
Close Encounters

I had to, it was my only way out of the situation. I pushed the door open, running as if my life depended on it, after what I did, it might. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, not that I was proud of it but I did what first came to mind "You Little Shit!" The fiery pom-pom screamed behind me, I had to hide. "GET BACK HERE!" As I turned the corner I heard the closet door slam close and the sound of his hands firing up. I was fucked.

I continued to run hoping to find my way back to the lunchroom. "Y/n, you ok?" Todoroki came around the corner and ran up to me. "We gotta go," I said in my panicked state. "What? Hey, what's wrong?" He grabbed my shoulder and scrunched his eyebrows in worry. "Now, where did you go...." Bakugo's words could be heard down the opposite hall. "That's why." He nodded his head in understanding and we took off, making a sharp turn into the lunchroom and to the table where Izuku was still sitting.

"You found her! He got worried, you were gone for almost 15 minutes!" Deku exclaimed. Todoroki rushed past him grabbing my backpack and lunch. "Here, I'll carry your stuff, lets just get back to class the bells about to ring anyway." He grabbed my arm and led me back to our classroom. "You sure are back early, the bell hasn't even rung." Aizawa, our teacher, stated as we walked in. "We had some...issues so we decided to come back before it escalated further," I said as I sat in my seat, Todoroki handed me my bag to set under my desk. Aizawa smirked and a huff came out of his mouth, "Smart kid."

Surely enough the bell rang and the students came pouring in, including Bakugo. As he walked into the room and spotted me, I quickly looked down and pretended to read. Izuku also walked in and saw my state. "Y/n, you alright?" He whispered to me. "Thanks, Izuku, but I'm fine." He walked his way to his seat, glancing at me every once in a while to check if I was ok.

Bakugo set his things down and made his way over, he hunched in front of my desk and I can swear I stopped breathing. "Meet me after class, in front of the building, if you don't, I can find you easily enough." His words shook me to the core, I knew if I didn't show up, something much worse would happen than if I did.

Sorry that this chapter was so short, the next one is gonna have a LOT in it so be ready! New people to meet and new circumstances, the next one will be a long one!

Yumi_Itocreators' thoughts
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