
Shouto's Cheerleader

Todoroki never knew exactly what he was feeling. He felt something but never knew what to call it. Sometimes Izuku would try to explain but it never truly made sense to him. That was until he saw Momo in a cheerleading outfit. ----- After waking up in bed with one of his old classmates Shouto was shocked but took it in a stride. When she calls him that same day apologizing he accepted that easily also. But when he sees her in cheer gear, he loses control.

Rosie00003 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


After washing his clothes and putting them in the dryer, thinly clad in only a towel Shouto made his way to the kitchen.

As if he were at home Shouto rummaged through the fridge in search of ingredients to make breakfast. While he did so Shouto pondered on what the next step would be. Although he wasn't sure if he genuinely had intercourse with his classmate, just leaving after he ate without saying anything didn't seem right. Ten minutes later he had eggs, toast, sausages, along with some freshly brewed coffee.

Putting aside his thoughts on what the course of action would be in this situation, Shouto decided to set the table, Shouto had everything plated nicely on the table, just as he was about to take a bite out of the delicious meal he made his phone rang. Without even looking at the caller Shouto answered.

"Oi Peppermint, you left your shit at the bar. Find a time to come get it before I dump it in the fucking lost bin."

Bakugo's loud voice echoed in the kitchen. Shouto flinched at how loud it was and thought to make sure that the door to the bedroom was closed. Shouto let out a hum to show he understood what his friend was saying. Since Bakugo was on the phone Shouto decided to ask him for advice.

"...Bakugo about last night-" Before Shouto could finish formulating his sentence Bakugo cut him off.

"Sero took you home last night don't ask me shit."

Shouto frowned at his friend being so crass so early in the morning. "I wasn't going to ask that."

"Eh? Shit, what then half n' half? Spit it out."

"How does one deal with the aftermath of a one-night stand?"


"Bakugo?" Hearing silence on the line Shouto took it as his friend processing his question.

"Fuck, you slept with Sero? That's weird man." That was all that Bakugo had to say after his moment of silence.

Sero? But I never...? Shouto was confused because he was quite sure that the raven in bed, he spent his five-hundred-word monologue on, was female.

"Ya know he's seeing someone right? Shit, that means he's cheating scum, that's fucked up." Bakugo continued.

"Wait I never said it was Sero." Shouto found a chance to say this while Bakugo took a breath. I see Midoriya is influencing his speaking habits.

"Then who the fuck was it? Know what don't even care that much."

Shouto rolled his eyes. "I woke in bed with Momo." He told him straight.


"..." Shouto felt iffy with his friend's silence this time. He knew it wasn't judgment. But it felt like he did something wrong.

"I'm adding Sero to the call."

Shouto agreed. He too had questions to ask Sero as to how he even ended up with Momo last night.

After a minute or two Sero's voice sounded on the line. "Yo! Bakubro, it's only eight forty-five, you know I'm not up yet." Sero complained, evidently having just woken up.

"Didn't I tell you to take Halfie home last night?" Bakugo questioned.

Why does it sound like Sero's in trouble? Shouto wondered silently.