
Prologue 1

What is love?

They say that it's a feeling of strong affection towards other some say it's a force of nature. But no one knows it's true nature. And still they believe in it.

But I know that Love is not just a feeling or affection towards other or just a force of nature. It's a living thing just like us it's always around us looking over us guiding us but never revealing what it truly is.

It reveals itself to those who work hard to find them. And the ones who actually find love can only explain its true nature.

And if you still believe that it's a feeling then tell me how u feel it, explain it to me cause I can't feel it.

I want to feel it.



And if you can't then I will find it myself and once I get my hands on it, I won't let it go. I will keep it to myself forever.


Her once dazzling blue eyes had lost its color. They silently kept on staring at the words she just wrote. Tears began to form at the corner of her eyes threatening to spill any moment.

Jennifer had given up on everything.

She believed that she was any other nameless soul that was destined to be alone forever.

It had been eight years since it happened and yet she couldn't forget about it.

Those sleepless night when she buried herself under the pillow trying to shut the voices of her parent's constant fighting.

Whenever they fought it was as if oxygen had been sucked out of her room.

Her mother's constant threats and outbursts froze her. She always felt unprotected, unloved, scared and lonely.

No one was there to comfort her. To love her.

She could never forget about it. She had lost herself.

But somewhere inside her she still had some fight left in her, and that's why she was going to find it the feeling she wants to experience.....