

I don't really believe in people who tell tall tales,

oh, my name is toby by the way.

I had a hard time making friends in my school,now I know what you may be thinking I was a silent kid and your right.

I'm off track now, when I was around 10 at the time. On my way to school on my daily route, I noticed that a dead deer was placed in the middle of the sidewalk, brushing it off as a hit and run I continued on.

After school Tod and his gang surrounded me as usual, this time they gave me a black eye to go along with my bruised leg from last week.

Walking home I hold my eye.swollen and sore stopping looking at the place where the deer was, no blood no prints no nothing.

A bit terrified I rushed home, the next day my eye still black and blue was even worse, as I walked on my route this time a black tabby cat was stretched out on the concrete its green eyes staring at me as I stood there.

My eyes studied the large tabby, as I walked past the large tabby it meowed as it started to follow after me.

Reaching the school I rushed in to avoid Tod and his gang, something washed over me was it fear, no...worry?, my head started to spin as all I could think about was how the day would end.

Later an announcement was made in school stating this...

"Hello students," our principal said her voice sounded the utmost unpleasant.

"Whoever thought it was funny to take a rotten cat body and mutilated it will and forever be expelled from Junior-High...that is all."

The sound of the old speaker on the wall was enough to send a fresh wave of terror, asking to go to the nurse's office to get looked at my mind raced with so much thought that I was blinded by fear that I triped over one of my untied shoelaces.

Once I woke up I found my self in a dark area with only little light, getting up off the ground brushing myself off decided to walk to the light asking if anyone was there.

soon enough my feet felt heavy as I stopped halfway to the light a shadow emerged from the ground as I flinched at the thing before me, it was the tabby it looked at me with sorrow in its green deep eyes meowed turning it into a mangled corpse its eyes looked like they were plucked out and it's torn ears now clean off its small head.

Its once long black fur matted with blood and god knows what else started to run at me its sharpened teeth making an unnatural sound as they hit the other row of teeth, crying and praying for the first time in my life I woke up out of the nightmare.

noticing my right eye seemed like it was closed my mother embraced me in the medical bed looking worried she stroked my long brown hair happy for an unknown reason, asking what happened her cheerful look turned to fear and sadness as she held back tears...there was an accident killing my father and injuring me in the process I was told i lost my right eye as a chunk of car glass cut into the tissue...sending me into a coma for two years suffering heart attacks...

these stories are made by me, I have been working too much to be able to keep up with my other book The Egg.

LadySilverTearscreators' thoughts