

Third Person

Claude's eyes grew big at the mention of two familiar names.

"Vale and Valir?! Are you certain? You don't know the story between the two, do you?" Claude inched closer to her.

"No, but I do know that they are brothers, and one of them who marries me will become the king of my kingdom, while the other rules their own." She explained whilst twisting the screwdriver to tighten the screws of her gun.

"No, both of them do not go in good terms and don't agree in almost everything. So it's pretty much impossible for them to agree on this marriage of yours. Kimmy, you are in danger." Kimmy was shocked and immediately stopped her actions.

"Well, guess I'll be dead, real soon." She shrugged the thought off, even when fear is consuming her. What could happen to her in the future kept swirling in her mind.

"No, I won't let that happen." Claude stood from the bed and crouched in front of Kimmy, he held on her shoulders and looked at her straight in her eyes. "I won't let that happen, I'll take you everywhere, anywhere, just to keep you safe. That's a promise, darling." He inched closer, causing Kimmy to blush in a deep shade of red. Just as their lips were about to touch and eyes about to close, a loud snore ruined the moment. The two looked at the bed and saw the little monkey, hand hanging on the bed frame, sounding sleepily. They laughed it off, Claude helped Kimmy finish her jetpack and gun, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Kimmy woke up from the bright light radiating from the sun. She gently stood up and saw Claude and Dexter sleeping.

"Hey, wake up, we need to go or else we'll be in danger if we stay longer." She lightly tapped on his cheek, but Claude only shuffled and groaned.

"Claude, wake up-" Kimmy was cut off by Claude pulling her by the arm, Claude awakened and sat on the bed, pulled her and made her sit on his lap.

"I had a nightmare." He whispered on her ear, as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

"What did you dream of?" She asked, trying to hide her blush.

"I saw you walking away from me, and you kissed that bastard Vale. I want to punch his face so bad." He groaned more.

"What is it to you anyway?" Kimmy laughed it off and stood from her position.

"Let's go! That was the best sleep I've ever had! Man, I'm starving!" Claude snapped out, and Kimmy could only agree.

They travelled far from the town to another town. They did the same as what they did the day before, practicing stealing from store to store, almost getting caught because of Dexter. Only this time, its tail got stuck on a door when they were running away from the guards that was looking from them both. Soon, they got into another forest a mile away from the town that they were in. That's where they built a tent to stay and a campfire to keep warm. The decided to stay in the forest so they could train. Kimmy showed Claude how her jetpack and gun works, she showed him her skills that made Claude watch in awe. And so, Claude did the same, leaving Kimmy in double shock because she saw how skillful he and Dexter was. Night soon came, and they decided to lay by the grass and watch the moon and stars that glimmer in the dark sky. They talked about a lot of things about themselves. Kimmy got to know more about Claude, and so did Claude about Kimmy. When they felt tiredness, they went into their tent and snuggled in their warm blankets, and soon was driven to sleep.