
shogun of wano

Kozuki Isshin, the elder brother of kozuki sukiyaki, didn't get the title of shogun. A mysterious figure who has his frail body filled with scars but has a serene smile on his face, standing even taller than his brother and a full grown oden. He becomes the shogun due to some unforeseen circumstances, find out how he stands out from others and his disturbing yet fascinating past.

godlyarrogantz_305 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 17 -Meeting

Isshin walked the quiet and peaceful hallway to the exit of the castle where the garden was located.

He passed by bulky armor, magnificent katanas, and elegant calligraphy but nothing grabbed his attention anymore.

He had everything, money, women, smarts, strength, reputation, will, respect, and authority but he lacked thrill, he lost interest in everything very soon due to his talents, which made his get bored easily, that's why he wanted to go beyond wano, see if there were magicians that could destroy the world, people who could swim underwater and create fire and ice, make and destroy landscapes as the records before wano isolated told.

He didn't have anything, particularly tying him to wano, he didn't particularly have the type of patriotism he should have as a kozuki nor boasted about his lineage.

He wanted his life to be chaotic, constantly filled with battles and adventures, action, and maybe even love.

He entered the garden with all the thoughts going through his mind but as soon as he saw a girl almost his age sitting elegantly and quietly he had a smile.

" ooh so you're my 'fiance ' huh?" isshin said his face almost touching hers.

She barely looked phased but saw straight into his eyes and said in a cold voice " I am Chiyo Hiroshi, daughter of the slaughtering vassal Kai Hiroshi, I have been said to be engaged to you Isshin sama...."

" you're no fun...." isshin said his smile vanishing and sitting down before her.

" so Chiyo tell me what are your hobbies ?"

" kunai training, martial arts, reading, and brewing tea," she said now sipping on some tea she got from somewhere.

" Ohh into martial arts huh? I would be interested in a duel how about it?"

" you are kozuki isshin, the heir of the kozuki family and future shogun of the land of wano, even if it's a spar my family's reputation will decrease for putting hands-on isshin sama"

" yea whatever "

"but do tell me more about yourself, it looks like you have some interesting stories too"

" I don't have any stories, other than the time I swam to the cliff of wano, there are huge fish there so I grabbed one and ran away before the guardians catch me hahaha!"

Chiyo stared unimpressed and went back to drinking her tea

" I do have other stories and stuff but I can't say that to a girl," isshin said disinterestedly

" well this girl is your future wife if you like it or not, it's not like I am head over heels for you, it's just my responsibility to my father who wants to see me have a good future "

" .....you're marrying someone who you don't love because of someone else's feelings?"

" that someone else is my father..and the hardships he had to face when I was born to raise me will never be filled."

" Isn't he supposed to do that? once he had you are his responsibility "

" you have an interesting viewpoint but no "

" hmmm"

This back and forth conversation went on till evening until Kai came and left with Chiyo while isshin went to the forest cliff to get his mind of the woman that wouldn't leave his mind