
Shooter By Day, Zombie By Night

Zombie assassins, zombie cyborgs, zombie juggernauts, zombie clowns, zombie trains, zombie monster trucks, zombie puppets, zombies gods—it’s an endless amount of types to be honest. Zombies in all shapes and forms have started the zombie apocalypse on earth, and in just three days, they’ve caused havoc everywhere. Since it’s started, survivors who survived on the first day of day of the apocalypse gained supernatural abilities, able to aid them in their fight against these powerful zombies. 20 year old Rykei Takahashi a 3rd year in college who wasn’t really the strongest or fastest, survived, and gained destructive abilities, but also gained a unique attribute to stay in human form in the day time, and a zombie form at night. With both forms giving him different overpowered abilities, he takes on different types of high risk zombies, scenarios, and even zombie gods, all so he can find his girlfriend whom he lost in the apocalypse. Can he do it? Probably, I don’t know. I don’t spoil things.

Deleted_accou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

I Alone Devour Chaos

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a fiery glow over the desolate city of Yokohama, Rykei found himself seated in an open-roof jeep, rumbling through the abandoned streets alongside other armed members of the Horde. The air was thick with the smell of decay, mingling disturbingly with the tang of burning oil.

'I was assigned to find a missing member of the Horde who went MIA. Actually, that old man told me a few members who've gone out with groups have been missing, every time. It's been a call for concern, so I gotta escort this squad on their next run and search the last known locations of the members. Before I left, Seven watched me from a distance, not saying anything. She might be watching now, so I gotta go extra hard on this mission. I got only 4-5 hours before nightfall, and I became a zombie. I'm glad we're taking this mission early, so I don't have to turn around these people, and I'm pretty sure old man Yamato is aware of that.'

Mika, the driver and experienced scout, maneuvered the jeep expertly through the debris-strewn roads. Beside Rykei, Haruto checked his ammunition, the click of magazines slicing through the oppressive silence. The driver of the jeep, Mika has the sharp, assertive features of a seasoned leader. Her hair is a striking silver, cut into a short, jagged bob that flutters in the wind as she drives. She has piercing ice-blue eyes that scan the environment with an unyielding gaze. Mika wears a form-fitting black leather jacket adorned with patches and metal studs, a nod to her rebellious spirit. Beneath her jacket, she sports a crimson tank top. Strapped to her legs and arms are various holsters and sheaths for knives and small firearms, highlighting her readiness for any threat.

"Never gets easier, does it?" Haruto murmured, eyes scanning the shadowy buildings flanking them. Haruto is a tall, muscular figure with a serene yet focused demeanor. His hair is a deep blue, long and tied back in a loose ponytail that often whips around his face during combat. His eyes are a gentle brown, providing a warm contrast to his otherwise intimidating presence. Haruto wears a green tactical vest over a dark gray long-sleeve shirt, with multiple pockets and clips for ammunition and gear. His pants are reinforced cargo pants, and he sports sturdy black boots ideal for the rugged urban terrain.

Rykei shook his head, gripping the edge of his seat as a sudden movement caught his eye. Out of the shadows, a grotesquely elongated zombie dog lunged at the jeep, its jaws snapping ferociously. Takashi, stationed at the rear, swung his rifle and fired, the shot echoing loudly as the creature collapsed, mere inches from the tires.

"Remember the reports about Dr. Sato?" Mika called out over the noise of the engine, her eyes never leaving the road. "They say he was close to a breakthrough before he vanished."

"Yeah," replied Takashi, reloading his rifle. "Word is he actually synthesized a cure, but vanished with all his research. Could have been our ticket out of this nightmare." The group's sharpshooter, Takashi has a lean build and quick, observant eyes shaded forest green. He sports very short, spiky blonde hair that seems almost electrified, complementing his alert and energetic personality. A pair of sleek, night-vision goggles rests on his head, ready to be pulled down when needed. Takashi's attire consists of a black, sleeveless combat vest that shows off his tattooed arms, each tattoo telling stories of survival and loss. His lower wear includes black, ripped jeans and high-top combat boots, perfect for quick movements.

The wheels of the jeep crunched over broken glass as they turned a corner, revealing a group of small, child-like zombies that scurried towards them with alarming speed. Rykei watched, heart pounding, as Haruto and Mika coordinated their shots, dispatching the threats without breaking the jeep's pace.

"Dr. Sato got jumpy. Thought the Horde got too controlling, or so the gossip goes," Haruto added, wiping his brow after the last of the small figures fell.

Just then, a bizarre, monstrous shape emerged from a side alley, a zombie that seemed fused with parts of a car, its metal components whirring ominously. The jeep swerved, tires screeching, as the creature gave chase.

"Damn, that's one of those biomechanical aberrations!" Mika yelled, pushing the jeep to its limits. "Oof, I sound like a nerd."

Rykei exclaimed, "A ZOMBIE CAR?!"


As the zombie car gained on them, Rika, another member of the team, leaped from the moving jeep with a wild shout. Landing on the chasing monstrosity, she punched down hard, her fist sinking into what looked like a grotesque blend of flesh and spark plugs. With a final, ferocious effort, she ripped out key components, causing it to explode in a shower of blood and metal bits.

"HAHA! Serves you right!" 

Rika is fierce and fearless, her presence always commanding attention. Her hair is fiery red, long, and often styled in an elaborate braid that hangs over her shoulder. Her striking eyes are a vivid teal, glowing with determination and courage. Rika's outfit is a mix of practicality and flair wearing a short, fitted black leather jacket open to reveal a bright purple tank top. She has armored knee pads and a belt lined with various gadgets and explosives. Her heavy-duty gloves are capable of handling the rough edges of her weaponry.

Cheering broke out in the jeep, quickly silenced as the reality of their situation set back in. "Man, Rika never disappoints," Haruto exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Back to Sato," Mika said, steering them onto a safer street. "If he really has the cure, think of what that means. No more nights like this. No more watching our backs every second."

As they drove, the lights of their jeep flickered over graffiti-covered walls and shattered windows, the artistic echoes of a world lost to chaos. Somewhere nearby, the stench of rotting meat wafted through the air, a grim reminder of the city's fallen state.

Rykei remained silent, lost in thought about Dr. Sato's mysterious disappearance. He understood The scientist had joined the Horde, with promises of revolutionizing the fight against the zombie plague. Yet, his sudden disappearance left more questions than answers.

Mika looked at Rykei, and asked, "So, what's your story, new kid?"


"You're the only one I'm looking at."

They drove near some lingering slow zombies, and as they sped by them, Rykei sliced their heads off with his katana without looking. 

He grinned, "Hmph. This is all too easy."

The group clapped, saying:

"He did that without looking."


"He's so badass."

Rykei tried not to laugh, thinking, 'Yeah that's right! Wait, are they being sarcastic?'

Haruto stated, "Everyone says you're super strong in the zombie form of yours, but WE get to see first hand how strong you are when you're not in it!"

Takashi applauded, "Lucky us."

Mika smiled, "Hmmmm. This is gonna be an interesting one. Since you're with us, maybe we won't be the ones to turn up missing or lose a member."

Rykei asked, "It's happened every time?"

Rika added, "Every single time. It's more of them missing or just vanishing than dying. It's freaky."

Takashi strained his eyes, "Ghost zombie?!"

Rykei replied to Takahashi, "Hey it's possible I just saw a zombie car for the first time."

Haruto said, "So many groups within the Horde. Plus they have their own assassin group which is filled with former hitmen, a group of tankers, groups of former football players with football magic or something. It's weird, there's so many. But Yamato never sends them out for scouting missions."

"Guess it's due to the MIA shit that's happening. Those types of group seem like trump cards. So I'm guessing you all are a part of the regular scouting groups?"

"Yeah. Every mission we've been on, someone goes missing. It mostly happened with us."



"Oh nothing."

Rykei thought, 'I'm not the brightest guy in the world, but something weird is going on. Earlier they mentioned scouts have gone missing, like completely vanished. And they're giving me the impression they haven't noticed or seen anything that would give them any leads of them just vanishing. But now they're saying it's been happening with them mostly, and you mean to tell me they don't know shit? Should I say something now? Should I wait? I guess I should wait. Who knows what they have up their sleeve.'

The jeep ride was silent, no one said anything. Rykei's heart pounded, no one dared look at each other. It was like this for 4 minutes straight.


Everyone leaped in the air, Rykei twisted in the air with his gleaming katana, his eyes glowing a white color. Mika, Rika, Haruto, and Takashi leaped with him, attacking him.

Mika had ice spikes grow from her hands, and she got them at Rykei. Rykei slashed through them easily, and before he could slash Mika in the neck, Takashi threw a punch with his glowing blue fist, but Rykei stabbed through his fist with his Katana, twisted, planted the heel of his foot on the back of his neck, and slammed his face in the ground, causing a loud stomp, and Takashi's head squished into gruesome blood.  

"Takashi!!!" Rika screamed.

'Shit! We underestimated him! The Jester is going to be so pissed!'

Mika and Rika darted towards Rykei together. Mika created an ice bow, and shot explosive ice arrows; following suit, Rika screeched and a large orb of black and yellow flames came out of her mouth. They shot it constantly and rapidly, but Rykei dodged them and sliced them with his katana. 

Mika said, "Rika! Where's Haruto—?!"


Rykei dashed beside them, his arm large and formed into a red and black crystalline structure, and a barrel opened at the end, and the crystalline gun on his arm was whirring. Rykei was smiling, planting fear in Mika and Rika's eyes.


The gun blasted, and it obliterated Mika and Rika, making them both explode In blood, they're body parts dropping to the ground.


Rykei was struck in the back with a blow dart, the same one that knocked him out earlier. 

"Agh..not again." Rykei fell to the ground.

'How are these able to knock me out so easily?'

Haruto was walking with a cheery look, saying, "Mika, Rika, Takashi. You should've seen this coming, right? I mean, only will I get the blessing of the Jester. Why would I agree with splitting it with the likes of you? Deliver enough sacrifices and gain small amounts of the blessing. Deliver the hybrid kid that god wants, and get the full blessing. I want that full blessing. Haha..this was so easy. All I had to do was stand back and just watch the madness unfold.  Why did you think it was my idea to attack him first instead of knocking him out? I'm talking to corpses, I'm going crazy."

In the murky depths of a cave-like enclosure, illuminated by the eerie glow of luminescent fungi, lay Rykei, unconscious and sprawled across the damp floor. The air was musty, thick with the scent of decay and old carnival musk, reminiscent of a world long forgotten beneath the chaos of uproarious laughter and screams.

'Stinks In here like always.' Haruto thought to himself.

Haruto stood resolutely by Rykei's side, his expression a cocktail of apprehension and determination. A figure drew near, its steps light and almost merry, conflicting starkly with the gravity of the surroundings. A little boy appeared first, his face painted like a clown, donned in a colorful suit, all smiles, and innocent malice.

"Isn't it just a splendid day for a revelation?" the boy chimed, his voice unnervingly cheerful amidst the shadowy backdrop.

"You again? I thought I shot you in the head last time, you little devil. You act just like your brother R—."

The ground trembled subtly, and with a theatrical slam, the boy was pushed aside by an overwhelming presence. It was the Zombie Clown Jester, emerging from within what looked like an ancient, oversized jukebox that served both as his portal and throne. This intimidating figure stood tall, his garb a patchwork of faded velvet and shiny silk, littered with bloodstains and grime. His face was a grotesque mask of makeup; smeared red paint  stretched into a wide grin, eyes hollow yet burning with a maniacal glint. From his head sprouted tufts of multi-colored hair, tangled and wild.

Haruto stood his ground, despite the instinctual chill that ran down his spine. "Jester," he greeted with a nod, attempting to mask his trepidation.

'A Pillar of that zombie god they've been talking about, the Jester. We've been paying people within the Horde to deliver other members of the Horde to give up one of their members to gain some extra power within crystals that the Jester has us eat. Every delivery the Jester mentioned a hybrid zombie boy that god wants, and here we have it. This is my lucky day!'

The Jester's laugh echoed through the cavern, a sound both captivating and chilling. "Haruto, my dear boy! Back again? But this time, you bring me a gift truly worthy of divinity!" His gaze fell hungrily upon Rykei's form.

"I always deliver what you seek," Haruto replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "Enough sacrifices for fragments of your blessings... But he," he gestured towards Rykei, "is the hybrid child. The one you've been waiting for. He can turn into a zombie at night, and human by day. I've seen it. Heard it."

"Ah, the hybrid!" The Jester clapped his hands in delight, the sound sharp like snapping bones. "A curiosity, a marvel... I wonder why god himself baffles at your essence, dear boy," he mused, stepping closer to observe Rykei.

Turning back to Haruto, the Jester's tone shifted, cunning lacing his words. "And you think bringing him to me will grant you the full blessing? To bask in the entirety of our God's arcane prowess?"

"That's the deal, isn't it?" Haruto's eyes flickered with a mix of greed and fear. "Complete understanding, control, and power... everything you've promised in exchange for order and essence extraction."

"Indeed, it is," the Jester acknowledged, circling around Rykei like a predator. "For god to digest this rare essence fully, we must draw it out delicately. Such a process ensures the cosmos aligns with our whispered chaos. The essence of a hybrid could illuminate mysteries even god hasn't unraveled."

Haruto watched as the Jester bent down, his fingers hovering inches above Rykei, not yet touching, yet seemingly extracting something ethereal. "What do you feel from him?" Haruto asked, unable to conceal his curiosity.

"Aaah," the Jester hummed, straightening up. "Potential. Raw, chaotic potential. It's deliciously overwhelming. This boy could either be our downfall or our ascendance. But for I am just a Pillar, whatever god chooses, I will the Pillar to hold up his divine choices, hehe.."

"Back to business. Where's my reward?" Haruto pressed, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Patience, my dear Haruto. Patience," the Jester chided softly. "First, we must perform the extraction. Only then will your transformation begin. Imagine, Haruto, the power to control Zomanity itself, to command the legions... your loyalty to our cause has always been... entertaining."

As the procedure began, the Jester's hands danced with an unnatural speed, weaving in and out of the air as if pulling at invisible strings tied to Rykei's soul. Haruto watched, fascinated and horrified as the essence visibly began to coalesce into a shimmering orb above Rykei.

The cave resonated with the Jester's eerie laughter, a sound that promised madness and power intertwined. Rykei, still unconscious, remained unaware of the pivotal role he was playing in a game as ancient and as terrifying as the gods themselves.

Haruto, clenching his fist, said, "….I'm getting a little pissed."

The eerie glow intensifying, the cavern thrummed with the power extracted from Rykei, his limp form still lying motionlessly on the floor. Haruto's eyes, wide with the dual fires of greed and desperation, fixated on the shimmering orb of essence.

"Jester, I've done what was asked. Now, I demand the full blessing, as promised!" Haruto's voice echoed assertively against the damp stone walls.

The Jester turned, his bloodstained lips curling into a benevolent smile, "Oh, Haruto, always so eager. We must first ensure the essence is suitable. Such power cannot be granted hastily."

"But you've seen its power already!" Haruto argued, his fists clenching at his sides. "I've waited long enough. You've made a fool of me for the last time."

The slight tilt of the Jester's head belied the growing impatience. "Temper, temper, dear boy. I assure you your reward will come... in time."

With each evasion, Haruto's anger flared afresh. "No more waiting! Guess I'll have to force it out of you!" In a sudden burst of rage, Haruto dropped to all fours, his form shrouded in a glowing, bull's essence, the spirit of the animal red and seething, pulsating with each beat of his heart.

"I know you aren't gonna give me the blessing! I've been around you too much that I know you're a trickster. You're literally in a fucking jukebox!"

"Ooooh, it's about time you used that dumb head of yours! Do you think we'd share our full glory with humans? You'd die. That's too much power."

"You bastard!"

Charging forward, Haruto's movements echoed the fury of a mighty bull, his horns aiming directly at the Jester. However, despite his seemingly swift attack, the Jester smoothly dodged each attempt, gracefully, almost mockingly, shifting side-to-side. His jukebox slid on a freshly formed trail of blood, slick and smooth across the cave floor, enhancing his elusive maneuvers.

"Oh, Haruto, you really think such brute force will sway me?" The Jester teased, his voice dripping with amusement. "You're playing in leagues that are beyond your measure. I am a Pillar of god! We share 10% of his true power!"

Infuriated, Haruto attempted another rush, more forceful this time, the ground beneath him cracking under the supernatural force. Yet again, the Jester sidestepped nimbly, laughing louder with each dodge.

Realizing mere force wouldn't suffice, Haruto let out a potent roar, the cavern reacting to his rage with a tremble, small rocks and dust falling from the ceiling. The Jester, however, remained tantalizingly out of reach.

Suddenly, in a fluid motion as elegant as it was deadly, the Jester conjured forth a huge, glowing red scythe, its blade slick with an otherworldly, bloody sheen. "Enough of this game," he sighed, and with a swift, sharp swing, he sliced Haruto cleanly in two.

The halves of Haruto's body fell to the ground, and without a pause, the Jester's mouth, unnaturally large and grotesque, opened to consume the remnants in one gruesome spectacle. The essence of death mingled with the metallic tang of blood filled the air as the Jester chuckled, satisfied.

'Last time, the zombie brat woke up from loud noise and destruction…he should be waking up right now..'

"Wake up..Rykei! Kill this bastard-!"

He was fully eaten.

Just then, Rykei stirred, his eyes fluttering open to the nightmarish scene before him. Ignorant of fear, he lunged toward the Jester with a vengeful scream, his every muscle tensed for battle.

'What the hell?! Why do people keep knocking me out and bringing me places?! And what's this big ass clown in a jukebox? A zombie?!'

"Be consumed," the Jester whispered with a sinister smile just as he gestured towards the ground beneath Rykei.

A sudden, gaping pit of darkness opened where Rykei stood. He fell before his fists could meet their target, his scream echoing up the abyss as he descended into the unknown depths, the Jester's laughter resounding like a death knell in the cavernous room, the chilling echo a promise of relentless dread and despair.

Rykei's descent into the abyss seemed infinite, a plummet through veils of darkness that clung to him like cold whispers. As he fell, the void around him began to flicker intermittently with flashes from his past, scenes playing out like distant echoes on the walls of this subterranean hell.

The first memory bubbled up unexpectedly, his fifth birthday party, laughter filling the backyard as a clown crafted animals from balloons, twisting the thin rubber into life. Rykei had watched, fascinated and a little afraid, as the clown's smile never reached his eerie, painted eyes.

Next, he recalled a summer camping trip; his father showing him how to light a fire, explaining patiently, "Fire is essential, son, a friend and a foe. It must be respected." The fire had danced in his father's eyes, mirroring the controlled flames that crackled under the dark, expansive sky, stars watching silently.

Another memory scene, his mother in their kitchen, her hands moving deftly as she chopped vegetables for a stew. "Always prepare more than needed," she'd said. "You never know who might need feeding." Her voice was calm, the knife flashing methodically under the kitchen's warm light. "Even you will get hungry from time to time."

Then there was the eerily quiet afternoon at school, walking home as dark clouds gathered unexpectedly overhead, casting the world in a premature twilight. His teacher's parting words echoed in his mind, "Remember, darkness can't exist without light."

A memory from his teenage years then surfaced; a biology class discussing genetics. His teacher, Mr. Helding, had passed around diagrams of DNA strands, muttering something about potential and mutations. "Nature has its anomalies, doesn't it?" he had said cryptically.

Then came a seemingly inconsequential memory, he and his friend sneaking into an old film theater, the screen crackling to life, an old movie about ancient gods and forgotten worlds. The images had flickered, grainy and surreal, as if hinting at truths hidden in plain sight.

A winter's day flashed before him; a thick blanket of snow suffocating the city. His grandmother had peered out the window, her voice a soft murmur, "Nature also decides to reset, cleanse itself sometimes, don't forget that."

Now, his high school graduation day under a starkly azure sky. His principal's speech carried over the crowd, "What you become influences the world; each of you is a vital stitch in the fabric of our reality."

A weekend spent at an aunt's farm, where a scarecrow stood sentinel in the failing light. "It's not just birds it scares," his aunt had chuckled, but her eyes were somber, "Sometimes, it's about keeping deeper, unseen things at bay."

Then his life flashed to a more recent memory, a dinner that now seemed to shimmer with shadows of deeper meaning, the last dinner he shared with his girlfriend Seven, his parents, and her parents. Conversations had ebbed and flowed, laughter mingling with the clink of silverware and glass. Seven had squeezed his hand under the table, smiling, her eyes reflecting the candlelight and something else unspoken. A tear traveled down his cheek, unbidden, born not just from the memory but the weight of all he was reliving.

With the weight of these cascading memories, Rykei's descent slowed. 

'These memories…memories I've always clung to. The people I connected with. My parents, Seven, friends, those were when my memories were strongest. Why show me these now? This void, it's showing me everything. I kept the memories I stuck with close to me after high school,  because after that, after losing both of my parents, all I had was Seven. I felt so lonely, but with her, I didn't feel so bad. This is why I wanted Seven to know it's really me. Because right now..i feel so alone. And for a world like this, it's fatal. But I won't give up here. I can't. She needs me.'

The void began to rumble, and Rykei's eyes glowed a bright red. He looked down, and gasped.

He saw a black egg, floating in the middle of the void. He sensed something in it, but didn't know what it was.


Just then, something from the egg spoke, saying, "Grow the horn of Ken."

"I don't wanna be rude, but the horn of who—?!"


As if triggered by the intensity of those words, an explosive force suddenly emanated from within him. The spectral images shattered as Rykei was propelled upwards, his body surging through the darkness like a comet returning from the depths of space.

"AGHHHHHHH! Wait! Wait! Too fast!"

He burst forth from the dark pit, not just as the scared young man who had fallen but as something more, armed with the fragmented insights of his recalled life. The Jester awaited, his infernal grin wide, almost welcoming.

"Welcome back, dear Rykei, ready to embrace your fate?" the Jester taunted, laughter tingeing his words. "Wanna tell me how you got out—."

He gasped, seeing what Rykei had.

Rykei was standing there, slouched over as his body was covered in a red aura. He had a zombie flesh-like horn on the side of his head, and his eyes glowed red, and above him, was a large astral spirit being of an old woman above him. 

Rykei grinned maliciously, "Ready to fight or what?"

The Jester, surprised, started to chuckle, saying, "Haha..haha…HAHA! That old fart! Dead, but still here! But howwww?! Ohhh this will definitely alarm god! That horn…the horn from the gods relatives…that old woman..a descendant of god who was banished from our realmâ…how how how?! With this, we can finally have a catastrophic level clash!!"

Rykei sneered with astonishment, walking forward, he cut his own arm, and allowed blood to drop on the ground, saying, "Wake up."

At that moment, the zombie spider Antraella rose from his blood, and the zombie monkey assassin, tainted in blood, staring at the Jester.

The Jester chuckled, "That witch woman gave you the power of necromancy as well! What gives?!"

The witch woman vanished slowly, leaving Rykei's presence. Up above, watching on a cave ledge, was the little clown boy from earlier. He swung his feet like a child, smiling, and eating something unfamiliar.