
"Let's Be Friends?"

Lucas and I are in a coffee shop drinking, chillin', and talking about our wasted years. But I'm uncomfortable with our surrounding cuz I can feel people staring at us, at me. And I know by now that they already conclude something. Lucas noticed that I'm uncomfortable, he stopped talking and looked around. His gaze turned in my way and said, "Let's go?" I nod. He holds my arm firmly but not too strong. He brought me to the library where people are busy and don't look at us.

"Lucas, I know you want us to be together but I can't for now. We can't be together if I'm not complete yet. I want us to be together when I'm already complete. Can you wait for me?"

"I waited for you for almost 18 years, do you think I give up now, hmm? I'll still wait for you even though I need to wait for another 18 years, Ika." and he smiled at me.

"I'm Ika Buenaventura a fourth-year, college student. Future CEO of our company." I introduced myself cheerfully and I lend my hand for a shaking hand. He accepted my hand and look into my eyes and said, "I'm Lucas Smith, your future husband." I stilled but after a few minutes, I returned his smile to a sweet smile.