
「 Totsuki Academy 」

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Akira looking at his grandmother with an unbelievable stare.

" I'm serious, do you want to enrolled in the Totsuki Academy that I've talked about before?" Sabeki asked her grandson once more.

"It's boring, I don't like school, learning general lessons are just pointless. And why would you spend thousands of yen just to do that, i bet i can cook better than anyone else there." Akira answered with confidence while washing dirty dishes at the sink.

"Hah~, you really didn't listen to me at all when I told you about Totsuki Academy, didn't you? I'm gonna prepared all the documents for you to enter that Academy and get out of this place."

Sabeki said while sighing.

"Oi Grandma, you haven't even heard my opinion about it !!!" Akira shouted to his grandmother.

"Shut up! Why don't you just listen to me for this time! Your arrogant ass would get whooped if you still have that mentality when you working in my restaurant." Said Sabeki while shouting at her grandson.

"Whatttt!!! What do you mean by that!?" The two of them debated each other all night, but in the end, Akira lost the debate that night.


In the side of the road, there is a young man with orange hair and a unique hairstyle, he has dark reddish-orange eyes and a mixed face of Asian and European.

This young man wore a white shirt unbuttoned and tuck out of his pants, a black blazer with a white stripe on the side, a loosened red tie, and the black inner shirt that could be seen, he wore a black pants and folded to his knees, wearing a cheap flip flops, he looks like a dropout student.

That's non other than Akira.

Akira usually didn't care about his appearance at all, but because of a certain old hag who said that a great looks is important as a chef, he was always tidied up, so that his face and haircut were pretty neat.

"Hah ~, that egoistical old hag always forced me about something, she need to be more careful about his health. "

Akira muttered while on his way to the Totsuki Academy.

Akira carried a suitcase, but the suitcase isn't contained cooking utensils, it consisting brushes, brushes, and brushes. Basically all type of brushes and some other special ingredients that he always brought as a unifying flavor that usually he use to a certain recipe.

'Academy, huh? I can imagine it being the unbelievably boring school filled with old heads as a teacher, why should I go to school like that? Tsk!'

When Akira was still walking while closing his eyes, he suddenly saw students wearing blue clothes kneeling.

"I failed the follow-up test !!!" said one of the young men while screaming up.

"My life is over, it's over," said another young man while kneeling, frustrated.

"I'm begging you, I'll pay anything, please withdraw my child's expenses."

Akira who saw that put on a confused and thinking face.

'What is this situation? Is this some kind of drama or what?' He thought

Then he saw the red-haired young man in front of him.

"Oi, what's this?" Akira asked the red-haired young man.

"Ah, I don't know either." The young man murmured.

Then realized they had not known each other, Akira immediately handed his hand.

"I'm Hyoujou Akira, nice to meet you," Akira said.

Seeing Akira's hand, the red-haired young man introduced himself.

"I'm Yukihira Souma, nice to meet you too." Souma answered while shaking Akira's hand.

After that the two of them looking at the mountain in front of them. It is a very high mountain and the are of Totsuki Academy, the best culinary school in Japan.

"Want to go inside together?" Akira asked.

"Ah, I need to call my father first." Souma said.

"Oh, then I'm gonna go first, see ya later Yukihira." After that, Akira left Souma who seemed to be calling his father.

Akira briefly stopped and looked up at the top of the mountain.

"My first goal in this school is to painting the landscape of Totsuki, through my cooking."

After that, Akira starts walking in.


'Agggh, i'm lost, i'm clearly lost right now, after all, what kind of rich people that build a school in this mountain, this is crazy.'

That's right, Akira is lost, he got lost, he couldn't find the examination place at all, but after asking officers who were wearing a formal clothes, he is then directed to the examination place.

"This is the place, the test will take place inside," said the guard.

"Ou, Thank you Ossan." Akira said, then he entered the room, and it turned out that it was very crowded, but suddenly those people ran towards him, Akira who knew nothing caught off guard by that.

' Hah?!?! Oi, What is this!! Why did they run towards me? What's going on? '

Akira's face startled and sweaty until he realize that they didn't run towards him, but they run from something while shouting and screaming.

Then when Akira was still confused about the situation, he saw a familiar face from distance, the red-haired young man, Yukihira Souma.

"Oi Yukihira, we meet again." Akira said, waving at Souma.

"Aa, Akari?" Souma replied politely, but Akira just casually answered.

"Hyoujou Akira, my goodness, we just introduced ourselves to each other and you've forgot my name already." Akira said.

" Ahaha my bad, my bad. " Souma laughing sheepishly.

" By the way, what happened?" Akira asked while looking at the two girls who were, flirting on each other?

"I don't know." Souma answered. then Souma stepping forward and opened his mouth.

"Cook anything as long as the ingredients are eggs right?"

When the pink-haired woman realized that there are other people in the room other than the two of them, she looked, and the orange-haired woman also turned her eyes to Akira and Souma.

Her eyes trembling slightly.

'Me? Have a challenger? '


"As long as you two use Egg as your main ingridients, you can make anything, but, are you sure you want to do it?"

Said the woman with orange hair.

"Well, thank God, I think you will fail me before I cook."

"Get away !!!"

While the three of them quarreled, Akira only focused on his on with a serious expression. He opened his suitcase on the table.

Akira then preparing 4 brushes that he will use to make the dish that he's gonna serve to Erina.

'Eggs, that's an incridebly versatile ingridients, let's see ~ What can we make out of this. '

Akira smiles maniacally as he sees those beautiful brushes in his hand, the 4 brushes he will use including Round, Fan, Flat, and Rigger brush.

""Stop fooling around!!! "" The two girls yelled at Souma, while Akira was still focused on his brush and preparing

"And also you!!! What are you doing, this is a kitchen for you to cooking, not painting! why are you carrying so many brushes for!?!?" The pink-haired woman known as Arato Hisako yelled at Akira.

" If you just here to wasting Erina-sama's time then you can bring your brushes and get out of this place! "

When Arato said that, Souma and Erina also turned their gazes towards Akira, whose still facing his back, busy with his own world. He didnt seems care at all.

"And? Do you have a problem if I cook using a brush?" Akira said, he looked back at Arato with a thin smile on his face, it left Arato spechless cause that is confidence.

'Those eyes, he is serious!' Arato thought.

While everyone fell silent, Erine suddenly opened her mouth.

"Then you two, I'll taste your level two dish so be grateful!"

Erina said arrogantly.

"With pleasure!" Souma said.

Meanwhile, Akira just ignored her and entered his own world, he wore the black headband that he took from his suitcase to avoid his bangs blocking his vision, he immediately entered a whole another level of focus as his eyes involuntarily glowed orange.

It is a unique abnormal state of mind of adrenaline rush where someone reach their peak of performances whether Its in sport, art, or can be absolutely everything. In Akira case it's his cooking and painting. Some people call it Zone or In flight.

Everyone at some point has reached this abnormal state, but for Akira. He can enter this stage at anytime he wants, of course it came with some consequences.

And as Akira started cooking, an hour has passed and Souma has finished his dish. It is called Furikake Gohan literally means Rice with Seasoning. Which is a very basic dish.

But Erina and Arato caught off guard when Souma sprinkled some kind of a gelatin on top his dishes which were the main idea of his dish, Transforming Furikake Gohan. But after tasting Souma's dish, Erina said that it was disgusting, which makes Souma surprised.


After that, Erina whose face still blushed turned her gaze to Akira who hasn't even finishing his dish.

"Are you not done yet? Hmph, if you can't even make a simple egg dish that can please me, just go away."

After that, without answering or refuting, Akira looking down at the three of them before he opened his mouth.

"Behold!" Akira said with a cold voice while putting a plate of his food, no that's quite an understatement to just called it a beautifuly presented food. You can even called it a Painting at this point.

Erina, Arato, and Souma who saw Akira's dish widened their eyes in disbelief.
