
Chronos' Legacy

In a quiet corner of the city, there lived a man named Leo with an unusual gift. He could see how long something or someone would last, like a timer ticking away above their heads. When he was young, he didn't understand what this meant, but as he grew up, he figured it out.

Leo became obsessed with the idea of living forever. He spent his whole life studying and working to increase his own lifespan. He was so focused on this goal that he ignored his friends and family, becoming a bit of a loner.

As the years went by, Leo became a brilliant scientist. He won awards and honors for his research in trying to find a way to live forever. He tested all sorts of methods on himself and even slowed down his aging compared to other people. But he still wasn't satisfied.

One day, Leo thought he had found the answer. He created a special formula that promised to make him immortal. He was overjoyed and injected it into himself. For a moment, he felt like he had achieved his dream, but then something went wrong. The indicator of his special ability turned red instead of green.

Leo's happiness turned to despair, and he started to change. He became moody and angry, he stopped taking care of himself. He tried everything to reverse what had happened, but it was too late. The formula had a terrible cost.

Leo locked himself in his lab and started to lose his mind. He wandered around like a zombie, not the person he used to be.

One day, his colleagues broke into his lab because they were worried about him. When they touched him, something terrible happened. Leo's condition spread to them, and they turned into mindless, hungry creatures.

From Leo's desperate quest to live forever came a terrifying apocalypse. The world had to face the consequences of messing with life and death. It was the day Leo's obsession with immortality unleashed an age of the living dead, a curse that haunted humanity for years to come.

First time!

shuprocreators' thoughts