
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Who are They

Viktor's Pov.

"Was he sad or was it my imagination." I decide to shake the idea out of my head. "He isn't that close to me anyway," I continued to eat my food, until it was time for my class. I waved Phichit goodbye and went to finish my last classes.

~After Classes~

After I finished my last class I went to go meet with Yuri. I see him standing at the entryway. He was doing something on his phone (probably scrolling through Instagram) while leaning on the wall. I walk up to him.

"Hi, Yurio!" I smile my heart smile. He jumps a bit and looks back at me.

"Oh, it's just you," he kicks himself off of the wall. He puts his phone into his pocket and starts walking. I follow behind him.

"Sooo..." I start. "You starting your new job today?"

"No, I start tomorrow," he responds.

"Oh..." I thought I could use his job as an excuse to see Eros again.

"Were you expecting to see someone?" I heard a whisper in between Yurio and I, and we both jumped back. Except Yurio who tried to kick the person in between us, but he ducked.

"Chris?" I notice his brown hair with blond highlights. He raises his head and smiles. Yurio mutters a few curses under his breath.

"The one and only," he blows a kiss towards Yurio.

"Eww," Yurio's face shows one of disgust.

"Happy to see you too," Chris states with the same energy. Yurio scoffs. Chris and I giggle. "So wanna hang out today?"



Yurio and I speak simultaneously. I put my hand over Yurio's mouth, he struggles a lot.

"Where would we be going?" I ask while smiling and struggling with Yurio.

"How about Hooters?" Chris smirks towards me. I grin nervously trying to contain thoughts.

"MPH!" Yurio bites my hand.

"Ouch?" I snatch away my hand on instinct.

"Now it's a definite NO," Yurio snatched my hand and started walking away.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun," Chris continued to nag us. Yurio just ignores him and continues walking back to the dorms. "Fine, then how about my dorm."

"HELL, NO!" Yurio protest.

"Don't worry, I don't have any toys," Chris giggles. "Out," Chris mutters the last part.

"What toys, and what did you say on that last part?" Yurio's innocence showing again while I was a blushing mess.

"Chris!" I yell towards him, blushing furiously. He just laughed. I stop walking which causes them to stop. "Why don't we just hang out in Yurio and I's room?" I offer.

"No, he might spread his pervert disease everywhere," Yurio detest the offer again.

"It's either that or Chris's room."



Yurio opens the door to our room and lets us both in. Chris and I walk in and Yurio sits on the bed. He doesn't give anyone a chance to speak and immediately put his headphone on, tuning everybody out.

"Welp, this is the crib- (Sorry, my lingo 😬)

"Welp, this is my place," I motion my hand showing the place.

"Hmm," Chris has a judging look. "It looks pretty... boring."

"Well, it's not like it's a house." Chris started to search my room. "What are you looking for?"

"Magazines, books, anything dirty."

I get a bit flustered, "I don't read or watch that type of stuff." Chris just giggles again and sits on my bed. I sat next to him. Chris takes out his phone, and I dig in my pocket for mine but realize it wasn't there. I dig around in my bag, but I still couldn't find it. Chris looks over at me digging through my bag.

"Looking for something?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, my phone," I respond. "I probably left it in class."

"You should probably get it, before someone else does."

"I'll be right back," I say as I stand up. Yurio must've seen me walking out of the door, because he looks up at me and takes off his headphones.

"Don't leave me alone with this pervert," he states while pointing to Chris.

"It'll only be for a couple of minutes," I say as I shut the door. I rush to the next building where my class is.


I go inside of my class (thankfully there wasn't a class going on) and see my phone on a table. I grab it and dash out of the room. I turn a corner without paying attention and bump into someone.


"I'm so sorry!" we both say almost simultaneously. I stand up and reach my hand toward him. The guy(?) grabs my hand and chuckles awkwardly.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I pat the back of my head and awkwardly laugh.

"It's fine," they spoke in a semi-soft voice and stands up. I notice their eyes.

"Hmm?" I look at their eyes which seem a lilac purple. They quickly cover their eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go," they bowed and shuffled away.

"That person seemed familiar somehow," I wonder and continue rushing back to my dorm.


I open the door to my dorm to see Chris on my bed and Yurio gone.

"Where's Yuri?" I asked.

"He's been in the bathroom ever since you left," Chris pouted. "He said something about, "I'm not staying in the same room with a f*cking pervert." "I couldn't even play with him," Chris complained as I just rolled my eyes. I walk to the bathroom door and knock on it.

"Yura?" Yuri opens the door.

"Why would you leave me alone with this guy?" he responds in a deep tone. "He said he wanted to "play" with me, so I ran."

"Oh, Yura," I pat him on the head while giggling. He pouts. "You know how much Chris plays around."

"No," Yurio responds. "I don't." I just laughed.

We hung out until, eventually Chris left. I couldn't stop thinking about that person I saw. I'd never seen them before, it's probably becauae I'm new though.

"Who were they and why were their eyes so blank"