
book 2

Hi, my name is Diane.

My parents died in a car accident a few months after I was born, and I don't even have a picture of them.

My first few years were spent in an orphanage until my current family adopted me. My family is very strict and I have no freedom at all. I have one older brother in my family called Carl. And thank god that my brother is understanding and supports me. I use to share everything with my brother. He is 2 years older than me. We have a relationship of best friends instead of brother-sister due to the sheer amount of stuff we've been through together. My parents don't even allow me to call my friends or even invite them over to hang out at my place.

I had a boyfriend his name is Jacob. He is tall and handsome with nice features and muscular looks. After 4 months of eye gestures, he finally asked me to meet outside the college. I was not going to miss it as I also liked him but never showed it. So on that day when our college was over. I ran outside the college to meet him. He was waiting for me when I reached there. He took my hand in his hands and said he wants to be with me and I can see it in his eyes. But it was my bad luck that I can't give him more than 5 minutes to say what he wants to say because my time of reaching home was running short and I was afraid of my parents scolding me for being late. I reached home and thought about him whilst smiling.

One day in college he asked me to meet him in the park near my home. I refused to come because of my parents. But he said if I love him then I must come to meet him. During class, I asked Katie one of my best friends to help me. She agreed to come to my home in the evening as none of my friends visit me because they are also scared of my parents. So she came to my house in the evening and hesitantly asked my mom to take me out for a walk. Mom looked at her differently. She feared that my mom will scold her now but somehow mom gave her permission to take me out for only half hour, not more than that. We both left home in a hurry and reached the park. Jacob was waiting there for me. He was looking very charming. Katie and I reached him and Jacob asked her for some privacy so he took me behind some thick bushes. There he hugged me and he tried to kiss me but I was not able to respond to him like he wanted. I felt disgusted by his behavior which showed on my face. After seeing my face "he said your response doesn't show that you want me". After saying this to me he left and we also left for home.

The next day when we met in college I felt some change in his behaviour. I felt the feeling of being ignored and it gave me mixed feelings. I can't accept that he is ignoring me and the fact that I got replaced by another girl so quickly. I went home in depression. At night when the dinner was over and everyone left for their room I started crying in my room. Suddenly Carl opens the door and asked me. What happened my baby doll? Why you are crying? Stop crying and tell me what happened. He took me to his room and I told my brother everything about me and Jacob and what had happened in the park. Every last detail while still sobbing. The next day at school I heard from Katie that the police Arrested Jacob for Sexual assault.