
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Why Is She Like This

Yuri's Pov.

I took Yuri(o)'s hand and walked him to the back. I paused when we were at the door and turned to him.

"Before we go in there I must warn you, she's..." I pause for a second, "Crazy," I state bluntly.

"Whatcha mean by crazy?" Yuri(o) asks with a skeptical look on his face.

"She's very lovesick," I respond, "Especially with the manga she reads."

"What type of manga?" Yuri(o) asks with a worried look on his face.

"Something called, B L?" I respond not knowing what it is. Yuri(o) doesn't seem to know what it is either, since he just stares and tilts his head.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I'm not afraid of a girl," Yurio says with confidence as he walks up to the door.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you," I say and follow behind him. We walk inside only to see the owner on her computer with a serious look. There was an ominous aura emanating off of her.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

3rd Person Pov.

Minako was looking at her computer with an intense look while having this black aura around her.

"What is she staring at?" both of the Yuris thought. Little did they know that the reason she was in such a mood was because of what she was looking at.

"Umm, miss manager," Yuri asked with caution. The woman sharply turned around with an annoyed look on her face.

"What!?" she says aggressively. The Yuris start to tremble a bit.

"Why is she mad?" Yuri asks in his head.

"This stupid little kid disrupted my yaoi session!" the woman thinks. "And I was reaching the climax (and their climax) too!"

Then she took a closer look at who Yuri was with and immediately smiled.

"So have you finally scored a girlfriend?" she asked with a smirk. Yuri and Yuri(o) blushed.

"I'M NOT A GORL!" Yuri(o) shouted with his accent.

"Then a new boyfriend, ayy?" she retorts. "So who's bottom, who's top?"

"Bottom?" "Top?" Yuri(o)'s innocence shows. The other Yuri gets really flustered.

"N-No that's not it," Yuri responded. The owner's face turned from sweet to sour as soon as she heard that.

"THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!?" she yells throwing a book at Yuri. He dodges the book with ease then answers her question.

"I've got a person who wants to work here."

"Oh really?" she questions then looks at Yuri(o). "Is it that princess right there?"

"My name's Yuri," Yuri(o) tries to stay calm.

"Yeah, whatever let's get this over with," the owner says taking out a notebook. Yuri(o) contains his urge to yell profanities at this woman and sits down.

"Oh, and the name's Minako," she says. "Anyways do you have any experience as a host?"

"No, but I do have experience as a server," Yuri(o) answers back.

"Age and where you're from?"

"I'm 18 and I'm from Moscow, Russia."

"Are you on medications?"


"Tell me a little about yourself."

"I go to college at X university, and I did ballet when I was 8."

"Are you sexually active?" Yuri(o) sat there for a moment.

"N-No?" he responded clearly flustered. The conversation went back and forth like that for a couple of minutes until Minako started asking question about Yuri(o) body. He was creeped out at first but eventually paid no mind.

"Finally, stand up," she orders Yuri(o). Yuri(o) gets up. She got closer to Yuri(o) and started to circle him, observing his facial and his small frame.

"Yep!" Minako broke the silence, "He a hottie." (If you guess where this is from, I will love you.) The 2 Yuris stood there, 1 of them confused.

"So does that mean...?" Yurio is about to ask.

"You got the job!" Minako says, turning a full 180 on her mood. Yuri(o) silently cheered then cleared his throat.

"Umm, thanks for the job," he tries to play it off. Yuri and Minako giggle.

"But your name won't do," Minako says. She looks at Yuri(o) tiger jacket and gets an idea.

"What do you me-," Yuri(o) is cut off.

"Kitty, yes, perfect," Minako says, proud of herself.

"Kitty?" Yuri(o) questions her.

"That the name you'll go by here," Minako says with a innocent smile.

"HELL no!" he quickly rejects.

"Aww, sweetie, you don't have a choice if you want this job," Minako says in a coy voice which makes Yuri(o) shiver.

"F-Fine," he gives in, since he needed a job.

"I swear once I find a better job, I'm gettin' the hell outta here." Yurio promises himself in his head.

"Now Eros sweetie, would you show him around?" Minako asks with a smile that's telling Yuri to get out before he doesn't have legs to walk with, so he quickly grabs Yuri(o) and walks out of the door.

Yuri's Pov.

I walked around the building showing him the kitchen, the locker room, and his station. I told him about how how the day themes work. He seemed to be slowly understanding it, so we walked back to Victor and Chris.

"Heya boys, we've got news," I walked up to them in a celebrating mood.

"I got the job, duh," Yuri(o) says with no excitement at all. Viktor and Chris congratulated Yuri(o) and cheered. I left them to their cheers and went to the back to change, since my shift was over. Then another coworker came up to me. I notice his appearance, and recognize him as Star?

"Eros, could you take out the trash?" he ask.

"Why?" I question them.

"It's too heavy for me plus, I'm not a fan of going back there," he said, seeming very nervous.

"Sure, I guess," I respond taking out the 2 bags.

"You're too kind!" Star says with teary eyes and a bit of blush.

"Don't think about it," I say about to walk out of the door. I look back at him.

"Isn't he just adorable," I think while walking towards him. "Hmm, yea I should," I respond to a personal thought. I walk up to him and give him a peck on the cheek. He turns very red, steam coming out.

"I swear if he were 10 years younger I would adopt him."

"E-E-Er-?" I cut off his stutter.

"As my reward," I wink at him then walk out of the door. I walk out to the dumpster and basketball toss the bags into the dumpster. I about to walk back inside when 3 guys step in front of me.

"Well, well, well," 1 of them states. "I didn't expect a girl like this to be back here." I roll my eyes.

"What do you douches want?" I sound laid-back.

"We just wanna play," another idiot says while they all made innapropiate gestures.

"Sorry, but I don't play with roaches," I scoff. They all growl and 1 grabs my hand pushes it to the wall.

"Hey guys!" the one grabbing me states. "Wanna take turns?" they all laugh.

"Ugh, what a nusaince," I mutter. "I'm warning you to leave me alone!"

Viktor's Pov.

"Aww, it must be the end of his shift," Chris states. I then notice that Eros left. We started getting bored, so after a short while we paid and exited. We were walking towards the car when I heard a faint shout.

"Hey guys!" I hear it coming from the side of the building. I was guess it was just a gang or something, so I opened my car door. Then I heard a familiar voice.

""I'm warning you to leave me alone!" I freeze in my path.

"Hey Viktor, ya coming?" Yura ask me.

"I'm sorry, I've gotta check something," I say then run in the direction of the voice.

"HEY!" Yura yells in my direction. "If you take too long we're leaving!"

I run and hide behind a corner and take a peek. I see Eros being held against the wall.

"After we're done you won't be able to walk for weeks," 1 of the guys cackle. The guy gets closer to his face and I'm about to come out to jump these dudes when I heard Eros say something that made me pause.

"Ew," I saw him state while turning his head. "I can smell your musty breath man, back up." The men look surprised and Yuri looks normal not scared which surprises me.

"You all look like you bathed in pig crap while it was raining thinking it was a mud bathe." Eros smirks. The men seem angry.

"Why you!," Eros cuts him off and spits in his face. The man covers his face, freeing Eros, so he kicks 1 man in the balls. The man collapses on the ground. Then Yuri goes toward the other 2. The other man are prepared for battle confidently.

"Hey, it's just a girl against us," a guy with a grin.

"A 2v1 still won't help your chances," Eros grins with pride. The men tried to attack Eros at the same time, but he dodged and countered (it was like something from a video game!). He started punching 1 guy.

"Is that all ya got?" he giggles with each punch. I saw the other dude get up with a knife in his hands. He started to limp over towards Eros. I tense up a bit.

"If we can't use you now," he states while bringing his knife up. "Then we'll defile your body after your dead!" he starts to bring his knife down. I acted without thinking seeing him in danger.

"Watch out!" I yell and come out of my hiding spot, charging toward the dude. Eros hears my warning and moves out of the way with incredible speed. The man cuts a part of Eros's arm. He hisses, a bit, in pain. I tackle and pin the dude, disarming him. Eros comes over and knocks him out.

"Woo," he breathes out, "What a rush," he chuckles.

"How is he so calm about this?" I ask myself.

"Oh, sorry, I experience this quite a bit," Eros smiles and chuckles awkwardly. I stare at him in shock. "Oh, and thank you for saving me," he spoke. "Looks like I owe you again."

"Again?" I question. "What did I do before?"

"O-Oh did I say again?" Eros stuttered. "I-I meant... I o-owe you, okay!" he blushes seeming embarrassed.

"Crap, did I make him mad," I think to myself, worrying. Suddenly I notice ros's arm as he put it up.

"Are you okay?" I rush over to him and look at his arm.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch," he says while flexing. "Nothing bandages can't fix." I sigh, knowing that the cut was pretty deep.

"At least let me wrap you up," I beg.

"I don't thin-," I cut him off.

"Please?" I implore. He pauses then face palms himself.

"Fine," he states leading me inside. He lead me to where the infirmary was; then took some gauzes and bandages out of a drawer. "Here." He hands them to me then sits down.

"This may sting a bit," I warn him. He simply smiles as I wrap his arm. It was like he didn't feel the pain at all.

"Thanks for saving me," he looks at his arm.

"Weren't you scared , of ya know... those men?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Well, it's not like it's the first time something like that happened to me," Eros awkwardly laughs. I stared at him in shock.

"Why don't you carry pepper spray or a small taser, or something?" I ask him.

"It's in my bag, I just didn't have it on me," he shrugs. He starts to creep me out with how calm he is.

"Please... try not to get into trouble," I say while standing him up.

"I'll try!" he said while standing up. I pout in his direction. "Here, how about I walk you to your car," he starts walking. I don't answer and follow him.


We eventually spot Chris's car. We were barely out of viewing range.

"I guess I'll be off," he waves and starts to walk off.

Yuri's Pov.

As I walk off I start to think. I wondered why Viktor was so worried about me. I pondered over these thing then I suddenly remember something. I run toward Viktor and grab his hand.

"I forgot to ask how can I pay you back, you know.. for saving me and all?" I chuckle nervously.

He blushes a bit, "There is no need too, I helped you of my own volition."

I notice him blushing, "Oh, he's that type of person," I think.

"I think I know how to return the favor," I smirk toward him. I walk closer. "You like me don't you?

He starts to blush harder.

"I guess I'm right, well... it's not much, but I can give something." I got even closer to him to the point where our shoulders were almost touching. I slowly closed the space between us, I used my sex appeal to my advantage.

"Do you want me to?" I ask him in my seductive voice, getting a bit closer.

He blushes while stuttering a faint, "Y-Yes," giving me consent.

I brought my face up to his and wrap my arms around his neck. And... pulled him into a hug. I feel his face heat up.

"Why'd you lead me on like that!?" he asked frustrated.

"Whatever do you mean?" I chuckle. He turns around and pouts.

"Goodbye!" he starts to walk off.

"I pull his arm, turning him around. His face turns toward me, and I kiss him on his lips. "Goodbye, Vicchan," I slur his name then walk away. Even I could feel his shocked, flustered stare on me as I walk away.

"Of course he would like Eros... not me"


Sorry this took a little longer to post You see, I went to the bottom of the ocean and found Poseidon's staff, and used it to control the ocean, stopped the fires in California... or I just procrastinated a lot. Umm... chile anyways, so I made this extra long for you guys. See you guys next week... hopefully.

Here's a really weird comic strip:

(Found on Wattpad)