
Short Plump Treasure

"Who are you?" Mayo asked squinting to look at the person who saved her. "My name is Sari and you are my treasure" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayowa, a short plump girl from the kingdom of OSU ran away from the crown prince of Osu who only wanted her body and neglected her true love for him. Heart broken, she finds herself in the arms of a Prince who needs her for the throne due to unexpected curcumstances. Nobody made her feel special, her mother, her sisters, her father except her friend. Living life like that was quite tough. Now she is in a kingdom where a neglected Prince needs her to take over the kingdom. She is made to feel special and is well taken care of. For some reason, this prince keeps his distance from her. Though she likes it, she hopes it will only come out well. Denle, Mayo's best friend goes in search of her friend after she found out that she disappeared. She goes with the prince to bring her back leading them in series of adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Please Mayo, stay away from my brothers. They will do anything to get you You need to stay with me always. Do you understand my treasure?" Please follow my Instagram to know more about me @ellathefirst18. Thank you

Ella_Thefirst · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter two The parade - Part 1

It was the time of the parade and all maidens were getting themselves ready. They readied themselves with beautiful short attires as usual, beads hung around their neck and around their legs and hands to beautify themselves. They fixed their hair in beautiful styles each trying to make sure their hair stood among the crowd. It was the most important part of the dressing (It isn't a woman's crown for nothing). It was the day that the King's son, the crown prince to be specific, would pick his first wife from all the maiden's that would appear at the parade ground. Many girls looked forward to being picked along with their mother's constant encouragement on surely being the lucky one, trying to feel their atmosphere and spirit with debonair.

Of course, any mother would want their daughter to be picked because it brings a lot of benefit for the girl's parents. They are not just going to be the King's son wife but his first wife and the crown Prince not just one of the princes which is very vital to the Kingdom's growth. They would be given more lands to farm, more animals, better housing and above all fame and respect from the villagers. It was something too precious to miss.

Mayowa sat in her house with her sisters who were preparing for the day hoping and confident that one of them would be picked. Their house though small, was neatly arranged with a wooden table at the center of the sitting room with wooden chairs that were placed around it to entertain guests. It had two rooms inside while the bathroom and toilet were outside in which they shared with other members in the compound. Their father took one room while they, the girls managed the other. Her sisters, Ayo and Funmi had good materials that was fluffy and made with silk to make themselves comfortable while they fulfill nature's call why she had to bear with just a wrapper on the bare ground as "she didn't contribute enough to the family". At least, it is better than staying outside. Their rooms each had small mirrors that they used to look at themselves apart from the stream. Osu was one of the developed place in the region so they had quite some things that others didn't have as they were too expensive. They were rich and powerful. Well, leadership is key.

" Mayo, you aren't dressing up? The parade will start very soon or don't you want to be the crown Prince's first wife? " Ayo said with sarcasm while getting dressed along with her sister. Funmi was helping her with braiding her hair. Mayo didn't bother to answer. She just sat there waiting for her best friend, Denle to arrive. She wasnt ready to start any fight.

"Oh I know, it is because you know you will never picked. You know, you are actually wiser than I thought. It is better to not waste your time with something you can't get. I just learnt something from you" Ayo continued not minding if Mayo was listening or not.

"Ayo, just leave her alone. Let's focus on getting our wishes. One of us has to catch the Princes' eye. Lets not worry ourselves with unimportant things" Funmi who was the relaxed and more appealing one warned as she continued braiding her sisters hair.

But Ayo was having none of it as she continued to taunt her sister "Please Funmi, I am praising our elder sister here for knowing her place. It is not like what I am saying is wrong. Is it?" She sent a small glare to Mayo who this time decided to respond as well.

" Thank you for that. I appreciate it and you look beautiful by the way" Mayo said with a subtle tone hoping to get her sister to leave her alone.

"Of course, you are welcome. I am glad you know that I am more beautiful than you are. I have the very characteristics that is required of a maiden of Osu while you are probably the opposite" Ayo continued as she was not done yet.

"You know, now I know why mother didnt like you, its because you weren't up to standard and she couldn't help but hate you"

Mayo's face turned a bit sour at the mention of her mother. She felt bitter remembering the painful times she spent with her mother.

"Maybe it's because she hated herself. I did look like her" Mayo couldn't help not saying any thing in retaliation at the mentioning of her mother.

"Who cares? She still hated you because you are a good for nothing. You cant even help dad with little of his work. You couldn't help mom as well. You are just useless. I don't know how you ended up as the senior that is if you are a senior" she chuckled lightly. Funmi just kept on with what she was doing hearing both of them banter.

"At least I don't lie like both of you who trick father to think you are doing a lot of work but instead you divert his attention and get your boyfriend's to do the work while taking the credit knowing that father trust you" Mayo retaliated.

"Mayo!" Ayo screamed in anger before she said "well, who cares? As long as we get the work done. At least, we have someone to do the work, who do you have? nobody!! we have people who love us"

"Love you or love what you give?"

Ayo abruptly stood not minding her hair that was been worked on. She was full of rage due to the words that Mayo uttered. Funmi was also angry but in a subtle way. She let her sister handle it as usual.

Ayo stood walking very fast to Mayo as if ready to tear her who stood up as well not wanting to be intimidated.

"Look at you fat thing, telling me what is and what is not"

"I am not fat. I just have a good stature that brings out my shape and makes it look like Father is feeding me more unlike you who looks malnourished. I am perfect and sexy!"

With that, Ayo thrusted quickly to Mayo wanting to beat her up but Mayo knew better than to fight with her as she was weaker. She ran away quickly not wanting to be bruised or scarred. Ayo moved to follow her but her father stopped her who reprimanded and commanded her to get back to what she was doing as he was not ready for such fight on this day.

As any other parent in Osu he hoped one of his beloved daughters would catch the crown prince's eye (Funmi and Ayo to be specific). He made sure to prepare them with the necessary materials needed to beautify them while excluding Mayo as he didnt have hope she would. She didnt have the characteristics required of a maiden of Osu and didn't bother.

"Get back to work!" he commanded. Mayo on the other hand sat outside on the wooden chair at the back of their house waiting for Denle to arrive. She was nervous and excited as well.

In the palace, all the maids and workers involved in decoration were getting their work done. It was not only the Prince's parade but also his 18th birthday which would be held later in the day (Night to be specific) for all of the people of Osu to witness.

Prince Damilola was the fifth and crown prince of the kingdom. He was the favourite son of the King. In Osu, the king was allowed to choose whoever he would want to take over not minding who is first or second. The king had ten wives, a hundred concubine and thirty children who all came from his ten wives. He was a promiscuous man but he didnt want many children like his father as he didnt want to witness them kill themselves even though it was unnecessary. He decided to lessen his worry by having little children most especially for his beloved wife's children to be safe.

Prince Damilola was getting ready in his room. It was one of the biggest rooms in the palace after the King's. The palace was wide and beautiful filled with beautiful interior designs and flowers at each peculiar spot in the palace. Anybody who came in never wished to go. it was cool and comfy. Everything was unique with the ancient artifacts to the cool paintings down to the the beautiful carpets that were put at peculiar spots where it was needed like the entrance.

The crown prince was a little bit worried with everything. Though his father told him he didnt have to pick a bride, it was necessary to do the parade which he didn't want. He wasn't a shy person but he still didnt like getting in the public view especially when he knew he won't picking anyone as he wasn't ready for marriage yet.

The maids were helping him getting dressed while he kept staring at the mirror. His full hair was being combed up as his curls couldn't let it be combed any other way. They just had to loosen his curls to make it look neat and less rough. When they were done, he told them to leave while he stared at himself. He looked really handsome. His face soft and manly looked enticing with his full lips that would make any girl go crazy. His chocolate skin was dazzling in the sun that managed to escape his window into his room. His attire was neatly coaxed in fine linen. Unlike the villagers, the King's family were always dressed from the top the ground. He wore a blue shirt like attire that covered his chest completely with a long wrapper down below that was white in color and beautiful to match the top but no shoe. In Osu, nobody wore shoes not even the royal family. His perfectly built toes were out in the open with his long and clean nails shooting out of each toe. The maids did do a good job, he thought to himself.

Just as he was still admring himself, his father came in. He looked pleased.

"Oh my handsome son, you look so good, even more than I did on my first day"

"Thank you father but I am a bit nervous"

"Everyone is on their first day. No big deal" the King said.

"Dad, I want to ask something. Why did you choose me to be the crown prince, Akin would have done a better job not forgetting he is the oldest. is it because of mother?" Damilola asked as he turned from the mirror to look at his father.

"Well, yes and no. I know you will be perfect for the throne. Akun is to pumpous and can be quite strict with his decision even though it is affecting others and most of all he is self centered"

"What about Akin, he seems calm?"

" And that is why he is not okay. We need someone who is not soft minded to be able to rule "

"But aren't you worried that they might end up killing me for the throne? Putting Akun would have stopped it"

"Yes and I expect you to not relax and kill them if you have to. Did I tell you that I was the 25th prince and had to kill my ten of my brother's for the throne after my father had made me the next in line? With our system, there is no supposed to be death but with the jealousy and greed for the throne, it turns bloody and I don't expect you to back down even If it is someone close to you. I have crowned you already and you have to be ready for anything. Make sure you don't die unless the one who kills you will be the king and I am sure you don't want that right? it will be more than disgraceful" Damilola nodded in agreement.

"I know you will do well. Get ready for your parade and as I said, you don't have to pick one yet. You can test them out first" His father winked.

"Oh dad, you are quite shameless"

"That is who I am and I am not sad. I did my parade at 18 but tested out a lot of them for two years before I got married. So no more worries Dami, enjoy yourself. They are yours to enjoy and they can say nothing about it" Dami nodded in agreement knowing how shameless his father is. His father was about to leave when Damilola stopped him with a question "Father, why did you name me Damilola?"

His father looked slightly taken aback " Why, you don't like it?"

"I don't know, it just seems like a girls' name"

"Well, it was your mother's middle name and I also couldn't think of a name to give you. You know the rules, you are to name the child ten minutes after birth unless he will be without a name. I couldn't think of anything in nine months. All the names your mother suggested were not okay so I just gave you her name"

Damilola sighed "I just feel like a girl anytime I am called that. it makes me feel weak because girls are weak"

"No, don't say that. Your mom was very Strong. she fought alone side with me during one of our most important battles and she helped a lot"

Dami looked a bit shocked as he hadn't heard that part "Really? Tell me"

"No not now. Later. I have something urgent to do and I can't wait. I will see you" With that, his father left his room.

Damilola looked at himself for some minutes waiting for him to be called before he went out to look for his father again. He got to his father's chambers but didnt find him. He was always in his chambers especially in the mornings. He decided to search everywhere as he had something to give him. He forgot while talking to him and he didnt want to miss the chance to give him today. He was walking by when he heard his father's voice coming from a room and decided to enter. He was shocked to see what he saw. No that it wasn't usual but not at this time and day. His father didn't notice so he screamed unable to keep his shock intact
