
Short stories (fanfics)

unknown_aurthor_0 · Fantasy
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long Live The King (eric x reader) pt1

You never did liked living in big cities. Too many unfamiliar faces and too fast pace. However, since moving to Ben Temps you still didn't know many people. Fine, you'd slept with a lot of them, but that was just for fun. Nothing or no one was permanent or worth your time of day, really.

You worked in a small clothes shop that no one seemed to like that much apart from one nasty, old lady who bought baby clothes for her cats. All day you'd sit by the cash machine, head rested on your hand, sighing as people walked past and didn't even glance your way. You had felt invisible before, but now this was even worse.

Now you find yourself confronting the old lady for the umpteenth time, telling her that you cannot cut the legs off of the baby onsie for her.

"I don't see why not." She huffed, stroking the cat's head that was poking out of her bag.

"It's not in my job description." You sighed angrily, "No where on my contract does it say, 'Cut the legs off of the fucking baby clothes for people who want to buy them for their fucking cats.'"

The old lady, her white hair somehow tinged horridly blue, practically spat at you as she turned on her heels and headed for the exit. You winced as the door slammed shut behind her.

"Fucking hell." You almost shouted as you slumped yourself back onto your chair behind the till. It was mid summer and the fan on the table was your only solace. Checking the clock on the wall you decided that closing up half an hour early wasn't going to kill anyone, so you started cashing up. A total of $15 was what you managed to tally up today.


Finally, you began walking to Bellefleur's Bar and Grill for an after work drink. Much needed, you'd decided. Friday night, and yet again you'd probably spend it alone at the bar, only to end up going back to some randommer's place, doing things you'd regret in the morning, if you remembered them.

You entered the bar and were greeted by red-headed Arlene.

"Well hello, Y/N." She beamed, "How are we today?"

"Not too bad, thanks, Arlene. Lost my head with that weird cat lady, practically told her to fuck off, but you know, who cares? What about you?"

Sitting down at the bar, Arlene had already placed a glass of Bourbon with ice for you on the counter.

"No!" She exclaimed, "Y/N, that is so unlike you to lose your temper! You need to go out tonight."

Arlene was hitting you excitedly with the cloth that was usually hung over her shoulder. You gestured to the bar, "Am I not already?"

"This place doesn't count," She sighed, "You need to go OUT out! Go dancing!"

Confused you asked, "Right, and where exactly does one go dancing around here?"

"You don't, BUT, head over a town to Shreveport and there's a very down and dirty place called Fangtasia." Her eyebrows were moving suggestively as she wiped down the counter in front of you. You'd heard of the club before, but had never been because vampires weren't really of interest. Well, the ones you'd met already didn't really do it for you.

"What makes you think I like 'down and dirty'?"

"I've heard men AND women talk about you," she whispered, leaning in close, "You sound pretty dirty to me."

Blushing a little, you leant back in your chair. She was right, You hadn't exactly been careful with who you'd slept with. Looking around you, you'd slept with probably 70% of the people here.

"Down and dirty sounds good. You wanna come with me, Arlene?" You offered, gulping down the Bourbon and asking for another. As she poured your drink she replied, "Me? No, I'm not going back there! How about I drive you there, leave here at eleven? How does that sound?"

The enthusiasm in her voice made you laugh under your breath, "Sounds fangtastic."

In the month that you had been in Ben Temps, you had only come across a couple vampires. Now you were going to head into the belly of the cave and probably end up poking a couple bears. As you waited for Arlene's shift to finish, you couldn't help but be a little nervous. You'd heard this place was pretty heavy and, already, your heart was racing. They're gonna be able to like hear my heart or something, you thought to yourself. Suddenly you realised that you definitely weren't dressed for a club like Fangtasia, so called out to Arlene, "Hey, I'm gonna go home and change! I'll meet you back here at eleven!"

this is a short story from my friend.

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