
Our beginning"

Once when I started to entering the New Year,new class,new friend I was very embarass of myself.They keep calling me by that name.I am very shy every time they call me by that name.Sometimes,I can't hide my feeling that i tear my eyes.I keep complaining myself,what is my fault.What do I ever done at them.But,I found you were different than others.You were not playing me by that nickname.You even call me by my real name.Then,we started to get closed.But,you already dated someone.Although you have a girlfriend,we keep connect to each other,asking many questions that make us fall in love.I don't know if it is me who started to fall in love with you first or you.But,I was very happy when I chatting with you through social media called "??".By that time,I closed to someone else.It is not you.You get jealous and I love it when you are getting jealous because I closed to others guy.We started to have very sweet chat.You are very sweet talker then.