
Should Have Been You

Void. What happened? How did I end up here? Why can’t I stop myself from moving? Am I in space? I don’t think so, I can breathe. Can I really breathe or it’s just in my head? I wonder where I am going. Is this a dream? Ouch, it hurts. I thought if you pinched yourself, it wouldn’t hurt, since you are in a dream? So this isn’t a dream? Why do I keep floating? Where am I?!

The_Novice ¡ Urban
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1 Chs

The Night Before

"Come on baby girl. We paid you for this. Slowly take off your clothes and give us a jolly show." The man said at the top of his lungs because of the loud music playing in the background.

"You have to pay extra then"

"Why not? Just make sure we enjoy it" He said, drowned in lust.

"Why not?"

"Hey Hailey. You leaving so soon?"

"Yeah. I am done for the day" Hailey said and clutched her purse.

"The manager has not released us yet"

"I will just talk to him tomorrow" She retorted.

"Oh, you look tired. Just go home and rest"

"Thank you for my idea" She said sarcastically.

"See you tomorrow"

"Yeah, sure you will" She muttered and turned to leave.

"I'm home...who am I kidding, there's no one here" Hailey said and chuckled softly. She took off her shoes and walked further into the house. She sat on the couch and in no time began to weep. Bitterly.

"I hate my life! Why do I still exist?" She cried. She stood up and walked to her balcony. "I guess this is it" She said and hopped on the rail. She looked down and chuckled "This is pretty high. It looks like it's going to be painful. No, no. I can't do this" She said and was about coming down when she lost her grip because her hand was wet. She tried to get a grip but it was too late. She slipped.

"I can't believe I am falling, I wasn't even able to say goodbye to a lot of things, like the moon and stuff" She chuckled "Still falling, why did I live on the last floor? Anyway, It was not supposed to be like this but oh well. I lived a terrible life anyway and I don't think I would regret th-" Down went Hailey, leaving a loud thud.

"What was that?" Her neighbor asked

"I don't know. Maybe the neighbor threw something down"

"You, go check"

"But mum?"

"Is this how to be a man?" She asked

"Fine" He groaned and slowly opened the window. He looked outside but couldn't find anything. "Mum, nothing in sight"

"It's 11:56pm. Too late" She said and rose to her feet. She gently opened her door and cautiously walked outside. As she got to the base of her stairs, she saw a stream of blood. With a puzzled look on her face, she followed the blood, all the way to her backyard. Her eyes met something heavy. Hailey, in a pool of her own blood. She screamed, gathering every tenant. It was a pitiful sight. Some mocked, while others showed sincere pity. She was rushed to the hospital but was later reported to be dead.