
Bad Start to a Worse Day

My legs were starting to give from under me more and more with every step, zeds growing closer by the second.

"Damn house alarms, the hell do they work still?"

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me, the weight on my back about to knock me down. I had been lost in thought and climbed through a window without thinking about it and the blaring alarms nearly split my ears, cant imagine the zeds in the area are too pleased either. I tried to cut through the woods, fighting wasn't on my mind right now, not with the numbers, needed to lose a few first. Just then, one of them cut out from around a tree and ripped the arm off my jacket. I felt its nasty ass nails brush against my arm as I pulled my hammer from my back. Hammer, was generous, hell, weapon would be too, being honest it was a paint can full of rocks on a broom handle. I whipped around and bashed its head against a tree, paint can unfortunately flying off the handle of my "hammer" as it collided. I gripped the wooden handle tightly in my hand as I took off running again. I burst out from the line of trees into one of the cities in the area a few minutes later, nearly tripping on a parking block. Behind me their numbers were growing, thankfully I was a good distance away now so I turned down an alleyway hoping to lose them. My heart was racing, I was starting to hyper ventilate as the adrenaline started to wear off.

"Jesus, I didnt know there were that many in the area."

I tried to calm myself down to no avail before I pulled started sorting through all the junk id picked up to try to calm myself down. I knelt down a dropped the heavy bag off my shoulder to look through it. Id picked up a beat up motorcycle jacket that happened to fit me well back at a crash site, a nasty one at that, bus v chopper doesnt go well, who woulda thought. I had planned on saving it until my current raggedy jacket gave way but it seemed today was that today. I had also picked up a shoddy looking hammer for myself, an actual one this time, though it was just a hand hammer it was better than a broken handle so I slipped it onto my belt, flipping through my stuff i had a lot of odds and ends to sell among a few knives and gun parts. I kept looking through my bag to make sure none of the medication and food had fallen out anywhere. I put everything back in a better arrangement and closed up my bag. I threw the jacket on and tied my hair back up with one of the ties I had and slung my bag back over my shoulder. My anxiety had melted away as fast as it had built up.

I was pretty far from home now, I had taken off in the wrong direction after the alarm went off just in case a horde had followed, definitely not cause I have a terrible sense of direction and get lost often, it couldn't be that. The light started to fade from the sky.

"I better not let it get too dark."

So I walked slowly out from the alley and onto the sidewalk and started looking around to make sure it was safe, once I confirmed it was as safe as it could be I started walking from where I came, not through the woods this time.