
Moon of Wrath III

Translator: Irene_ Editor: Perriemix

I stood up slowly and gave the general a call.

"Where are you?" I asked. "Where is it now?"

"Give me a moment, I'll ask."

After a brief silence, he added, "Twenty more hours to reach the moon."

"Any problems so far? Actually, no, forget it, pass the phone to the expert," I instructed anxiously.

"Hi, sir," the expert greeted faintly.

"Any problems with the rocket?" I questioned.

"Nothing significant. In my humble opinion, guiding missiles is harder than this. Of course, I might be too full of myself since the mathematicians have contributed more. Their calculations helped a lot," he responded.

"Enough of these. How long would you guys need to create the second rocket?"

The expert fell silent and I could hear him scratching his head.

"According to this blueprint, if everything goes well with the first rocket, we'll just need the mathematicians to calculate the launch timing properly and we can build one a year."