
Planetary Battlefield 2...

Chapter 32.5 - Planetary Battlefield 2...

-Scene Change-

"That guy… he immediately cut loose right after he got awakened…" Trunks muttered after seeing the multiple elemental attacks and now the gigantic Mokuton projection that was now one-sidedly annihilating a huge platoon of Weiss from the other side…

"Heh. Of course. He had gotten stronger while having his beauty rest. I'll do the same if I were him." Goten then smirked to his best friend. "It'd be bad if Naruto kick more butt than us…"

Trunks and Goten then began wreaking havoc all over the Army of powerful Weiss as they fight to decimate them without holding back. Goten fired a rain of ki blasts, each capable of destroying Earth, but controlled the ki blasts for it not to destroy the planet accidentally, towards the combined force of Archfiend Weiss and Dark World Weiss. While the Weiss was being able to defend themselves or regenerate thru their Weiss-physiques, Trunks will slash them on the other hand using his ki-equipped Brave Sword.

Being surprised was an understatement for Peorth and Lind, as they can't keep up with the two Saiyans in terms of firepower and speed.

"So… they really were holding back earlier… to keep waiting for the Chosen Child's awakening?" Lind muttered.

"That's already a given… after seeing what they really are capable off right now…" Peorth said as she also have her mouth hanging in awe.

"Then what should we do? As for me, I don't want to be kept in the sidelines. I have my pride as a Valkyrie after all." Lind replied, prompting Peorth about something.

"You mean… we should remove our Limiters?" Peorth asked Lind. After all, the Norse Goddesses, Valkyries included, have Limiters installed all over their bodies in a form of accessories. Limiters prevent the Goddesses from accidentally using their full Goddess powers. After all, a full-powered Goddesses are capable of doing overwhelming feats, as they can easily rend the planet in half without even trying if their powers aren't sealed (this was stated during Urd's First Class Goddess License Exam in the Ah My Goddess Manga.)…

But before the Valkyries could even finish their conversation…

"I don't know what Limiters are you talking about, but I think that you shouldn't use that right now…" One of the Naruto Shadow Clones then landed right in front of them, making the Valkyries looked towards him in wary. After all, they never felt such a human with overwhelming presence like this young man in front of them. Or technically, a human shouldn't have such strong presence regardless of any circumstances…

"So you're finally here!" Goten yelled in distance towards Naruto.

"Yeah. And I'm ready to kick some serious butt!" Naruto then flared his potent, bluish Six Paths Chakra while in base.

"You seemed to acquire some new power while taking your sweet nap, Naruto." Trunks also yelled. Naruto simply replied with a grinning nod.

"And I'm about to use that power against these Weiss bastards!" Naruto smirked. And with a single hand seal using his hand alone… "KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU (Shadow Clone Technique)!" In that instance, seven Shadow Clones appeared around the original Shadow Clone, all of them prepared for battle.

"A body multiplying technique…" Lind muttered after seeing Naruto's first signature jutsu.

"Now then…" Each of the Shadow Clones then clasped both their hands in praying motion while releasing massive amounts of Chakra. "SHUKAKU, MATATABI, ISOBU, SON GOKU, KOKUO, SAIKEN, CHOUMEI, GYUUKI! Time to introduce your destructive selves on this new world…!" Each of the Shadow Clones yelled at the same time.

In that instance, using the Shadow Clones as their medium, the Bijuus channeled their power on the Shadow Clones, allowing each clones to enter their own Jinchuuriki Form Version 2 Cloak. The transformation alone created massive craters within them individually while shaking the entire ground. Each of the Shadow Clones in Version 2 Jinchuuriki Cloak displayed visible features of the Bijuu that was melding with them along with their tails, including Shukaku who never used this form while being sealed within Gaara…

"What the hell was that transformation?!" Goten asked comically after seeing the red-blood Chakra Cloak equipped on the Shadow Clones.

"One hell of surging badass power...!"Shukaku replied in behalf of his other sibling Bijuu as they roared mightily… as they charged directly towards the entire army of Weiss to take lead from Goten and Trunks. After all, even with them just using Naruto's Shadow Clone as their medium, due to Naruto's awakening, his Chakra became much denser and stronger. And due to them being able to meld their Chakra properly to Naruto, the Bijuus was able to use the Clones similar to how the Bijuus used to into their previous Jinchuuriki.

And also, even if these Naruto's were just Kage Bunshin, that Clone itself is already a powerhouse on its own right. If during the 4thShinobi World War, Naruto's clones can fight against at least Kage-level opponents, and now that he gained enormous amounts of power-ups from his training in the dimension rift and now the awakening of his Six Paths Power, it can easily be concluded that each of Naruto Shadow Clones can now fight against the likes of Juubi Jinchuuriki Obito and Rikudo Madara.

And using such powerful Clones as their medium for Jinchuuriki transformation, along with the passive property of their Chakra being natural amplifiers instead of mere Chakra combination, the Bijuu controlled-Shadow Clones acquired amplified power and Chakra that could allow them to fight on full might. And with their current Jinchuuriki Level 2 Cloak, they were now prepared to legitimately bring the house down…

After all, since a Naruto Shadow Clone alone can now fight against Juubi Jinchuuriki-level opponents while in base, if a his Shadow Clone tapped into the amplifying properties of any Bijuus, then that Shadow Clone will acquire powers that could easily rival at least that of Rikudo Sennin-levels…

Shukaku-controlled Kage Bunshin then slammed both his hands on the ground, producing massive shockwave as collateral. But the true effect of that random movement was to summon a tidal wave of particles created from Sand, Gold Dust, and Metal Dust that enveloped the entire Fuzetsu'd town. And using along with his already powerful Bijuu Chakra and now his manipulated particles, Shukaku started wrecking huge number of Weiss included in the army.

Matatabi-controlled Shadow Clone then slashed and dashed each of the Weiss in front of him. Each slash from each clawed arms and two Chakra Tails produced pressurized winds that cleaved massive trench that could reach beyond up to the horizon. After seeing some Weiss reinforcements coming from behind in attempt to provide assistance on the platoon that he was dicing so casually, Matatabi charged a sphere created from black flames from his mouth and fired it in a beam-like fashion to vaporize the reinforcement Weiss platoon…

Isobu-controlled Shadow Clone, on the other hand, channeled some potent Chakra on the ground, making the ground beneath him to become mud, then transformed into a huge lake, covering a large area. The mud-colored water from the created lake then projected multiple mud arms, then grabbed a Weiss platoon, dragging them down to the bottom of the mud lake. Isobu then dived into the mud-lake, which was actually a potent, dense Chakra projected in mud form, then crushed down the entire platoon of Weiss within the mud lake…

Son-controlled Shadow Clone, aside from already being clad with nigh-invulnerable Jinchuuriki Version 2 Cloak, further equipped itself with Youton (Lava Release) Armor that further gave him additional defense and offensive capabilities. He then clad his projected Chakra Arm with lava, making the size grew in about the size of a regular Bijuu arm, then swiped down every Weiss around him while creating huge amount of gust that covered a huge amount of area…

Kokuo-Kage Bunshin then released massive amounts of steam projected through Chakra, amplifying his already impressive strength to exponential levels, then dashed towards the other platoon of Weiss that were dashing towards him. Kokuo pulled his right arm, then using the power of Boil Release, punched the first approaching Weiss nearest to him. The punch created massive impact along with a gigantic crater, completely shattering the targeted Weiss body into mere miasma. The attack was followed with a devastating shockwave that also destroyed the other Weiss behind the first targeted Weiss, changing the entire landscape with shockwave that also divided the nearby sea just by sheer wind pressure…

Seeing how the huge amounts of Weiss was being battered by his fellow Bijuus, Choumei-controlled Shadow Clone then used a Dust Release jutsu to completely vaporize the damaged Weiss that was defeated by the earlier Bijuu attacks. Then using the Swift Release, he scattered his Chakra Scales all over the destroyed Weiss to stop them from regenerating thru their physiques special ability…

Saiken and Gyuuki controlled-Kage Bunshin combined their Acid and Poison-Ink substance and sprayed it in mid-air to clad the miasma transformed Weiss due to the combined attacks from earlier. This slowly clad the Weiss miasma, literally freezing the destroyed Weiss from their actual regeneration, until the corrosive properties from both elements erode the physical composition of the Weiss miasma. Shukaku then used Magnet Release to create a black orb of metallic properties to absorb the scattered Weiss miasma, then clad it with both Sand and Gold Dust, creating a country-sized orb sealed by Shukaku's cursed-seal that was levitating above the atmosphere…

"Let's rock…!" Gyuuki roared towards his fellow Bijuu as each of them charged individually charged a Chou Bijuu Dama even if they were currently on Jinchuuriki Cloak Version 2. They were able to do since their Chakra had grown along with Naruto, and also their current Jinchuuriki was capable of providing them power to do such feat. Now, each of their Chou Bijuu Dama reached the size of Obito's Juubi's Charged Bijuu Dama (the same gigantic size as that of the Juubi Dama that Minato teleported away before his and the other Edo Hokage's arrival on the battleground of the 4thShinobi World War), each capable of busting the moon several folds. And it became much more powerful since they equipped the Bijuu Dama with their respective Kekkai Genkai Elemental properties.

"Fire…!" All the Bijuus roared altogether as they fired their respective Elemental Chou Bijuu Dama towards the levitating planetoid. All of them landed at the same time, resulting in an earth-shaking explosion capable of vaporizing an entire planet. And due to the blast melded with their respective elements, the Weiss involved on the attack was vaporized to the point of no return, since aside from some elements negated regeneration. Shukaku and Gyuuki's sealing abilities also removed any possible means of regeneration and recovery from such powerful attack.

The Saiyan duo and the Valkyrie duo watching the rampage of the humanoid Bijuus can't help but feel at awe after seeing the how they fight as a team.

"What are those humanoid monsters shaped from the Chosen Child's clone technique?" Peorth muttered in surprise.

"Who knows? Maybe we can ask him about it later." Goten replied. "But still, as long as they are on the same side as of us, then I'm fine with it."

"Yeah. While their firepower was something that we can easily match, their attacks have elemental properties and some even have sealing powers as well. We can easily say that these humanoid monsters are the representation of Naruto's true abilities." Trunks also commented. "And those attacks can hurt and damage us seriously because of those additional properties included on it if it will be aimed against us."

"And to think that these powers are all within that Chosen Child…" Lind finished the conversation before the Cloak Version 2 Bijuus looked towards them.

"We would appreciate it if we will fight together against this Weiss Army." The Yonbi, Son, growled towards the levitating Saiyans and Valkyries.

"Keh… whatever…" The Five-Tails, Kokuo, huffed as the Bijuus once again prepared to battle the Archfiend Weiss and the Dark World Weiss… "…just blast all these bastards out while we decapacitate or seal them!"

The Saiyans grinned towards the humanoid Bijuus while the Valkyries sighed. However, they do then realize that with the power of the Bijuus, it was now finally the time for counterattack…

-Scene Change-

"Are you guys sure that it will be alright for you to fight in the frontlines? You might have already restored your Goddess powers, but still, these Weiss Army was still aiming to defeat you for revenge of sealing them during the Almage Machina… top that with Vintage also aiming against your heads to use your powers for their unknown stupid plans." Naruto Kage Bunshin muttered to the levitating Jupiter and Norse Goddesses around him. He was still on top of the head of the gigantic Mokuton: Shinsuusenju, with the titanic wooden structure now regenerated its ten thousand hands on its back after an earlier continuous barrage of attacks against the Weiss…

"That's the more reason why we need to do our share on this battle." Tenri, clad with Goddess aura and attire due to her soul syncing with the Goddess within her, Diana, spoke with a small smile. "Diana shared her power and knowledge to me so we can fight together with you against these Weiss… so she along with her Goddess sisters can settle everything against Old Hell once and for all…"

"We can't always have you fight for us with us not doing anything." Kanon, clad with Apollo's power and knowledge, also spoke. "Right now, all that we wanted is to stay by your side…"

Naruto got dumbstruck after hearing the two Goddesses' reasoning, and more so after seeing the reaffirming expression of the other Jupiter Sisters. He's about to retort, but…

"Naruto… you can't always carry everything by your own. From the Shinobi World, and now on this world, you will always have comrades and friends who will never leave you alone. That's why… this is not just your battle… this is our battle…" Skuld gave a graceful smile towards Naruto with Urd and Belldandy smiling beside their youngest sister.

"You really are week against strong-willed girls, aren't you?"Juubi Kurama spoke within Naruto's head.

'Yeah… I can't say no to them if they were looking at me like that.' Naruto replied to the Juubi Fox.

"To think that you have also charmed these Goddesses just like on how you did so to the Bijuus, and even to me…" Kaguya also joined the conversation. "You just said before… believe in your comrades just like on how you believe in yourself…"

Naruto nodded in response. All that he needs to do right now is to believe to his Goddess friends. After all, this battle itself is their own battle even before he arrived on this new world.

"If that's the case…" Naruto then closed his eyes, then activated his blue Sharingan on his left eye and light-blue Byakugan without the bulging veins on his right eye. He then also charged Chakra to the Shinsuusenju, preparing for another barrage of attacks against the now regenerating Weiss… "…let's do this together and show them how powerful the Damsels of Distress can be…!" Naruto then activated Sage Mode, allowing him to acquire red marking around his eyes and amplifying his body with godly amount of Senjutsu.

After all, with his high-level sensory ability, topped that with combined precognitive powers of the Sharingan and Sage Mode along with the near 360 degree sight of Byakugan, he'll have enough power to provide support to these stubborn Goddesses who's willing to fight in the frontlines together with him. That's why… he channeled godly amounts of potent, bluish white Chakra and prepared to fight together with the Goddesses…

On the other hand, the Goddesses got surprised after seeing such change not only on Naruto's facial appearance, but also on the potency of his current level of power. But as Goddesses, they also have their own impressive power that they actually intended to show not only to defeat the Weiss, but also to impress the knucklehead Shinobi who's fighting with them…

Shiomiya Shiori, using the power and knowledge of her Goddess, Minerva, channeled some of her Goddess powers, then projected multiple books around her. The books flipped the page by themselves while Shiori's eyes looked seriously towards the books… then prepared casted a support spell to each of the Goddesses…

"By the power of Barrier of Devil Repellent… ZAHT… I call forth… the power of the gods…" She yelled as she pointed her divine staff named as Zaht. Then… "HEAVENLY BLESSING…!"Shiori muttered as she along with the other Goddesses became clad with circular insignia around their body, amplifying their already impressive divine power. "…Minerva isn't the type to fight directly against her opponent, but her powers gave her and her comrades an appropriate power boosts depending on the situation…" Shiori muttered with a small smile on her face.

"That's more than enough…"Yui muttered as she drew her divine sword. Using the power of her Goddess, Mars, she swung her sword against the Weiss and prepared for battle. "Rise… Brilliant Beheader of the Fallen Spirit… ARIFAR…!" She yelled the name of her divine-empower sword, now preparing to slice through the army of Weiss…

"Lend me your strength, Apollo… Demon Slaying Twin Blades… BARGREN…!" Kanon then materialized two divine daggers on both her hands after yelling the name of the said weapons… the weapons that were the emblem of Apollo's divinity.

"We'll go as well, Mercurius… together with your power… the Lightning Flash of Chaos… VALITSAIF…!"Ayumi also yelled as a divine rod-like whip extended and surrounded her gracefully.

"Let's go, my dear sisters!" Mars, Apollo and Mercurius yelled within their hosts' mindscape. The three Goddesses then dashed towards the Weiss army and started to attack them with their divine powers.

"What are those weapons…?" Naruto muttered while his Sharingan and Byakugan were tracing over the divine constructs that the Goddesses were wielding.

"The Heavenly Weapons that can only be wielded by the Jupiter Sisters known as Viralt." Tsukiyo levitated near Naruto to answer his questions. "Each of these weapons was forged using a Heavenly Dragon's scales, claws, fangs and bones. And amplifying its power with the power of the gods, and also allowing them to be wielded only by the Gods, these weapons choose their own wielders, designed as anti-theses against demonic beings such as Weiss…"

"I see…" The Shinobi muttered as he remembered how he was able to acquire the power of his own divine sword, the Nunoboku no Ken.

"And with this power, we'll once again ensure to seal all these Weiss and foil whatever Vintage's plan against us." Tsukiyo muttered as she used the power of Vulcanus within her… "…let's go, Vulcanus… Rending Void of the Supernatural Seal… EZENDEIS…!"

Tsukiyo yelled as she amplified the power of her scythe-like divine weapon after seeing Yui, Kanon and Ayumi about to be attacked by a charged demonic beam from their blind spot. All of a sudden, a barrier created from Void Element appeared and sucked away the incoming Demonic Beam aimed towards the three Goddess-empowered girls.

"Wow…" Naruto muttered after seeing how the Goddesses vaporizing the Weiss regardless of their Capture and Power Level and regeneration capabilities. "So once they do recover their power, they have power capable of such feats that even Kage-level Shinobi can't possibly do…"

"Of course. We are the Jupiter Goddesses… and at full power, our divine powers are equal to the Goddesses of the Norse." Tenri smiled while stating the knowledge of Diana. She then took a side glance towards Skuld, Belldandy and Urd behind her. "As Goddesses, our feelings won't lose to anyone, even to our fellow Goddesses from other Pantheons…"

Skuld then looked quite surprised after realizing what Tenri meant. On the other hand, Naruto simply tilt his head, trying to figure out what Tenri meant with those words. It's then that something popped out of his head…

"By the way, how do you guys recover your power?" Naruto asked somewhat innocently.

"…!" The Jupiter Sisters then somewhat flinched comically, making them realize that Naruto didn't know that he's the one responsible for reawakening their Goddess powers within them… Realizing something embarrassing, Tenri used her kept feelings to further amplify her Goddess powers from Diana to cast a powerful Divine Spell…

"MAGNUS EXORCISMUS…!" After creating a large magical circle and having her divine, spear-shaped weapon, the Spear of Evil Annihilation, Lavias, tapped into it, Tenri released a gigantic cross created from pure Holy Element to completely weaken and shatter the already damaged Weiss after receiving an earlier beating from her Goddess Sisters attacks.

Skuld then looked with neutral expression towards the weapons of her rival Goddesses… as if analyzing them with her calculative eyes…

"Mars' sword – Arifar; Apollo's short swords – Bargren; Mercurius' whip – Valitsaif; Minerva's staff – Zaht; Vulcanus' scythe –Ezendeis; and Diana's lance – Lavias… the Heavenly Weapons of the Jupiter Pantheon…" Skuld muttered while picturing the image of the weapons on her head….

"But they aren't the only ones who can summon their Divine Weapons…" Urd then smirked towards Belldandy.

"That's right. This fight may not be about competition, but that doesn't mean that we'll just allow ourselves to be sidelined, doesn't it?" Belldandy said, her expression in rare competitive tone.

"Hai, Onee-sama." Skuld muttered as the Norse Goddess trio also released their own Goddess powers, emitting divine energy that even made Naruto feel surprised…

It was then that Urd acquired an eye projection with intimidating Heavenly presence, especially for the other Weiss around them.

"Heavenly Spell… ODIN'S EYE…!" Urd yelled as she clad herself, her sisters and the Jupiter Goddesses of divine power. A massive silhouette of Odin then appeared behind her. "The right eye of the Almighty Father of Aesir, Odin (from YuGiOh)… capable of seeing thru the future to protect Midgard… the very source of my own power…" Urd then gave a glint that's comparable to the Daimakaicho. "I, the Goddess of the Past, will now rain down judgment against the future's demise …project the end of these malicious beings by casting away the darkness enveloping Valhala!"

In that instance, the Goddesses acquired an ability of foresight, allowing them to see a simulated projection on how the Weiss will move and attack them, allowing them to create much more powerful combination of attacks and also evade other attacks from the Weiss army…

"Then it's my turn…" Belldandy smiled as a Divine Weapon was projected on her hands… projecting another Norse God behind her "Lord of the Aesir… LOKI'S SCEPTER (Loki from YuGiOh)…! Summon down the Beasts of Destruction… FENRIR…! JORMUNGARD…!"

In that instance, a gigantic, ethereal projection of two giant creatures, a wolf and a serpent-like snake, appeared on the battlefield and started pummeling down the Army of Weiss around them with their sheer brute strength…

"Now then…" Skuld yelled as well as she raised her pink-colored mallet above her head. "…I also am a Goddess who won't allow herself to lose her true feelings to anyone…! That's why… come forth… the Thunder God's Power… Polar God King… Thor…(from YuGiOh)" The pink-colored mallet then changed into a massive blue-colored hammer while emitting Heavenly Lightning from it. "MJOLNIR…!

Heavenly Thunder then rained down over the region as Skuld used the power of her Heavenly Weapon against the Army of Weiss. Each lightning strike produced nuclear-level explosions that also vaporized anything on its path. And combined it with Odin's Eye's power to foresight how the Weiss will move and react, along with the brute power of the creatures summoned by Loki's Scepter, the Weiss got nowhere to run but feel prey to Skuld's or the Jupiter Goddesses combination attacks…

"It looks like Belldandy and the others finally have their resolve to fight back…" Lind muttered after seeing her fellow Norse Goddesses fighting. After all, it is quite rare for them to fight like this, let alone intend to harm others even in the most minimal way possible…

"Indeed. I'm glad to be able to see them actually fighting like this… This takes me back from the old times when we were training together as Valkyries…" Peorth sighed after seeing the display of power of the Goddesses…

On the other hand, Naruto, who's still standing on top of the Shinsuusenju, can't help but feel amazed on how powerful the Goddesses might actually be in battle even if he already knew that the Goddesses really aren't used on fighting like this.

"And here I am thinking that I need to watch their backs… stupid me…" Naruto smiled in defeat while looking towards the Heavenly ethereal wings of the Goddesses with their backs facing him. He then clapped his hands once again to amplify the power of his Shinsuusenju with Senjutsu. He flared his Chakra to change the Wood Element of the gigantic structure jutsu into Magma Element, technically making it as Senpou: Youton: Shinsuusenju (Sage Art: Lava Release: Ten Thousand Hands). The power of the now gigantic lava projection boosted in enormous levels that each of its ten thousand fists can rival the power of a Super Charged Bijuu Dama.

"Let's light it up… and kick their butts, everyone!" Naruto yelled as the Goddesses nodded to him and towards each other… as if mutually understanding that they'll continue holding back these Weiss Army until the real Naruto was able to reconfigure the Nidheig and free the Daimakaicho from its curse…

-Scene Change-

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku and Vegetta along with Beerus continued to overpower the Demon Lords of Nifhiem. They were able to severely damage the Demon Lords thru multiple planet wrecking attack combinations without giving any chance for the Demon Lords to fight back. The only thing that was saving the Demon Lords from their inevitable defeat was their actual high regeneration due to their Weiss physiques.

"With Naruto now awakened, all that we need is to continuously weaken these guys before he arrives and seal them!" Goku yelled in all excitement as he punched the Demon Lord of Searing Flames, Uria, with shockwave that can be felt thru an entire Solar System. That attack blew Uria's head away along with the upper half of its' Serpent-like body.

"Heh. But I would prefer for him to arrive later so I can continue testing the power of this new Saiyan God form!" Vegetta then punched the Demon Lord of Striking Thunder, Hamon, on its chest, shattering the Demon Lords' body violently as well.

"At least we got what we bargained here when we decided to take a trip on the 9th Universe… to have a fight that could our current limits, right?" Beerus gave a thundering uppercut to Raviel, the Demon Lord of Phantasm.

Each of those blows wrecked the Demon Lords' body, making them transform into miasma and then regenerate once again. The Gods of the 7th Universe then once again gave another combination attack that further damaged the Demon Lords, once again shattering them into mere miasma. It was then that the Demon Lords realized… that if they don't do anything to change their current predicament, then they are as good as if they were already dead…

"GGRROOOAAHHH!"The shattered miasma of the Demon Lords howled in desperation.

"…!" Goku and Vegetta looked in surprise as the Demon Lords seemed to be melding their powers together as one being. Beerus, on the other hand, simply narrowed his eyes. After all, he didn't expect that the Demon Lords can fuse their Weiss miasma to create such powerful presence even in front of that of gods like him and the Saiyan Gods. Beerus fired a powerful beam with potency enough to vaporize the sun towards the melding Weiss miasma of the three Demon Lords. But the miasma made the potent godly ki blast simply pass through them…

The miasma then continued to grow larger and larger, as if the miasma from the three Demon Lords itself continued to amplify each other's power. The miasma then grew into a size of a moon, then further beyond it as it started to form some physical features from an amalgam appearance of the three Demon Lords. And since the already godly power of these Demonic deities continued to meld together into one being, their powers also further grew beyond the limits of a so-called god, making Beerus, Goku and Vegetta grit their teeth in wary.

"This thing… is reaching Whis' power level…" Beerus muttered to the Saiyan Gods.

"Top that with now almost planet-sized physical body!" Goku commented while bracing himself due to the massive gust of wind that was being created by the merging of the Demon Lords. After all, all that they can now see on the Demon Lords' appearance is that of an ethereal, planet-sized figure with only the upper half of its body visible on the horizon due to its enormous size (imagine the size of Gongen Wyzen's ultimate form from Asura's Wrath. Please Google it or watch it on Youtube to see the epic scale in terms of size.)…

The planet-sized Weiss created from the melded three Demon Lords still continued to expand, now gaining actual hue from its physical appearance. Its head and body had combined features of Demon Lord Hamon and Raviel, with its left arm actually as a physical form of Demon Lord Uria. Its six Demonic Wings, each pair had color matching each Demon Lords, have enough wingspan to wrap the entire planet into darkness. The very presence of the new Demon Lord itself was now shattering Whis' entire Reality Marble…

"How can we possibly fight that thing without destroying the planet, no, at least a galaxy?" Vegetta gritted his teeth. After all, as Saiyan Gods, they knew that him and Goku can stand fighting against a powerful being like this gigantic Weiss. However, he already knew that with the Reality Marble's existence now completely shattering because of the mere presence of this new Demon Lord, they'll have no other choice but to fight this thing on the outside world. And even with Fuzetsu, he knew that even a single clash between the combined power of Goku, Beerus and himself against this Demon Lord can obliterate a huge part of the galaxy…

"Only by sealing it." Beerus simply replied, his tone and expression in all seriousness. "…because once we decided to go all out and fight against this Demon Lord thing, it's the same as we have decided on how this Universe will end…"

The Demon Lord stabilized his miasma now that he had completed his transformation. Even a single blink of its eye can easily be mistaken as a blinking moon. Glaring on the smaller-than-ant opponents in Goku, Vegetta and Beerus, he gave a powerful roar that could easily obliterate an entire Jupiter-sized planet several times over…

And that roar itself… destroyed Whis' Reality Marble like a broken hour-glass…

-Scene Change-

"…!" Whis then felt that his already damaged Reality Marble broke, not because of the power of the Saiyan Gods and Hakaishin, but because of the mere roar from a powerful being that could easily match his own power. And with the Reality Marble breaking similar to that of a broken sky, it produced a massive wind gust that could be felt on the entire Eurasia and Pacific region. And due to the powerful presence that appeared out of nowhere, the active Naruto Shadow Clones all over the battlefield, along with the Goddesses and other individuals capable of moving within the Fuzetsu felt wary and prepared for any possible worst case scenario.

In that instance, all of them sensed and saw the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan duo along with the Hakaishin levitating while emitting their full-powered battle aura while looking at this something beyond the horizon. Naruto and the Goddesses then followed the Saiyans' gaze, then saw the possibly largest entity yet that they have ever seen…

"It can't be… the three Demon Lords meld together as one… for reviving the most powerful Weiss in existence… the Primordial God… Armitael, Phantasm of Chaos…" Haqua muttered as she saw the upper-half, almost ethereal figure of the larger than planet-sized God Weiss looming over the horizon. She fell on her knees while trembling violently in fear, feeling a suffocating power just by looking at its satellite-sized eyes…

"A Primordial God…" Raizen said as he released his potent Youki to fight off against the powerful presence looming towards the Fuzetsu'd world…

"I never thought that I'll ever see Armitael on the material world…" Tanemakaicho Anzasu said with serious eyes.

The entire Weiss Army that were fighting against the two Saiyans, Valkyries and the Bijuu Cloak-clad Naruto Kage Bunshins also noticed how the entire army of Weiss stopped charging towards them and somehow kneeled on their own respective ways towards the Weiss Primordial God…

"And this is the fused version of the Gods that Father and Uncle Vegetta had been fighting against…" Goten muttered while looking towards the Saiyan Gods levitating above the atmosphere… flaring their blue godly ki beside Beerus…

"Even if we do the Fusion Dance, I doubt if we can be able to actually fight it…" Trunks said in somewhat defeated smile, both of them still in Super Saiyan 3 transformation…

"The only thing that we can do right now is to protect Tanemakaicho-sama!" Peorth yelled as she and Lind flew towards the Tanemakaicho's current location.

"What should we do, Naruto, Nee-sama?" Skuld muttered while she along with Belldandy, Urd and the entire Jupiter Sisters seemingly froze just by looking at the mere appearance of the titanic Weiss in front of them…

"I… don't know…" Belldandy muttered. After all… this is one of those times that she's at lost on what she needs to do…

"Unless we were able to weaken this thing, we won't be able to do the appropriate sealing against all these Weiss…" Diana spoke within Tenri, but her voice can be heard by the rest of the Goddesses.

"Don't worry guys. No matter what happens, I will protect all of you…" The Naruto Shadow Clone that's with them said… preparing to go all out if needed… "But for now, we need to regroup with the others first so we can create plans together with them…"

The aftershock of the destroyed Reality Marble due to the roar of the Primordial Weiss God made the Justice League's Javelin lose its control and shatter into pieces. Good thing though, all of them were unhurt due to Green Lantern and Dr. Fate's combined projected shield.

However, what they saw on the horizon greatly surprised all of them, making even Supergirl and Batgirl tremble in fear, after seeing the Weiss God Armitael's mere silhouette. After all, they were only a few kilometers towards the current location where the epicenter of all these events were happening…

"What the hell is that?!" Green Lantern muttered while levitating. He is currently projecting a shallow sphere from his Lantern Ring to carry the other member of the League that can't fly or levitate like Batman and the Flash.

"Armitael… a mythical Primordial Demonic God that existed way before the age of the Gods." Dr. Fate muttered, dispelling the shield that protected the entire Justice League.

"It did just appear out of nowhere despite its size…" J'onn Jonz said, somewhat displaying a surprised expression after seeing the largest being that he saw in existence yet…

"And the Shinobi along with his comrades… are fighting against these kinds of beings… right under our noses?" Superman glared with mix expression of wariness and somewhat fear. After all, for them who don't have Spiritual Powers, the mere presence of the gigantic Primordial God looking down towards the planet Earth itself made him doubt himself, knowing that he can't do anything against it…

"Hmm… those presences…" Vegetta glared towards the location where the Justice League was currently levitating. "…they shouldn't be able to move within this space, aren't they, Beerus-sama?"

"They are accompanied by a powerful spellcaster who have enough knowledge on how to move within the Fuzetsu." Beerus said without removing his gaze from the Primordial Weiss God. After all, this being can start attacking anytime… and even a single attack from it can destroy the planet without even trying. That's why this was one of those few times that the all-powerful God of Destruction wasn't letting his guard down against a very powerful being.

"But look on the bright side, the Shinobi and the Goddesses are already back. With their power, I know that they can do something on this current situation!" Goku said optimistically despite glaring against their 'predicament'. After all, he already sensed Naruto along with his Shadow Clones fighting together with the others right after the destruction of Whis' Reality Marble.

"However, that still won't do." The third Naruto Shadow Clone flew and levitated near the Hakaishin and the Saiyan Gods.

"Hey! You can also finally fly now!?" Goku asked the Shinobi of the Six Paths.

"Yeah. Thanks to the power of the Six Paths." Naruto answered vaguely.

"Don't sweat about the small details. We need the power of the Shinobi right here and now against these things!" Vegetta yelled towards Goku's still somewhat carefree altitude. "And besides, the Naruto in front of us right now is just a Clone." Vegetta then glared towards the Naruto Bunshin. "Do you really think that your power as a Clone was enough to deal with this thing?"

"I don't know." Naruto replied seriously. He then also glared towards Armitael. "All that I know is that since this Primordial Weiss something still is a Weiss, then it can still be defeated by damaging it that will surpass its regeneration capabilities, and on its weakest after being beaten down, can be used to take advantage of and seal it before it can regenerate back."

"And besides, remember that during the Almage Machina War, all these Weiss were sealed by those Jupiter girls at the cost of sacrificing their lives to become part of that seal. That means all the Weiss, including the Weiss Army and these Weiss Gods, were defeated and sealed by those Goddess girls. The Goddesses' powers are natural anti-thesis against these Weiss. That's one of the reasons why the Goddesses are being targeted by Vintage to begin with." Beerus stated his opinion while looking towards the Jupiter and Norse Goddesses who also seemed to froze after seeing the intimidating demonic appearance beyond the horizon.

"I won't let them sacrifice themselves like what happened from the Almage Machina!" Naruto muttered in defensive tone towards Beerus. "If they can create the seal against those Weiss, then I'll alter it with my own power so they won't need to sacrifice themselves again! And besides, it still is quite impossible to seal all these Weiss right now just due to these two conditions…"

"First is that these Weiss are still empowered by the spell of Nidheig right now." Whis said towards Raizen and Haqua while using his staff to telepathically make Trunks and Goten, along with the Bijuu-controlled Shadow Clones hear their conversation. The Tanemakaicho Anzasu nodded in response as Peorth and Lind also arrived beside her to protect her against any possible worst case scenario. "For us to defeat all these Weiss using the sealing spell of the Goddesses, we will need to reconfigure the Nidheig itself by reviving the Daimakaicho. That's the reason itself why the real Naruto immediately headed to Nifheim… to use his sealing powers to undo the curse casted by Vintage against the Daimakaicho so the Daimakaicho can reconfigure the Nidheig…"

"The second reason is that like the common knowledge among most of us here, these Weiss needs to be beaten down first before they can be sealed properly. And with this huge army of Weiss, we will need a powerful spell or technique that will weaken them without busting the planet. But that will be quite hard, not because all of these Weiss are already powerful on their own, but the fact that their Primordial God, Armitael, is ready to destroy the entire planet at any given time from now…" Whis finished his explanation. "That's why we need to regroup together with the Goddesses and prepare against Armitael's attack."

"So in the end, all of us are sitting ducks here until the Daimakaicho was revived and have the Nidheig reconfigured…" Raizen gritted his teeth. "And we need to do whatever it takes necessary to hold down that Armitael before it consumed the entire world… Damn it! Let's regroup for now!" He then fired his powerful Youki and charged towards the Army of Weiss that was kneeling down to the majestic yet demonic primordial on the horizon…

Trunks, Goten, and the Bijuu-powered clones also followed Raizen as they started blasting the Weiss army on the other side to create a path to regroup with others... The Tanemakaicho, Whis, Haqua, Keiichi along with Peorth and Lind then looked towards the Norse and Jupiter Sisters in distance…

"Peorth, Lind… as Valkyries, you will need to provide support to my daughters." Tanemakaicho Anzasu said in somewhat commanding tone. "Set aside our differences with the Jupiter Pantheon for now, and help them as well on this. They are the key on how this battle will end."

"But how about you, Anzasu-sama?" Lind said seriously.

"You seemed to be underestimating the Supreme Goddess of Equilibrium, aren't you, Valkyries?" Whis said in collected tone. Lind and Peorth then gulped visibly, finally remembering that Anzasu's hierarchical powers rival that of the Daimakaicho and the Daitenkaicho. "The only thing that's holding the two of us back right now… is that we governed the balance on our own respective domains. We are almost prohibited to meddle with the flow of history… But if we need to… then that'll be a different story."

"That's why the only thing that we can do right now was to protect the Fuzetsu's caster, this Devil girl over here…" Tanemakaicho Anzasu looked towards the trembling Haqua, mostly because of the presence of the God Weiss on her entire field of view. "…because if her Fuzetsu got cancelled, then it will going to be a great disaster on the humans existing outside of this mirror world…"

"And besides, even right now, all those Weiss were still targeting the Jupiter Goddesses because they knew that they were the ones responsible for their imprisonment during the Almage Machina War. Eliminating them will not only act as their own version of revenge, but will also remove the threat of them being resealed once again. My daughters befriended them despite their difference as Goddesses from different Pantheons. You know how my daughters treasure their friends, right? And as their friends, I believe you can understand what I want to imply, right?" Anzasu continued with a small, somewhat encouraging smile to the Goddesses.

Lind and Peorth cannot help but nod, as they saw one of Naruto Shadow Clones along with the Jupiter Sisters and the Norse Goddesses approaching them to regroup together…

"Did you hear that, brats? While the others will held back the entire Army of Weiss to protect the Goddesses and the Devil girl, the three of you, on the other hand, will deal with this Armitael God-wannabe until the Nidheig was reconfigured back. That's the only time when can be able to deal damage against these Weiss and seal them for real using the power of the Shinobi brat's sealing technique and the power of the Goddesses!" Beerus yelled towards the Saiyan Gods Goku and Vegetta, along with Naruto Shadow Clone.

"Then what will you do?" Naruto Clone immediately asked Beerus.

"Those costumed heroes… I'll play with them. Because it will be a big trouble if we will be fighting together with them against this Armitael. We can't go fighting against a Primordial God while also trying to protect them at the same time." Beerus muttered. "I already have my own fair share of fun from earlier against a Demon Lord. So I'll hold down the Justice League. That need to learn to not stick their noses on things that they don't have anything to do with."

Naruto, Goku and Vegetta then nodded at the same time. Beerus then smirked, then dashed towards the Justice League's current location.

The three of them then felt that Armitael finally began moving… as if preparing to finally attack the three…

Goku and Vegetta then flared their Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan blue aura, shaking the entire world in the process. Naruto Shadow Clone, on the other hand, clapped both his hands, then tapped into the inner depths of Chakra within him. After all, despite him being just a Clone with power and parameters that could rival that of the Rikudo Sennin in base, he can tap further Chakra within his enormous reserves access Chakra further beyond that of the Sage of the Six Paths.

He then accessed the Six Paths power within him at the same time… allowing him to enter his Six Paths Sage Mode without tapping into any of the Bijuu and Juubi's power… After all, just like Hamura, Hagoromo, Indra and Ashura, he can now also use Six Paths Sage Mode by using his own power and not thru other source… And while Naruto's Chakra continued to increase, the power and potency of the Six Paths Sage Mode also increase as well, since the Six Paths Chakra was amplified in proportion to the Chakra level of its user…

Goku and Vegetta then felt the new power that they've were witnessing as Naruto now donned a Golden Chakra Cloak with 10 Gudou Dama behind him and Trigon Shakujo on his right hand (similar to Hecate's shakujo from Shakugan no Shana). His Golden Chakra Cloak extended with its hemline touching the back of Naruto's foot (imagine Naruto's Six Paths Sage Mode from the Manga, but longer coat similar to his Humanoid Bijuu Mode). The two Saiyan Gods can now feel overwhelming power being emitted by the golden blond beside them…

"So you really have gotten stronger…" Goku said as he prepared a battle stance. "If we could really have a chance, I wanted to have a spar with you!"

"And you're power right now greatly dwarfed the power that you used against that Madara person from your home world despite having identical appearance on that previous transformation of yours…" Vegetta smirked, remembering Naruto and Madara's battle after they saw a fragment of his memory during the Summit with the Daimakaicho.

"Yeah… and this power is nothing but just the tip of the iceberg…" Naruto grinned to himself while Goku and Vegetta also prepared for battle against a planet-sized opponent… After all, the Shinobi still has yet to access his full base Chakra that will further amplify his current power, and also he was still yet to use all his other power-ups…

"GGGRRROOOAAAHHH…!" The Demonic Primordial God, Armitael, roared maliciously, shaking the entire world as the Weiss God pulled its gigantic Demonic Arm and aimed to punch and shatter the planet…

"Let's do this…!" Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku, Vegetta, and Six Paths Sage Mode Naruto Kage Bunshin yelled together as they prepared to stop the incoming attack of their gigantic adversary…

-Scene Change-

"Nghk..!" Yusuke skidded back with pained expression after being hit by the barrage of hi-speed attacks fired by the Fullbring activated, Hollowfied Ichigo Shirosaki. He immediately recovered himself to sense any incoming attacks, but before he could even sense it, Ichigo was already swinging down his huge Zanpakuto down to his head…

Yusuke dodged it by hair's breadth, but the Zanpakuto nicked his shoulders making him bleed quite seriously. Yusuke then immediately smirked in desperation, then dashed away before Ichigo can follow-up an attack. After all, this is the first time after a long while that he was being pushed back in one-on-one battle despite him already using his Seikouki and also his Atavism Youki, evident on his tattoo like marking all-over his body.

Yusuke then compressed a potent amount of Seikouki on his right fist, and punched the air sharply, creating a vacuum of pressurized wind similar to that of air cannon directed towards the former Substitute Shinigami. The air cannon leveled everything on its path, leaving a massive curved trench on the landscape.

Ichigo just smirked cockily. The air cannon were fast, very fast. But he is very much faster than it even on his base form. The Hollow Mask-clad Shinigami then fired a casual wind slash from both his short and long Zanpakuto, making an X-shaped pressurized wind with enough power to rival his Mugetsu that he used to weaken Aizen.

Yusuke's air cannon and Ichigo's wind slash collided, resulting in an enormous mushroom cloud, shredding all matter to smithereens within the radius of the explosion. Yusuke then immediately sensed something out of nowhere behind him… feeling the immense killing intent aimed towards him. He immediately equipped his right arm with Seikouki and in beyond massive hypersonic speeds, attacked this individual who's behind him. Of course, it is no other than Shirosaki…

However, Ichigo just stop Yusuke's fist with bare-handedly with his long sword Zanpakuto's tip pinned on the ground. But the impact created a shockwave, erecting multiple mountain-sized boulders from the ground behind Ichigo. Yusuke further clad his right fist with potent Seikouki, but Ichigo simply responded by overpowering Yusuke with his own Hollowfied Reiatsu.

"Damn… you sure are strong…" Yusuke said with a serious smirk.

"You too… considering that you're able to still fight on par against me on my current form." Ichigo smirked.

"Your current form…?! Do you mean… you have much more powerful form than this…?!" Yusuke said with visible surprise all over his face.

"So you can actually use your brain huh?" Ichigo said with a mocking glare. "I can sense that something nasty was happening on the material world right now. So I need to make sure that there's nothing wrong with Nidheig…"

"And you already knew very well that I won't let you touch Nidheig as long as my head is still attached to my body." Yusuke said seriously. After all, he already knew that his opponent was about to take him on seriously right now…

"Yeah. Playtime's over. If you let your guard down, even for a second, then you'll found your head flying in the atmosphere." Ichigo said darkly as he emitted huge amounts of Reiatsu without letting go of Yusuke's fist. Yusuke tried to get away, but Ichigo further tightened his grip on his fist…

"So you're preparing to change costume again…!" Yusuke yelled as he charged his Seikouki Shottogan on his left hand, aiming to punch his opponent.

But much to Yusuke's surprise, his Shottogan with country-leveling potency didn't inflict any serious damage to the Hollow-masked Shinigami. Yusuke gritted his teeth, then aimed to kick Ichigo's head, but the now Hollowfying arm of the Shinigami caught the leg with his other free arm. With both hands and legs now being grabbed by Ichigo's Hollowfying arms, he raised Yusuke up in the air, then swung him down towards his knee. Ichigo's violently hit Yusuke's backbone, making the former Spirit Detective yell in pain.

Ichigo then let go of Yusuke, then once again materialized his smaller Zanpakuto. He then swung it down to Yusuke, from his upper right shoulder down to his left abdomen. Yusuke barely dodged it on the last second, but he received a massive, bleeding cut on his chest down to his stomach.

Ichigo then became clad with dark light, emitting crushing Reiatsu all over the region. Yusuke cannot help but just glare towards the source of dark light. He really can't believe that some former human similar to him also have the same power like that of his. This really surpassed all his imagination…

"I never thought that there'll come a time that I'll ever use that again…" Yusuke just sighed as he braced himself for him not to be blown away just by the mere aura of his opponent. He needs to determine first how powerful his opponent really was before using that power again… the power that will always surpass his Atavism Seikouki…

The dark light then slowly disappeared… displaying a being still clad in black samurai clothing, but now with complete white complexion with several black marking on his limbs and body. The being also donned a much longer, waist-length orange hair. And now, his mask now became literally part of his face along with two demonic horns on the forehead…

"So you… literally became a Demon now…" Yusuke said while looking towards the menacing appearance of the Nifheim General in front of him.

"Hollowfication: Vasto Lorde…" Ichigo muttered within his Demonic Hollow Mask. "This is my own version of Ressurreccion…" Ichigo started charging some red sphere created from Hollowfied Reiatsu on the middle of his two Demonic Horns. "Feel glad… for you to experience fighting me on this form… and feel bad… because this is the last thing that you'll ever see…"

"…!" Yusuke then immediately released his full power after sensing the potent power that was being aimed towards him…

"This… is your end…" Ichigo said in monotone voice as he fired his continent-leveling casual Cero towards Yusuke…

The Cero then created a blinding light that even caught the others' attention while still battling against their respective opponents. Hiei and Yoko looked towards Yusuke direction with somewhat worried expression for their comrade while Gohan also felt the same after seeing the gigantic sphere of explosion that was still expanding as each moment pass…


"…!" The Vasto Lorde Ichigo sensed something within the exploding giant Cero. He then saw how the giant Cero slowly cracked, then in a matter of seconds, shattered, then disappeared into thin air…

"I'm glad… that someone like you was here…" Yusuke's much darker voice echoed within the dust and rubbles around the crater created by the Cero. "I never thought that there'll come a time that I'll actually use this power again…"

And with a gust of wind, the rubbles were cleared after mere seconds. Vasto Lorde Ichigo narrowed his eyes after seeing the transformation that Yusuke has been through…

The former Spirit Detective still has the same physiques and height… still have the same Mazoku markings all over his body… however, his earlier wounds were now fully regenerated like nothing… but the most noticeable change was…

"Silver… hair…?!" Ichigo muttered casually.

"Right… Seikouki is a combination of my own S-Class Reiatsu and the Atavism of Raizen old man's SSS-Class Youki. Both powers are basically mine. So I can meld them and create a much powerful power, Seikouki, as mentioned. However…Raizen old man's power is different from the Atavism that was awakened within me… that's why I can use his power as amplifier for my own Seikouki…" Yusuke explained, now walking with much more intimidating aura than before…

The two former humans then glared towards each other…

"Former humans… now acquired the power to become monsters for them to fight for what they believed in. I no longer care about your motives and such. All that I want right now is to crush you in the most humiliating way possible!" Yusuke yelled angrily.

Ichigo then glared towards Yusuke. Each time he powered-up, Yusuke will also release a new power beyond his imagination. Even Aizen wasn't able to do such even with the power of Hougyoku. That's why…

"You have earned my respect… Yurameshi Yusuke… Now then… We're just monsters here. After all that I've seen while exchanging blows with… I can conclude… that both of us… really are walking down the same path… the path of destruction…" Ichigo muttered.

"Shut your mouth and go all out!" Yusuke yelled as the two disappeared and reappeared in a massive clash that could easily rend the moon in two…

-Scene Change-


In few tens of kilometers away from the Daimakaicho's Castle, a dimensional wormhole appeared out of nowhere. And from that dimensional wormhole, a Hiraishin kunai landed on its miasma-filled ground. And in a flash, the real Naruto appeared to pick up the Hiraishin kunai. He then dispelled his Six Paths Rinnegan on his left eye, then looked around. He then sensed that his Shadow Clones were now fighting on the real world thru their mental telepathy, making him realize that one of them was even preparing to fight against a very powerful Demonic being…

"The only way to end these battles… is first… to reconfigure the Nidheig…" Naruto muttered to himself while using his sensing abilities to locate the Nidheig's current location. And due to that, he was also able to sense the other ongoing battles around the Daimakaicho's domain…

Gohan was currently fighting against another Weiss God; Hiei and Yoko along with this two unknown allies fighting against the four Nifheim Generals; and Yusuke fighting against the final Nifheim General…

"So Vintage really was prepared to stall us for whatever objective that they have… that's why Yusuke and the others still wasn't able to do what's they need to do on that Nidheig thing…" Naruto narrowed his eyes. As Naruto prepared to dash towards the Daimakaicho's Castle, he then realized that the miasma around him was projecting into another set of powerful Weiss Army, intending to also stop him on his tracks…

"So you guys also intended to stop me…?! Even the base power that I have before meeting Hagoromo-jiji and the others was more than enough to obliterate all of you!" Naruto then grabbed two Hiraishin kunais. Knowing that he needs to end all of this in an instant, he dashed right into the heart of the Army of Weiss in front of him…

Next chapter