
Turn in Quests

"Got any new abilities?" asked Ani.

Reinhard, who was basically called Rein by all by now, spoke excitedly, "Hell yea bro. You all will be rocked after you see my new skill. Hard Slash. Does double damage."

"We all got new skills. Let's employ it and get done with this wolves quest fast" said Gadovi.

Shuugo agreed, "Let's get over with it then."

Qi said, "1000 wolf hides. Let's do it."

They all walked over to the top of a small hill and they could see packs of wolves. There were around 7 to 8 wolves per pack and almost 50 packs of them littered around the small hill.

"3 times and we will get 1000 wolf hides," said Qi after calculating.

"Let's get going," said Ani.

They approached the nearest wolf pack. When they entered the aggro range of the pack, the wolves looked at Qi's group like they were going to eat them alive and rip them apart. In a second all of them charged towards Qi and others.

As soon as everyone was ready to attack each other, Qi used Horizontal Arc Strike. It didn't even take a second but all the wolves were dead. Just like that. Although everyone else released their attacks, they hit the air.

Total Silence.

Everyone had that look of shock like they just saw something they had never seen in life and never did it before. It felt like their eyes would pop out at any time now.

Qi scratched his head and asked awkwardly, "Did I did something wrong?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, bro? You just killed every damn monster in a single hit!" the shocked Shuugo spoke.

Everyone came to their senses and reminded themselves that the most OP player is with them.

"You know, to get an AoE skill early in the game is pretty good. That luck bro. Congrats." said Ani.

"You guys look like a bunch of lil kids who saw a horse run past by and then jumping up and down. Get to your senses and let's kill more. We can split off into 2 groups and kill more wolves. What do you say?" said Gadovi.

"That will be a good idea. Someone go with Qi to pick all the loot and other 3 will go to kill another pack," suggested Reinhard.

"That sounds good too, but you four keep together. I'll collect loot as fast as I kill them. Let's start, we gotta finish before other players set their eyes in this area. Beware the wolves are Lv9. If it's too much just give me a shout." said Qi.

Everyone agreed and the great wolves slaughter began. It took less than 5 minutes to sweep the whole hill. Now they had to wait for an hour for the wolves to respawn.

"That was so damn fast!" exclaimed Gadovi. Although he maintained his stature, he couldn't help but feel excited. Who the hell would dare to claim that they wiped more than 300 wolves in less than 5 minutes?

The reality was almost every wolf was killed by Qi, other than one pack. You can say it was a very bloody battle for the other four. They barely kept their own against the wolves. In the end, there were 8 Lv9 wolves and they were 4 Lv5 players. You can say their performance was like those Pro Gaming club teams. The downside was that they used a lot of health potions. But that didn't matter much as they had this money making machine named Qi.

Theoretically, they should have finished collecting 1000 wolf hides in 3 hours or less, but the drop rate for it was so low that it took them double the time. Nonetheless, they finished acquiring it all. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the local boss, or else it would be another jackpot for Qi and gang.

"All this farming and still no boss," said Gadovi dejectedly.

Although they did encounter quite a few elite wolves, the rewards for slaying them cannot be compared with the rewards from a boss.

"Seems like devs don't want us to hoard all of the goods. Haha, let's get going and turn in our quests! Who knows what other good quests we might find later." Qi cheered them.

"Well, I am off for today. Got a lot of extra work," said Reinhard.

Shuugo jeered playfully, "Don't tell us it has something to do with that girl from that day?"

"You know me, bro. I respect everyone." said in a tone which made him look like a righteous guy.

"We all know that Rein. Shut up and get going already. Hahaha" laughed out Ani.

"You guys are mean as always," said Rein helplessly. " Anyways, I am out."

"Maybe we should hunt after we get out of Beginner's Village. I also have quite a few stuff to do and prepare for that secret quest. Moreover, it has to be done solo. It won't be hard for us to level to 10. We are already 7 and 8 by now." Qi presented his view.

Everyone else agreed and left.

Qi went back to the village and found the blacksmith first.

He turned in those thousand teeth, but he only got another weapon which he won't ever use. He also got 10 Gold coins which were good enough as gold was pretty hard to get. All the F grade quests rewarded few silver coins which weren't even worth mentioning.

He got a rare cape from the tailor after turning in the quest. The good thing was that it added Attack Power! After that, he went to the Alchemist and turned in his quest.

"Youngster, you made a good impression by completing this quest in such a short time. Adding the recommendation from the village elder, I have some special wares. I will give you a 50% discount. If you have money then I will sell it to you." Saying that the alchemist showed him 10 Intermediate healing potions and 10 Intermediate Attack and 10 Intermediate Defense potions.

Seeing the potions, Qi was shocked.

How the hell does this kind of potions ended up in Beginner's Village? I should get my hands on all of it!

Qi quickly regained his posture and asked, "How much do they cost, Master Alchemist?"

"The usual price is 10 Gold each. But for you, it's 50% off. Want to buy it? What do you say? You won't find it anywhere else." Now that Qi showed some interest, the alchemist tried to advertise it. Qi was inwardly shocked. Qi knew that the price was way overpriced, but he hesitated inside. He needed it to get past that secret quest. Or did he? He couldn't fathom how hard will the quest be and so he decided not to take any chance. Qi decided to get conned for the sake of the secret quest.

From the expressions the alchemist was showing, he knew that he won't give a whit of attention if he didn't have enough money. He also knew that these kinds of people won't lower the price at any cost.

He had around 30 Gold as of now and decided to buy 2 potions each. He gritted his teeth and produced the gold.

How can the devs have this kind of shameless NPC?

He thought reasonably and came to a conclusion. This world was far too realistic. An NPC changes attitude as soon as he smells potential gains. Either the AI was way beyond the current age or there was some inconceivable mystery surrounding this game.

"I will come back to buy them all so don't sell them all, Master Alchemist."

"No worries youngster, no one around this area has that much amount of money as you."

Qi knew that he had been conned shamelessly, but he couldn't do anything. He decided to not visit the alchemist from now on. Because he knew that if he went back than his mind will try to reason that "buy it because for the quest" and all.

He suddenly realized that even tho he lots of money in the real world, he had nothing here. He had the 10k from the first kill, but he saved it for later when he leaves the beginner village. More like the damned system conned him as whenever he asked for that money, it said that it would be deposited after he went to a bank in any city. He was put on the verge to even get conned from whatever he earned by working hard.

He took a resolution while he was walking out.


Conning isn't just attached to money. It can be attached to almost everything.

He didn't know that in the future, this resolution will help him so much that he will even con other great con artists.

He felt childish for some reason. He felt like he was the father and he was the son himself. While the son was stubborn to get those toys, the father could only agree, helplessly. He sighed.

He kept his cool and went out of the village to level up.

I had my website before but its well-hidden so almost no one knew about it.

If you wanna see how I did the Quest boxes, check it out on chargaoshou.com.

From now on I would be releasing chapters here only on webnovel. I would be releasing 4 chapters a week at the least.

Some readers might know that there are some similarities with Shuras Wrath. I was basically drawn into VRMMOS through Shuras Wrath so I decided to do some tribute to it.

charcreators' thoughts