
Short Stories that Haunt Me While I Take a Dump

A compilation of short stories that keep bothering me while I take a dump, that will also now haunt you while you also take a dump

Dump · Horror
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5 Chs


I run as fast as my legs can carry me and more, as I try to find my way forward to escape. I'm trying my best to even slightly lose it, but to no avail. With every turn I make, I still feel it on my track. For every jump I make, I can feel the ground warning me that it's nearby. I've been running all this time it can't really be there, right? It should be tired as well, right? So why can't shake off this feeling, the feeling that I know it's on the prowl. I know it's there, and that if I even try to slightly glance back, I know that it will be there to catch me. But where?! I don't know where it is, but I know it's there. I know that hiding is no use. There is nowhere in this world that I can hide from it. It can smell me... hear me... feel me. And I can feel it too. But my legs are going numb. I've been running so much. Is this where I meet my end? Is this where I die? From the hands of something that I can't even see? From something that I haven't even seen? Is this all just the punishment for all the sins I've committed in my life? Is this the way of the heavens of tormenting me? Whatever the answer is, I will find out in the few moments left before I fall down to the ground. I can no longer continue. I now lie on the ground flat, and I can hear it breathing, looming over my body. It's the end for me. The last thing I hear is

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