
Chapter 1: The beginning

March 8th, 2050

The ground begins to rumble, with lightning ragging across the midnight sky. Guards would be scattered around a collapsed building, well, more precisely a kingdom. A fallen kingdom. Guards run out of the dungeon, kept below the entire kingdom and only few were allowed access to it. A King and a Queen run out of a building, the queen would be holding onto a young girl, their daughter. The kings' name is Mark, and the Queens' name is Jessica. The king would have a golden crown on his head, a long bronze, broadsword strapped to his back, that covers a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants that would covered with golden armor. The queen would have a long white dress on, a golden crown on her head, covering her beautiful blonde hair. She would also be wearing white heals, with a strip of gold on them. Lightning strikes a couple buildings inside the kingdom, bursting them into flames.

The guards help the people get out to safety, the queen tightly holds onto her child. Mark starts to head back into the kingdom after seeing his loved ones safe and out of the kingdom. Jessica grabs his arm.

{Jessica} 'Mark, where the hell do you think you're going?!'

{Mark} 'I have to help get the remaining people out of the kingdom!'

{Jessica} 'Just leave them!'

{Mark} 'No, I can't! If I do that makes me no better than the people that attack us!' Mark yanks his arm out of his wife's grip, and he runs back into the kingdom.

He runs up to a few of his guards looking up at a freshly lit rage of fire on the middle level of the royal palace. Mark looks at two of his most trusted guards.

{Mark} 'Jeff and Larry, follow me!' He charges inside of the palace, quickly followed by his guards wearing white and gold painted onto their armor. One holds a metallic spear, the other holds a metallic sword and shield.

They get onto the middle floor, starring at a gateway, flooded with electricity. A man, surrounded by electricity, stands inside of it, and looks up at Mark. Their face or any part of their body would be barely visible, they'd also be holding something.

{?} 'Marrrkk..' They'd have a strong chance raspy voice.

{Mark} 'You know who I am?' He questions them.

{?} 'Yesss..'

{Mark} 'Who are you?'

{?} 'Someone..who's on your side..'

{Mark} 'Oh?'

{?} 'There's a war coming..and our world is about to fall...'

{Mark} 'Your world?'

{?} 'The Electric Realm..'

{Mark} 'Electric Realm?' The name would sound very familiar to him.

{?} 'You familiar with it?'

{Mark} 'Yes, very familiar with it. I remember reading about it in my studies a while ago..but I always thought it was myth..'

The man's image shakes in the gate.

{?} 'I don't have enough time, I need your help..can I depend on you?'

Mark nods.

{Mark} 'What do you need?'

{?} 'My child is not safe here, he needs a family that can protect him, that can teach him and give him a good home. I want you and your family to raise and protect him. Although he does have special abilities.'

{Mark} 'I'll try my best, and raise your child like my very own son.'

{?} 'Thank you, so very much, Mark. I hope that one day, our two worlds collide once again.'

{Mark} 'Me too.' He steps up, near the gate. He takes the child from the mans arms. 'How old is he, and what is his name?'

{?} 'His name is Brady, and he's two months old.'

{Mark} 'Then, what's your name?'

{?} 'My name is Cil-' His image fades right before he finishes.

{Guard 1} 'Sir, you sure this is a good idea?'

{Mark} 'We'll see..' He looks down at the child. The child would be awake, and looking at Mark, smiling at him, too.

Mark smiles, back.

{Mark} 'I've always wanted a son..my wife never did..'

{Guard 2} 'Yeah, but would your wife approve?'

{Mark} 'Probably not, but I already made I promise and I intend to keep that promise.'

They nod.