck are you?!

*Spectra turns around and glares*

              Artist Note: Though light is showing alot of her techno body will not be showing 

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Spectra:*Raises her hand,using her technopathic powers to transform Leo's phone into a animatronic  snake*

Leo: My arm! What the fuck? 

Spectra: *Sends her other animatronic beasts to subdue Leo*

Leo: *Starts moving back* Shit,I can't even even use my powers. 

*Leo is dodging the animatronic monkeys*

*Leo gets chopped from behind by the animatronic gorilla*

Spectra:*As Leo is falling down*:There will only be burned bridges for this generation to cross.