
Shinobi World Fanfic

A collection of Naruto Fanfiction

Pop_CornDig · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Ch.1 The Root of Darkness by Amorphis760

A black void surrounded me. 'Is this what death is supposed to be like? It's kind of boring honestly.' I mused as I floated in the void.


There was no response and I took the time to just appreciate how pain free I felt after death had finally taken me.

"Hello is anyone there?"

A little louder this time, not that I expect anything, or for that matter anyone, to answer me. An all-encompassing silence was the only response I received. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to staring at the surrounding darkness. I did this for a while before something occurred to me. I was calm. Indeed, I was far too calm to be natural.

I felt no apprehension, anger, sadness, boredom or any emotion at all, just a calm acceptance of my situation. Even the revelation of this unnatural calmness only sparked the tiniest flicker of worry before it too was swept away under the sea of calm. I spent what must have been hours attempting to force myself to feel anything besides the calmness that had settled over me. It was only partially successful. I could feel the emotion but it seemed to be dulled by whatever was happening to me in this strange place. My self-reflection had no sooner finished than a blue box appeared before me.

Would you like to play a game? Y/N

I blinked once, twice and then a final time at this glowing box that had suddenly appeared in front of me.

"A game?" I asked aloud just to hear something in the soundless void I was in.

"What kind of game?"

I couldn't help but ask. I didn't expect a response yet to my surprise a smaller box appeared right underneath the first one.

The best kind of game, life.

I snorted at the response, life wasn't a game. Yet even though I dismissed the response I couldn't help but wonder what would happen once I made my choice. If I picked yes would I live again or would I dance to the tune of some cosmic entity forced to obey the whims of a master I knew nothing of? Thinking more about the response I decided it would probably be a mixture of both. A frown marred my face even as the soothing feeling of calm presided over me. What if I picked no? Would I go on to whatever the afterlife had in store for me or was this the afterlife and this, my one chance to escape it?

I dithered and dallied back and forth but the decision had been already made. Whatever I faced after accepting would probably be better than an eternity in this place. With slight hesitation, and a healthy dose of fear I pressed yes.

Blinking the afterimages away I was able to slowly gather myself and take in my surroundings. Moving felt strangely sluggish and a wholly uncoordinated experience. The surrounding walls and ceilings were made out of wood and I saw wooden bars surrounding me along with several other sleeping babies in similar cribs. It hit me right as I glanced down and took in my too small hands and tiny body. I was a baby again. I couldn't even get mad, the unnatural calmness still hadn't left me. Another box appeared before me.

Welcome to the Game of Life. Let's start with the tutorial shall we. Think next, hit the arrow button or say next to proceed.

Not wanting an adult to come in and hear me talking I thought 'next.'

Good job you're not a complete moron. Congratulations.

I felt a tinge of anger before it was smothered again. This was really starting to get annoying.

You have been blessed with the ability to live your new life as a videogame. Think or say 'Status' to continue.

'Status' I thought.

Name: Shiro

Age: 1 year

Title: Gamer

LVL: 1 - 0% to next LVL

HP: 50/50

Chakra: 100/100

STR: 5

VIT: 5

END: 5

DEX: 5

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LCK: 10

Points: 5

Money: 0

These are your stats. Each level you will receive 5 points. Stats can also be leveled by manual activities related to the stat such as running or studying. A word of caution just because you're a videogame character doesn't mean other people are. You can use the 5 points now or you can continue the tutorial.

I considered it for a moment before I decided to save the points for later. I had absolutely no clue how often I could level or how high my level could go potentially making these free points extremely valuable down the line and besides I could always increase them manually later. 'Next'.

For making an intelligent decision gain +1 INT.

I had to gape at the box. 'Really it was this easy? Wait if I hadn't saved the points would it have still rewarded me or not?' I shook off the unwanted thoughts and checked my status screen. Sure enough INT was now 11 and chakra had increased to 100/200. Even as I watched the 100 tick up to 101, the realization of how strong this was hit me. I assumed health also regenerated as well, but that was something for later experimentation. My next thought hit me with all the force of a sledgehammer. Wait chakra, not mana, can I still use it like Han Jee-Han does? As much as I want to figure it out I decide to finish the tutorial first. 'Next.'

As the Gamer you can learn and pick up skills during your life which can be shown in your Skill tab. Say or think 'Skills' to continue. 'Skills.'

Gamer's Mind (Passive) LVL Max: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.

Gamer's Body (Passive) LVL Max: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

I read the first skill and the itch in the back of my head that had persisted since realizing I had an unnatural calmness went away as I found the source of it. Mentally frowning at the skill I had no choice but to accept it for now. Maybe in the future I could find a way to turn it off or at least allow me to feel something besides calm, even though I could see it's potential in dangerous situations.

One final thing and then the tutorial will be finished. Every gamer has one and now you do to. Say or think 'Inventory' to access your own personal hammer space perfect for storing items or hiding a body. Twitching at the end I complied anyway. 'Inventory.'

A blue box with a grid like consistency popped up before me. Nothing was in it and I couldn't help but wonder as to it's size. I suppose I'll just have to find out later. Dismissing it with a thought, what I assumed to be the last box for the tutorial popped up.

Congratulations, you have completed the tutorial for your new life. Grow strong enough and one day you may travel the stars and dimensions. Take 25xp for the completion of this tutorial.

I glanced back at my status screen to see that I was now 25% of the way to level 2. Not bad for what amounted to a couple of thoughts. Now on to the pressing question; chakra? The only people that used chakra off the top of my head would be those found in the Naruto universe and, to be honest, I'm not discounting the theory as impossible because what just happened to me seemed pretty impossible only a few minutes ago. Grumbling under my breath I moved my horribly underdeveloped body around. If I was older more options would be available to me but at least I was still male. I don't think even gamer's mind would be able control my panic if I had discovered that someone took a metaphorical scalpel to my masculinity.

A sigh that didn't belong to a baby escaped my lips. If wishes were money I'd be one rich baby. Oh well, I have a unique ability with unknown potential to help me, complaining might be a bit much. With nothing left to do I settled down to experiment with my ability. Nothing physical, it would be quite the awkward situation if someone came in to find a one year old doing push-ups.

Concentrating I looked inwards to where my chakra should be. It took a while but a bit of soul searching resulted in my first taste of chakra. I couldn't help but be in awe, such a feeling was hard to describe. It felt like water blocked by a dam, churning, swirling, awaiting the moment that I let my barriers down and unleashed it.

I tried to direct it around my body, from head to toe, hand to hand. The sound of a ding broke my concentration. Opening my eyes I was greeted by a quickly becoming familiar sight.


Learned Chakra Manipulation (Passive) LVL 1 – 0%: Chakra is what you and others will live and die by and for. By controlling it you stand above others.

Decreases the cost of active techniques by 0.25%

Increases Chakra control by 1%

Increases Chakra Capacity by 0.5%

Hmm, a passive technique. At level 100 it would decrease the cost of all techniques by 25%. That's actually pretty good for a passive. I bet I could stack that as well. Humming contentedly at the results I tried for one more technique.

Every gamer needs a mana, or in this case, chakra restoration technique. Once more I concentrate inwards sinking deep into my mind. Each breath more relaxed than the last, searching for something to give me guidance. Once more I was interrupted by a ding.


Learned Meditation (Passive/Active) LVL 1 – 0%: Warning cannot use in battle. To know oneself body and mind. Meditation has been used for centuries to center oneself and for relaxation now you have started on the same path as though before you.

Passive Effect: Increase INT and WIS by 1%

Active Effect: Increases Chakra Regeneration by 10/min

This is excellent! I thought that it would only be a chakra regeneration skill but to give a passive bonus to both my INT and WIS is far beyond what I had expected. Sure enough my status page was updated. Before I could try to create anymore skills the door to the room opened and an elderly woman with black hair in a tight bun and a gown of some sort walked in.

Apparently this set off some kind of signal to the other babies in the room as they all started fussing about or crying. Moving with an efficiency that spoke of long practice the woman travelled from bed to bed changing diapers, feeding and burping before handing them off to a young woman who had entered after her. The younger woman then left the room with the now fed and changed baby and returned without them. Scary.

Eventually the older woman reached me and to my eternal embarrassment I had soiled myself sometime before my consciousness had arrived. 'Mental note to self, situational awareness is a thing don't forget it.' After the embarrassing treatment by the older lady I was handed off to the younger one and brought to what must be a play pen of some sort. One thing I had noticed about the two ladies was that as far as I was concerned they were talking gibberish.

Language Comprehension (Passive): The ability to speak and understand languages.

English 100%

Japanese 0%

Even as they talked the skill had ticked up by half a percent from the time the older lady walked in and the younger one had set me down in the playroom. Glancing around my new eco-system I saw half a dozen babies anywhere from a couple months old to around 2 years old walking, crawling or just sitting around banging what looked to be toy kunai. I pushed myself up and unsteadily walked closer to one of the boys. Yep, it was indeed a toy kunai that the little boy was happily chewing on.

Well shit this probably was the Naruto universe. I felt the vaguest sense of panic before it was washed away by the everlasting calm. Oh, I still felt worry about the impossibly strong people that roamed this land but it took a back burner as my mind whirled with possibilities. I must state that at no time did I ever consider trying to replay 'canon' events. I like to believe that I have an understanding of the butterfly effect and just me being here was the equivalent of a tsunami if the effect was to be believed.

This was not me being egotistic or anything but I was not in the manga and therefore any actions I took wouldn't have happened in the show and the pesky butterfly would take care of the rest to make sure I have no prophetic knowledge. That is of course assuming that this dimension was actually the 'canon' one and not a different dimension within the same universe.

Ding! For thinking logically take +1 WIS.

See even the system agreed with me. I mentally dismissed the pop up and continued to think about my long term goals. The system said that if I grew strong enough I could travel dimensions but first I have to survive this place. So then the toughest person in this place in terms of descending order would be Kaguya, Madara, Tobi, Pein, Itachi the list goes on and on. The amount of S-rank ninja that were just running around able to snuff out entire villages on a whim was, quite frankly, ridiculous. Almost too much so, plot devices much? Regardless they're all just stepping stones to some of the things in the multiverse and if I ever want to live I needed to surpass them.

Ding! Quest Alert

My What Pretty Eyes You Have…

Duration: No time limit

The world of Naruto contains some fearsome people and even deadly eyes. You want some of that power for yourself but only the best will do for you. When Kaguya gets released from her seal pluck her oh so special eyes from her skull and take them for yourself.

Rewards: 1 Rinne Sharingan, 2 Byakugan, 10,000,000xp, 1,000,000 ryo

It was crazy and I should have felt horrible for planning to kill another person yet all I could see were the rewards. The little boy who I have almost forgotten about started to cry disrupting my overlord fantasies

Right, back to Earth. As of this moment I was horribly weak, vulnerable and I had no clue where I was in regards to the timeline. I had to get used to this new body and get stronger as quick as possible but I was limited to skills that could be easily hidden from view. Not that I expected to be able to hide anything from ninja at this point anyway. I resisted the urge to glance around confident that I wouldn't be able to see them even if I did look, but maybe.


Learned Sense Chakra (Passive/Active) LVL 1 – 0%: Your senses expand and you can feel the Chakra of others all around you. To actively scan you must remain still for 20 seconds and costs 10 Chakra.

Passive Range: 1 meter

Active Range: 5 meters

Great that's all the skills that I could think of off the top of my head that aren't totally noticeable except for the active sense chakra which I'll stay away from for now. I don't know if it's like a sonar or if it's internal but I'll hold off for now. With that done I snatch up a toy kunai and start wobble running around while practicing my chakra Manipulation. Multitasking for the win. Sure I fell down a few times and one of the ladies watching over us took away the kunai but at the end of the day it was worth it.

Ding! Gained +1 DEX, +1 VIT, +2 END, +4 LVLs Chakra Manipulation, +1 LVL Sense Chakra

Not that bad considering all the time spent with the matrons babying us to death. I know you take your job seriously but you're being a bother. No I didn't shit myself, thanks for the food now stop spoon feeding me, no I'm not tired let me run around some more. To expand on the tired part a bit. I don't ever feel tired unless what I assume to be a hidden status bar runs low after I expand energy, but if I rest for a few minutes all the aches and pains go away. This also extended to sleep in the fact that I didn't seem to need it anymore. The matron put us all to bed yet I instinctively knew that I could choose to sleep for any amount of time or just not sleep at all.

I think that this was the biggest sign of how things had changed besides the enforced calm. It also opened up more options to train at night when everyone else was asleep. I was aggravated that I didn't gain any points in strength but I was working more on cardio than any strength gain so I guess that's fair. Oh well, I spent the night in meditation because why waste the time if you have it and the fact that I didn't know if the matrons would check during the night so no physical work outs to avoid undue suspicion.

Ding! For making a plan to avoid suspicion take +1 WIS you sneaky bugger you…

I felt like my power was trolling me but a free stat point, so who cares? Settling down in my crib I reached for my meditative state and spend the rest of the night, minus a few interruptions when the matron checked in or a baby got fussy during the night. 8 hours later I felt like giving the finger to the screen.

Ding! Gained +1 LVL Meditation

That was seriously pathetic. Why did it take so long to level up? I thought about it and came to a realization. It was levelling up so slowly because I wasn't fully using it. Meditation could restore my chakra, but with a full chakra pool it wasn't doing that. The door opened and admitted the old lady again.

As she went about her business I had another horrible realization. I hadn't used the bathroom since I had woken yesterday. If I wanted to not stand out too much I would have to do the unspeakable. I would have to soil myself for the greater good. A deep, dark depression stole over me momentarily before the calm swept it away. I steeled myself and did the deed, never to speak of it to anyone.

Months passed and I fell into a routine all the while my frustration with my prison mounted with each passing day. Yes, logically I knew it kept me relatively safe from the outside world but I had hit a plateau on what I could do while the ever watchful eyes of the matrons looked on. Yeah Japanese comprehension was around 60% which was total bullshit but I loved it anyways. I had learned enough to eavesdrop on conversations to know that I was in Konohagakure before the attack of the nine tails and Hiruzen Sarutobi was still the Hokage. After three months these were my stats.

Name: Shiro

Age: 1 year - 3 months

Title: Gamer

LVL: 1 - 25% to next LVL

HP: 130/130

Chakra: 204/204

STR: 8

VIT: 13

END: 15

DEX: 10

INT: 11(11.11)

WIS: 12(12.124

LCK: 10

Points: 5

Money: 0

You could probably tell by the numbers that Meditation was at level 15, while sense chakra was at level 10 and chakra manipulation had hit a plateau at level 20 before I had started to stick things to me. Now it was at level 22. Oh, I had also acquired a new skill.

Running (Passive) LVL 10 – 56%

Run Forest Run…

Passively increases movement speed by 20%

All in all, pretty awesome for a one year old but horrible in terms of time spent to rewards ratio. Regardless the orphanage was unduly restricting me and my amazing genius. No really look at the stats, 11.11 baby I was a god amongst peasants. Worship me my minions! *Cough* See this place was slowly driving me insane even with gamer's mind. My stat gain had also gone down from lack of a proper exercise regimen. Running was good and all but the room was tiny and the matrons had started to discourage me from running because apparently 'I was disrupting' the other children.

Maybe I could start working on an active skill that I would need later in life, but what could I do that wouldn't stand out to much? Wait, stand out! I was obviously going to be a ninja and they always needed to sneak around.

This was obviously a skill, but how to acquire it? I walked over to one of the darker corners of the room and imagined myself blending into the background unseen by all.


Skill Learned Sneak (Active) LVL 1 – 0%

Sneaky, sneaky, stabby stabby. A ninja must be able to move through the shadows as if he is one himself. A master can emerge from hiding, kill, and fade away like a ghost. 50% movement penalty while using this.

1% chance of going unnoticed while sneaking.

'Now you see me, now you don't.' I noticed one of the matrons looking at me funny while I crouched in the corner and decided the skill needed a lot of work.

~9 Months later~


Skill Learned Sneak (Active) LVL 30 – 0%

Sneaky, sneaky, stabby stabby. A ninja must be able to move through the shadows as if he is one himself. A master can emerge from hiding, kill, and fade away like a ghost. 47% movement penalty while using this.

30% chance of going unnoticed while sneaking.

I grunted as the notification popped up. Leveling stats and skills had ground to an almost complete stop. Meditation was now at level 27, while sense chakra had increased to level 20, running was at level 22 and chakra manipulation had hit a ceiling at level 40. I probably needed to do the tree and water walking exercise to level it up any higher. The only reason that chakra manipulation had even reached level 40 was because I had bit the proverbial bullet and started to form chakra strings just for some variety.

Chakra Strings (Active – 5(4.5)/min) LVL 10 – MAX

Strings formed of pure Chakra manipulation. This technique is most widely used in Suna's Puppeteer Corps. Decreases the time necessary to form the strings by 50%

*Invisible Strings (Passive) LVL 10 – MAX

Renders the Chakra Strings invisible to the naked eye.

*Length (Passive) LVL 10 – MAX

Increases functional length of the strings to 100m.

*Strength (Passive) LVL 2 – 57%

Increases lifting weight of each string by 10kg

Apparently when I max out a skill it has some sort of a prestige component that I could level to improve the original skill. Sort of like a skill tree. If any ninja happened to be passing by it must have seemed rather odd to them for a child to be manipulating chakra strings but I'd gone beyond caring at this point, such was my boredom.

Happily I had gotten an INT point for reaching 100% comprehension in Japanese and we had started learning how to read and write. I was at 30% now written comprehension and I think I startled the teacher with my laser like focus. These were my updated stats and skills.

Name: Shiro

Age: 2 year - 0 months

Title: Gamer

LVL: 1 - 25% to next LVL

HP: 160/160

Chakra: 360/360

STR: 12

VIT: 16

END: 18

DEX: 14

INT: 12(12.24)

WIS: 12(12.24)

LCK: 11

Points: 5

Money: 0

Akane, my first human contact upon arriving to this dimension, had given me a candy bar today to celebrate my birthday. It was a nice gesture and I made sure to thank her for it. After I ate it I actually felt tired for once which was odd. I hadn't felt tried once so far, but maybe that trait had a limit.


Poison Resistance (Passive) LVL 1 – 0%

Gain a 1% resistance to poisons per level.

'Shit' was my last thought before I slumped unconscious.

~Interlude~ Akane Report


Subject: Shiro, male

Day 1

Subject seems to have gained control of his chakra at 1 year of age and is manipulating it in a controlled way. Only observable upon direct contact. Chakra pool rapidly increasing. Heightened awareness. Possible sensor. Subject running patterns mimic endurance training. Subject did not sleep, fell into meditative state.

Day 90

Sudden increase in subject chakra capacity. Cause unknown. Potential bloodline possible. Chakra manipulation advanced. Subject is now sticking clothes to skin. Subject has still not slept.

Day 120

Subject is now creating chakra strings. Subject has not slept for four months now. Sensor confirmed.

Day 180

Subject's chakra strings no longer visible. Subject's understanding of language very high.

Day 364

Subject's progress slowing down. Further progress held back by location and subject's want to hide progress. Recommend subject extraction to site Omega for possible recruitment.

Day 365

Target relocated.

~Interlude End~

I woke up to a blue screen that seemed to mock me.

Both HP and Chakra are restored 100%, status effects removed

Ding! Poison Resistance +4, New Quest Available

In the Shadows the Root Grows

Shimura Danzo, leader of the Root, wishes to see for himself your potential. Impress him and he will groom your potential. Waste his time and you might find yourself mind wiped of this event or even killed if you try to escape.

Rewards: 3000xp, 300ryo, Title Root Shinobi in Training

Fuck! Okay, it wasn't that bad. Yes, I had screwed up and caught Danzo's attention but this could benefit me. All I really needed was for gamer's mind to protect me from mental manipulation.

"Hello Shiro." An aged voice came from my right.

Of course the space where he sat definitely didn't have a chair or Danzo until I heard him speak. I partially ignored him for now in favor of taking in my surroundings. It was depressingly drab with dark concrete walls and no visible door in sight. I finished my inspection of the room and turned my attention back to Danzo.

He looked just like in the anime, heavily bandaged face, same robes. The only difference was the perfectly functioning right arm. So this was before Orochimaru had experimented on him.

"Hello, I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Who are you and where am I?"

He nodded slowly, his sole good eye fixed on me. "You are in my base, located somewhere within the Elemental Nations As for me, you could say I'm a concerned old man."

It was going to be this type of conversation. Half-truths and white lies. Honestly, I was a two year old for all he knew, what was with this politicking?

"Then would the concerned old man tell me why I am here?"

It was at this point a bit too obvious that I had been caught whilst doing one of my many, not so childlike, activities. Eh, I expected something like this to happen anyways. I didn't act like a child and if a village full of people specializing in deception couldn't figure that out then, well, that would be pretty stupid.

"My people have taken notice of your talents. We would like to investigate them." Translation: You're an anomaly even by our standards and we're curious.

"What do you want to know?"

Danzo didn't immediately answer me and let the silence stretch on, no doubt to see me squirm. Too bad for him, gamer's mind pretty much made it impossible for me to squirm.

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order." He finally said.

Now it was my turn to let the silence stretch. In the end I shrugged my shoulders and asked him.

"Give me a scroll with a simple technique."

Danzo didn't blink and simply held out his hand, unto which a scroll dropped down. Looking up I saw the Root shinobi though I could not sense him just as Danzo had been invisible to my sensory skills before revealing himself.

Ding! Would you like to learn the Clone Technique? Y/N


Without opening the scroll the information entered my head just as the scroll itself disappeared.


Clone Technique(E-rank) learned (Active 50(45)) LVL 1 – 0%

The Clone Technique creates an illusionary copy of the creator that can move around at the creator's command. This is one of the three techniques necessary for any aspiring genin. Warning clones do not have shadows.

Decreases casting time by 10%

I formed the necessary hand signs and with a poof of smoke another copy of me appeared. Danzo leaned forward as soon as I was finished.

"Could you do this with any written technique or any written information?" He asked. I shrugged for real this time.

"I don't know. I should be able to eat up techniques, but I don't think I could perform them all. As for information your guess is as good as mine"

Another scroll fell down into my lap.

"Try it with this scroll." I picked it up but nothing happened. I shook my head in the negative. He hummed in thought even as the scroll floated upwards. My curiosity towards the third member in the room was growing but gamer's mind took care of any irritation, burying it under the ever present sea of calm.

We sat there in silence, but this silence was all the more heavy with the knowledge that Danzo was probably deciding my fate. It was a harrowing experience being helpless to sit and watch as someone decided whether your lived, died or worse. After what felt like forever Danzo spoke up.

"I believe that your talents would go to waste if you were to live a normal life. Under me you could grow. I know you want that much."

He paused for a moment and then continued.

"From now on you will refer to me as Lord Danzo. This" and here popped up our mysterious guest, dressed in ANBU uniform, "will be your superior. From now on you answer to her. You will do as she says whether it is cutting your finger off or killing someone, you will obey. I, and only I, can overrule her word."

He pause for a moment, giving me just enough time to catch up before carrying on.

"Effective immediately you are no longer Shiro. You are a member of Root. All that matters is the village. A shinobi's destiny is serve the village. You will complete your missions without hesitation. You will train without pause. You will live without feeling. That is what it means to be a Root shinobi. You will be the shadow that protects the great tree, the root that upholds the great tree and when it is all over you will die for the great tree. Welcome to Root!"

Ding! Quest Complete. Level UP X 4! Gained 300ryo and one new title.

Root Shinobi in Training – Some would call it insane, they call it training. 20% experience gain and stat gain while this title is equipped.

Name: Shiro

Age: 2 year - 0 months

Title: Root Shinobi in Training

LVL: 5 - 5% to next LVL

HP: 160/160

Chakra: 360/360

STR: 12

VIT: 16

END: 18

DEX: 14

INT: 12(12.24)

WIS: 12(12.24)

LCK: 11

Points: 25

Money: 300


*Poison Resistance (Passive) LVL 5 – 3%

Gain a 5% resistance to poisons.

*Clone Technique (E-rank) learned (Active 50(45)) LVL 1 – 5%

The Clone Technique creates an illusionary copy of the creator that can move around at the creators command. This is one of the three techniques necessary for any aspiring genin. Warning clones do not have shadows.

Decreases casting time by 10%

*Chakra Strings (Active – 5(4.5)/min) LVL 10 – MAX

Strings formed of pure Chakra manipulation. This technique is most widely used in Suna's Puppeteer Corps. Decreases the time necessary to form the strings by 50%

*Invisible Strings (Passive) LVL 10 – MAX

Renders the Chakra Strings invisible to the naked eye.

*Length (Passive) LVL 10 – MAX

Increases functional length of the strings to 100m.

*Strength (Passive) LVL 2 – 57%

Increases lifting weight of each string by 10kg

*Sneak (Active) LVL 30 – 0%

Sneaky, sneaky, stabby stabby. A ninja must be able to move through the shadows as if he is one himself. A master can emerge from hiding, kill, and fade away like a ghost. 47% movement penalty while using this.

30% chance of going unnoticed while sneaking.

*Running (Passive) LVL 20 – 26%

Run Forest Run…

Passively increases movement speed by 30%

*Learned Meditation (Passive/Active) LVL 27 – 56%: Warning cannot use in battle. To know oneself body and mind. Meditation has been used for centuries to center oneself and for relaxation now you have started on the same path as though before you.

Passive Effect: Increase INT and WIS by 2%

Active Effect: Increases Chakra Regeneration by 37/min

*Sense Chakra (Passive/Active) LVL 20 – 2%: Your senses expand and you can feel the Chakra of others all around you. To actively scan you must remain still for 20 seconds and costs 10 Chakra.

Passive Range: 20 meter

Active Range: 100 meters

*Chakra Manipulation (Passive) LVL 40 – 0%: Chakra is what you and others will live and die by and for. By controlling it you stand above others.

Decreases the cost of active techniques by 10%

Increases Chakra control by 40%

Increases Chakra Capacity by 20%

*Gamer's Mind (Passive) LVL Max: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.

*Gamer's Body (Passive) LVL Max: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

Author's Note: Hello everyone. I would like to explain how stats are going to relate to the real world and how I envision how much Chakra each technique rank should be. To start off with though if you see something wrong with my math or an error for a skill or the status page please let me know.

Genin - starting off around 60-80 base physical stats

Chunin - 120 base physical stats

Jonin - 180 base physical stats

ANBU/Root - 210 base physical stats

Hokage/S-rank threats - 250+ base physical stats

Disclaimer not all physical stats need to be at that level to be considered a certain level. Think like ANBU speed but Chunin strength.

Technique costs (Can vary)

E - 50

D - 100

C - 250

B - 500

A - 1000

S - 5000+

I envision(with 100 INT) for Shiro to have around 25,000 Chakra with bonuses included. Tell me what you think about it(nerf or buff). I also don't plan to have him be spending many points at all. Most if not all stat gain will be done through training(except maybe WIS and INT) so it will take years and not weeks before he can even stand up to a chunin.