
Shinobi From Hell

Klautz had lived his whole life as a ninja... as a tool. Yet before dying he had killed all of ninjas of his clan. He had defied the ninja code and acted on his own discretion. A code he had followed his entire life. Even in his dying moments he had chosen a harsh death. *Whoosh* Suddenly, Klautz opened his eyes. By some miracle, he was still alive. He then realized that he had actually gone back forty years in time. "I will wipe out all of the ninjas from the face of HELL!" Join him as he fulfill his desires and his goals, all of which he wasn't able to do before. Note: The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for it, I can remove it.

Shiny_Shirogane · Fantasy
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344 Chs

Battle Frenzy

The golem's body cracked. One might assume it to be a ticking bomb. Something that self destructs to kill its target along with it.

If Klautz was uninitiated Klautz too would have stepped back in the usual scenario, trying to keep as much distance as possible from the unknown variable that can lead to his death. But thanks to his rebirth he already knows what was about to happen from beforehand. So he felt no danger.

And the reason being only the outer potion had cracked open. It was as if it was shedding it's skin just like that serpent Klautz had fought back in the Trial of Control.

The stone surrounding the golem seemed to be there to shield its inner body from erosion so that it can be always be ready for battle and can counter against getting weakened by erosion.