
Chapter 4

{Lexi} 'So, wanna bet?' She smirks.

{Olivia} 'Hell no.'

{Lexi} 'You're no fun...'

Olivia shrugs.

Dan runs at me, delivering a punch.

I quickly duck, and move behind him. I punch him in the back and then kick his knee, making him stumble forward.

{Olivia} 'Wow, he knows how to fight..on second thought, I'll bet you a hundred bucks.' She smirks.

{Lexi} 'Deal.' She smirks, back. They both shake on it.

Dan gets up, and charges straight back at me. He delivers punch after punch directly onto my face.

"Gah!" I flinch a lot.

He slams me into the nearby wall, and continuing to deliver blow after blow.

{Lexi} 'Huh, now where's my money?' She smirks at Olivia.

{Olivia} 'No, Brady!' She yells, with tears forming in her eyes.

Dan continues, starting to some draw blood from my face, and my eyes turning black.

{Olivia} 'Stop it, please!' She steps forward a bit.

Dan punches me into the ground.

"Gah!!" I scream in pain.

Dan starts laughing, and gently presses his foot against the back of my head. He slowly puts some more pressure in the back of my skull.

{Olivia} 'Please, I'll do whatever you want. Just please leave him alone!'

{Dan} 'Whatever "I" want, huh?' He smirks.

{Olivia} 'Yes..' She says quietly.

I try pushing myself, back up to my feet.

Dan removes his foot from my skull, and slams it into my back.


{Dan} 'You'll find out later then..' He smirks.

I open my eyes, and electricity erupts from my body. I move my free hand just a little bit, blasting Dan with the erupting electricity. I push myself up, and turn to him, Lexi, and Olivia. I see fear in their eyes.

{Olivia} 'Brady..?'

The electricity fades, I step back, while being confused of what just happened, with my heart racing.

{Dan} 'You're a freak!' He and Lexi quickly walk off.

"Are you ok..?" I ask Olivia, while looking away.

{Olivia} 'Yeah, are you..?'

I shake my head. "What's happening to me?"

{Olivia} 'I don't know..but thank you.' She runs up and hugs me, tightly. 'I'll help you figure all of this out, too.' She smiles.