
Shinobi Alliance React to Unwanted Saiyan

Shinobi Alliance React to Unwanted Saiyan. It's just a silly story of Cannon Naruto and his friend's reaction to his female counterpart. If anything goes wrong, well, this story is just for fun.

AkiraIP · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Hinata Hyuga


Everyone saw the title as the thought.

"Hmm, if Naruko were there, who would be Hinata's crush then?" I thought out loud as Hinata and Naruto blushed.

"Hmm, I think Kyo-Chan will take place," Tenten replied, giggling a bit and making Hinata blush more.

"So we're gonna see a Saiyan boy's life and how he changed the whole world?" Shikaku asked as the other nodded.

"I wish I could see more Kyo action," Lee said excitedly.


In Uchiha residences, Naruko wakes in the blind morning and feels Kyo is not by her side.

Naruko sighs, 'Kyo must go out training already. I hope Kaa-San didn't find out, or it will be a bad day for Kyo then.' The blonde goes back to sleep.

"So Kyo really like to train, huh? That is unexpected for a five-year-old kid." Hiashi said as the other nodded.

Most of the 5-year-old children were mostly playing and sleeping.


In the training field, Kyo throws shuriken to the training board, and a perfect score to the middle makes Kyo smile, 'Hell yeah, another perfect score for me, hehe.'

"That's surely impressive, don't you think, Kurenai?" Anko finally talks and asks her friends.

Kurenai nodded, "Yeah, especially since he's at age 5."

"He is skilful. Sadly, he can't use chakra," Fugaku said as he knew Kyo would bring Uchiha's name back to its glory if he had chakra.

When the boy looks at the top of the mountains, the sunrise is just about to appear. So he thinks he should go back home before his mom notices that he is not in his room.

"Well, I that enough for today. I guess it is time to go home, and it's cold!" Kyo said to himself, and he blamed himself for not taking a sweater before he went out to train.

"He training without the warm cloth? In winter, no less... wow, he must be training really hard not to notice the cold then." Lee said as he was impressed.

"At this point, Kyo is probably stronger than everyone his age," Gai said while nodding.

When the raven-haired boy was just about to leave the training field, he heard screaming not far from his position.


"Who is that?" Naruto gets worried he can't stand when someone gets into trouble.

"Calm down, Naruto. I think the story will tell us soon," Sakura said while trying to calm her friend down.

"Who is that? Someone in danger?" Kyo starts running towards where the scream came from. Kyo smirked, "I hope it's a bear. I want to test my new skill after all, hehe."

"A bear will be the best for Kyo to show his skill," Madara said as he got interested in the Saiyan boy.

When he arrives, Kyo sneaks up behind the trees and sees the scene about just what happened. 

Kyo sees three boys and one girl.

"Is that Hinata?" Sakura asks as the other nods, making Hinata hide her face and lean to her chair deeply.

The girl is being bullied by the three boys. That made Kyo mad. He didn't like someone to bully someone, especially if they bullied a girl.

"So Kyo-Chan is slowly becoming protector," Mikoto said with a smile. 

There is no Uchiha who wants to be a civilian protector; even the Uchiha police who are doing more work than willing to help others are rare.

"He got pure hearts," Yuri said with a smile as she looked at the TV.

His mother always said to respect a Woman or Girl because his mother said women are weaker than men. So they need men's protection, not bully them or hurt them.

"Oh, it's that time." Ryo smiled as he remembered when.



In the dining room, Yuri explains something that confuses four-year-old Kyo. "Remember, Kyo-Chan, women are weaker than men, so when the times come, I want you to protect them."

Kyo tilts his head to the side, "Why are women weaker than men? And I'm pretty sure you are stronger than Dad, Kaa-San."

Of course, some children thought their mom was stronger than their father because, in some families, the wife had to beat the shit out of her husband. It's the same case with Kyo here. He always sees his mother beat his dad's ass when Ryo does something wrong. So, he thinks his mother is stronger than his father.

"Hehe, it is typical for a child to notice their mother was stronger!" Tsunade said while giggling a bit.

Yuri sighed as she said, "No, Kyo-Chan. I'm not that strong, but! As a wife and mother, I need to look stronger than I look and listen to myself, Kyo-Chan, no matter how strong a woman is. They still need Men's protection. Like your father and me."

Yuri smiles while petting her son on the head, "So when the time comes, I want you to protect someone who needs help, especially your sister Naruko or even Satsuki."

"But can I protect you, Isachi and the others, too?" Kyo asks, still confused.

Yuri gives a hug, "Of course you can! And remember, when someone needs your help, you should help them.

Ryo enters into the conversation behind them. "Enough with Women who need protection. Men also need protection from Women, too, you know?"

Yuri giggles, "I know that."

"Huh?" Kyo got more confused.

Ryo explains, "Remember, Kyo Women need Men's, and Men need Women. With that, they complete each other, but enough for that, I'm Hungry!"

Kyo sweatdrop, 'I actually didn't really know what they mean?'

"Why are you saying this to a 4-year-old boy?" Jiraiya asks in confusion as he continues, "You know he might not have gotten what you said, right?"

"We just want to let Kyo know that Naruko will need him if we are not around," Yuri said with a sad face.

"So you basically shipping Naruko with Kyo then?" Kushina asked with a sly smirk. Everything they say to little Kyo is basically to her that they want Kyo to marry her daughter. Even though Naruko is from a different world, she is still her daughter.

"What?! No, no, that is not. We meant it's..." Yuri was shocked as she looked at Ryo to back her up, only the Saiyan father to shrug.

"Well, we are not shipping anyone... But we meant that we wanted him to protect the girls like Naruko-Chan and Satsuki-Chan, even Hinata-Chan here." Ryo said with a smile as Kushina sighed.

"Aww~, I thought you were on my side, Yuri, Ryo..." Kushina sighs once again in disappointment.

"I didn't want to ship anyone! They five! Get hold of your horse already! At least let's talk about this when Kyo-Chan gets older!"

Kushina and Mikoto smile at Yuri's words as they giggle and can't wait for the story to reach that point.

The other sighed and deadpan at the three mothers.


•Flashback End•

The first bullies, "So you are from the Hyuga clan, huh? The strongest clan in Konoha with those wired eyes. So how about it? We test your strength..now, and show us what your ugly eyes can do, hahaha."

"Those brats! Hope they suffer for what they did to Hinata-Chan!" Sakura said in anger as the girl nodded.

Most of the males, especially Hiashi, also glared at the scene.

"Why is this scene so familiar?" Naruto started to think he felt he had the same situation in winter and was helping someone, but he couldn't remember when because it was too long ago.

The second Bullies smirked, "Yeah, boss, how about we beat this girl to show them who is strongest."

The last Bullies giggle as he walks forward and says. "Yeah, let's go!"

The second Bullies grab the girl's hand so she can't run away.

"Come on, Kyo-Chan, help Hinata already!" Naruto yelled in frustration that he couldn't help the little Hinata.

Hinata blushed at Naruto's words, showing that he cared for her, but Hinata couldn't imagine the little herself as her sister. 

That is why, from the start of the chapter, she can't help but blush red because she knows this exact point when the event she falls in love with Naruto.

But she also wonders how Kyo-Chan will handle the situation.

"P-Please, let me go." The girl begs to let her free.

Kyo just arrives and hides behind the tree. 'This scumbag crosses the line. I will teach them how to treat the weak person nicely.'

"It's kind of rude with that sentence, but somehow not," Sakura said as Ino nodded.

The Girl is too scared, 'P-Please, someone helps me... I'm so scared.' She closed her eyes when she saw a fist want to hit her. But the hit never came. She opened her pale, light purple eyes and saw someone standing in front of her.

"Kyo-Chan arrived to save the day!" Naruto yelled while jumping for joy.

Hinata's friends and family sigh in relief and smile at the fact that the Saiyan boy helped her.

The person blocks one of the punches with only one finger.

"He just blocked someone punch that years older than him." Naruto was shocked. Kyo didn't only manage to block it but with his finger, which was more surprising.

Kyo narrows his eyes with a promise of pain, "Don't you dare hit her."

"Ara, he surely has an intermediate aura with him at such a young age! Just Imagine what he can do when he grows up," Anko licked her lips as she got more interested in the kid.

"Anko, please, he's five..." Kurenai said to her best friends and sighed.

"He is now but. Whatever you said, Kurenai~" Anko teased back.

The first bully's eyes widen in shock when Kyo suddenly appears and blocks the punch, "What? Who the hell are you!" He punches Kyo multiple times, but Kyo just blocks all the punches with ease.

"Woah... he surely more skilful than any of us!" Lee said with excitement as he felt his fire burning brighter than before.

"This might be the genetic of the Saiyan to have fighting instinct at such a younger age, I guess?" Hiruzen question at the Guardian.

"Yes, every Saiyan race has a fighting instinct and is stronger than the normal human race, depending on their power level." The Guardian explain.

"Power level? So you going to tell us what he compares to us?" Madara asks, and he gets interested.

"I will, and it's not now." The Guardian replied as Madara scoffed.

The second Bullies were shocked as he asked the first one, "Boss, are you playing with him, right?"

The last Bullies ask the same thing, "Yeah, you're kidding, right?"

"I believe he's not! You gone brats!" Kushina yells in excitement, and she hates bullies.

The first Bullies shook his head as he said, "No, I wasn't playing!" Kyo grabs his one last punch. Which makes him scream in pain when Kyo hold it tighter, "Help! Let me Go! Ah"

Bullies yell their leader as they go to help their leader, "Boss!"

Kyo just smirked when the bullies punched him multiple times, but he dodged and blocked all the punches while still grabbing the boss's fist. One of the Bullies' punches hit the Boss.

"Woah, he fast too!" Lee once again as the other nodded.


Sasuke smirked and said, "They are so stupid."

"Yeah, they are," Naruto replied with his own smile.

Kyo let go of the boss's arm and uppercut the second Bullies on the abdomen, which made him lift from the ground and swing kick while the second Bullies was still in the air.

"Gahh!" The second Bullies screamed in pain as the second Bullies knocked out.

"Damn, this kid was surely impressive. Watching him will not be boring, I guess." Ay, The Raikage said with a grin as he leaned back in his chair and legs crossed.

"I'm sure we not." The Tsuchikage, Onoki said while rubbing his goatee.

While the other Bullies are shocked, Kyo takes a step and makes a quick forward kick to Bullies 3 and swing kick to the head, which knocks him out.

The second and the last Bullies were out of service.

The first Bullies tremble. "H-How you beat them."

Kyo smirked, "Let's say I am pretty strong."

The other chuckled, and Mikoto said, "Are you sure Kyo were not Uchiha by blood?"

Yuri giggles a bit and replies, "I'm sure he is not."


"It's sad to see something like this. The title made their head and nose grow bigger, and they didn't see people under them." Hiruzen said as the other nodded.

The Bullies start to punch Kyo multiple times, but Kyo just dodges every punch. Once again, Kyo grabs The Bully's punch and hits back to his stomach.

"That is what I call a spine-breaking fist," Tsunade said with a grin.

The bully down to his knees. "GAHH!" He is down to his knees and coughs badly.

The Bully look at Kyo, "W-Who the hell are you..."

Kyo smirked as he crouched down to the Bully, "My name is Kyo Uchiha, and I'm non-Ninjutsu Uchiha."

"He might be a non-ninjutsu shinobi, but he is surely confident in his skill. I like it," Gai said with a smile, and the other agreed.

The bullies weakly laughed, "Haha, Y-You will pay for what you did... K-Kyo Uchiha..." The Bullies' leader fainted.

"I don't feel good about that sentence..." Naruto said with a frown, the same with Sasuke.

"What do you mean, Naruto?" Sakura asks as Naruto looks at Ryo, who frowns in sadness.

The other also looks at Ryo as Minato asks, "Are you okay, Ryo? What happened to the future of the story?"

"... Yeah, just thinking something. It's hard to explain, but I think the story will explain later." Ryo replied as Minato nodded.

Kyo sighs as he turns his head toward the girl. "Hey, are you okay?" Kyo talks to the girl, but it seems like the girl is shocked.

The boy walks towards the girl and pulls his arm to her with a grin and smile.

"Aw, he is such a sweetheart!" Sakura squeal.

The girl nodded, "Y-Yeah, I'm okay... Thank you, Kyo-San." She said in a shy tone while accepting his hand to stand up.

Kyo smiled, "Yeah, it's fine; wait, how did you know my name? Oh, you hear my name while I talk to this boy? Hehe, Uhh?"

Kyo didn't know her name, but he saw her appearance. She has Bob black hair with a light skin tone, and her eyes are light purple with no black pupils. She seems about his age.

"Aww, little Hinata, they were so cute!!" Ino squeals, making the teen Hinata go red in embarrassment.

"It's Hinata. My name is Hinata Hyuga." She introduces herself as tears start welling in her eyes. "THANKS AGAIN, KYO-SAN! T-Thank you very much..." Tears begin to fall from her eyes, and she starts to cry.

"Aww, don't cry, Chibi Hinata..." Kushina said, pouting because she wasn't there to help the crying girl.

When Hinata cried, Kyo started to panic. Did he hurt her? Or step on her feet? He looks down and doesn't step on her feet, which relieves him, but what is wrong with her?

The girl sighed as Yuri said, "Kyo-Chan, she just got bullied and was safe by you. She must have roller-coaster emotions."

The other looked at Hinata, who blushed red as she nodded in confirmation.

Kyo didn't know what to do as he said, "Hey, Um, Hinata? Is okay? No need to cry. You're safe now." He said with a smile while wiping tears from her eyes, making her cool down a bit.

"Daumn, he flirting already!? At age 5!?" Jiraiya grinned ear to ear before he got punched by Tsunade.

"Quiet, you idiot! What Kyo-Chan did is be called a gentleman! Not like you!" Tsunade yelled, and Jiraiya was glad Tsunade could use Chakra in the room right now, the same as everyone else.

"O-Okay... Thank you again, Kyo-San." Hinata said happily and wiped all her tears.

Kyo gives a smile, "Is okay, Hinata, I will go now. See ya, Hinata." Kyo is just about to walk home, and suddenly, Hinata grabs his shirt. "Huh?"

"K-Kyo-San, will you walk with me to my home," Hinata said, blushing, embracing and covering her face. She didn't know why, but she felt she could trust Kyo.

"hehe, it seems like little Hinata has a crush on someone~" Hanabi teased her sister as Hinata blushed even more.

"N-No, I'm not!" Hinata yells in embarrassment.

"Now- Now, well, all know in our world you love someone who is blond and male in our world~" Sakura teased Hinata, making both Hinata and Naruto blush.

Kyo smiles to pet her head. "Sure, why not!"

"I just realised he is quite tall for his age," Mikoto said. 

Fugaku looks at the Guardian. "Maybe it's the Saiyan thing?"

"No, that's just him. No Saiyan has done with his DNA to make him taller." The Guardian replies.

Yuri smiles, and she looks at the screen, which shows little Hinata at Kyo's neck level.

When they walked away, neither of them noticed someone behind the trees eavesdropping on them.

"Hmm, are Orochimaru already targeting Kyo-Chan?" Hiruzen thought out loud as the other glared at the snake sage.

"Kukuku, don't look down at me so much, sensei; the other me might not even know who Kyo-Chan is yet," Orochimaru said with a smile.


When they just out of the forest, Hinata had something in her mind about when Kyo said he was the Non-Ninjutsu Uchiha, but she didn't know if she heard it right because she was sure that Kyo was the strongest person that she met in her age.

"K-Kyo-San, can I ask something?"

Kyo smiled, "Just call me Kyo, Hinata. Yeah, go ahead, ask."

"Aw, he and Hinata were so cute!" Ino squeal ones again.

Hinata blushed as she asked, "W-What do you mean by being Non-Ninjutsu Uchiha? I am sure you're pretty strong. Even you can beat a genin level like nothing at all."

"Oh well, it is true that I am the Non-Ninjutsu in the clan because I can't use ninjutsu at all. But I want to change that. Even if I can't use Ninjutsu, I' will train physically and push my limits... I want to fight and protect the weak and someone precious to me, even though I am the Non-Ninjutsu in my clan... I never give up!" Kyo Said in confidence and stomped his hand to his chest while he looked into Hinata's eyes.

"Yoish!! He had the same goal as me! My other must train Kyo-Chan soon, no matter what!" Gai said with a girn while standing on his one good leg.

Tenten trying her best to calm her sensei down.

Hinata blushes a bit. "I wish... I can be like you," She said, mumbling in a sad voice.

"Hehe, I'm sure you can Hinata-Chan!" Naruto yells in happiness.

"T-Thank you Naruto-Kun." Hinata said with a smile.

Kyo notices her sad voice. "What's wrong Hinata? Something in your head? Let it out. Maybe I can help?"

Hinata shyly tries to explain, "Wells..."


After 10min, an Explanation of Hinata's story and Kyo understood it.

Hiashi sighed, "You just tell a stranger about your problem..."

"Hey, nothing wrong with telling others your problem when you didn't have a place to tell them," Naruto argued as the Hyuga clan head was silent. 

Naruto still remembers what he said to Haku to this day, and he can tell that what little Hinata did was not wrong.

"So what, you tell me that you are the weakest in your clan?" Kyo asks for confirmation.

"Y-Yeah..." Hinata mumbled reply as she blushed in embarrassment.

The teen Hinata also blushed when she remembered how she was.

Kyo starts to wonder, "Hmm... Oh yeah, I got an idea! Hinata, do you want to train with me?" He is close to her face. 

Hinata madly blushed when he was so close to her.

"She so shy," Kushina said while giggling a bit.

Hinata smiled, but her smile vanished as she said, "Y-Yeah! I would love to do that, Kyo, but I am afraid that my father will not let me go."

Kyo smiles, "Don't worry, Hinata. I will try to talk to your dad after what you tell me, okay?"

"He can 'try'," Hiashi said sarcastically.

"Otou-Sama!" Hinata and Hanabi yell in anger at their father.

"O-Okay..." Hinata gives a small smile.

"Hinata, how does your house look like again?" Kyo asks.

"Kyo-Chan didn't know what Hyuga compound is?" Mikoto asked as Yuri shyly nodded.

Hinata looked at the raven-haired boy and said, "O-Oh- we almost there's, there looks," She pointed at her home.

Kyo's eyes widen, "Wow! This doesn't house this a mansion, right!" He was amazed at how big her home was.

Hinata blushed as she responded, "Y-Yeah."

When Kyo and Hinata are just about to knock on the doors, the door opens itself when Kyo sees an Adult man who has the same eyes as Hinata just behind the door.

"Hiashi looks like a grumpy old man here," Kushina said with a frown.

He walks toward Hinata with an angry face. Hinata gets scared and takes a step back. Kyo goes in front of her and tries to protect her. The pale-eyed men are surprised by Kyo's appearance and actions.

"Young man, please step aside." The pale-eyed man said in a serious tone.

Kyo glared at the man as he said, "Nope, if you want to hurt her again!"

"Where is the fear on this kid?" Jiraiya asks and impressed.

The adult man narrows his eyes, "I see Hinata has told her problem to a stranger. This is none of your business, boy! Step - Aside!" The pale-eyed man glares back at Kyo. But Kyo didn't flinch. "So you are a brave one, did you? Step Aside from this last warning."

"He is the brave one," Ryo said with a smile like a proud dad.

Hiashi suddenly felt fear when he realised that Yuri was glaring at him.

The pale-eyed man walks toward Kyo and Hinata. Kyo steps aside, but suddenly, the adult man raises his hand to slap Hinata. 

Kyo reacts fast and stops his hand before the pale-eyed man hits her.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?" Tsunade yells at Hiashi.

"I must say that my younger one is not the brightest of what I am now," Hiashi said as he felt regret that he was being so harsh toward his daughter.

Kyo glare with anger, "Hey! What is your problem? WHY YOU WANT TO HIT HER!" Kyo got mad. Why does he want to hit her? What did she do wrong? Hinata just shocks Kyo to protect her again, this time from her father.

"Step Aside! THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, BOY!" The man with purple eyes tries to release his hand from Kyo. Still, Kyo grabs his hand hard. He tries to chop Kyo with his other hand, allowing Kyo to release his arm and backflip away from him.

"Once again, wow..." Kiba said, and he was surely impressive.

"You not mad?" Mikoto aks her sister Yuri.

"Not much, because I already know the end," Yuri said with a smile, making Hiashi shiver.

The pale man was impressed with what Kyo had shown him, such as strength and agility so he couldn't play with this kid now. He needed to discipline his child and activate his Byakugan. "So you want to fight, huh? So be it! Come at me, boy!"

"Hiashi, don't you dare hurt the kid!" Tsunade said in anger as Hiashi closed his eyes. He didn't want to see the scene.

Hinata knows that her dad didn't play around. He just wants to finish this fight fast. Then she saw Kyo go toward her father.

"Move out of the way, Kyo-Chan!" Kushina yelled in worry.

"KYO, NO!" Hinata's dad is on his stand, ready to fight. When Kyo enters his attack area, Hinata knows Kyo is finished.

The pale man made a pose as he said, "Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms."

"You just did sixty-four palms on Kyo-Chan!!??" Hinata said in anger, making the whole room shiver when the calm one gets angry.

"Mah-Mah Hinata-Chan, I sure Kyo-Chan will survive." Sakura tried her best to calm her friend down.

"Yeah, he's strong, remember?" Naruto also tries to calm Hinata down.

"But still, 64 can put an adult into a coma if not dead," Neji said as Hanabi nodded, making Hinata narrow her eyes.

"Neji, no need for the fuel!" Tenten yelled at her late friend.

"What? I'm just saying the fact." Neji reply.

Hinata started to cry when she saw what her father had done to her new friend, "OTOU-SAMA(FATHER), STOP!"

"GAHH!" Kyo screamed in pain as he was sent flying away to a nearby fence. Dust is everywhere. The fence collapsed on top of him.

"How did Kyo-Chan survive this?" Kushina asks her friend.

Ryo chuckled, "Like Naruto said earlier, Kyo-Chan were strong!"

"KYO!" Hinata is about to run toward her new friend, but she stops when her dad holds her hand. "Let me go Oto-Sama." Hinata cries, begging her father to let her go, and then her father slaps her face. He slaps hard, which makes Hinata hit the ground.

"Hey! Leave little Hinata-Chan alone!" Naruto yelled in anger while glaring at Hiashi.

"Calm down, Naruto, as Hiashi-San said, he is not the brightest in his younger age.

"Your friend is in luck. I didn't go all out. But after what your friend did, you will be punished." The man said as he was about to grab Hinata's hand, but suddenly, an invincible energy force hit his arm, making him groan in pain and pull his arm back to his.

"Is that?!" Naruto paused as he saw Hiashi get hit by something.

Hinata's dad looks at Kyo being sent and sees the boy standing with his fist out, a string of blood on his face.

"How?" Neji and the others, except Ryo and Yuri, were surprised when Kyo was still standing.

Hinata asks, "Kyo?"

Hinata's father disbelieved. "H-How possible?" That Jutsu will put most adults in a coma for one or two days, but yet this child is standing facing him.

"It's truly unbelievable..." Neji reply.

Kyo glared as he stood, slightly shaken, "Y-You are her dad, right? Why did you do this to her? Why did you punish her? Why did you force her to fight!"

The pale-eyes man regains his composure as he replies, "As I said, this none yo-"

"NONE MY BUSINESS, MY ASS! OLD MAN!" Kyo disappears in sight of Hinata, and her dad's eyes wide. That Kyo disappears in front of their eyes.

Suddenly, Hinata heard a groan from her dad. She saw Kyo punch her dad in the stomach, and her dad was sent flying a few meters away from Kyo.

"I gonna say it again, he fast!" Lee said that the fighting scene was getting good.

"Don't forget he's strong too," Tenten added.

Kyo glares while looking at Hinata's father, "Do you know! Why did Hinata run away? And do, you know! She was Bully by 3 Boys back then! NO! All you saw was her mistake! Her weakness! You didn't know how much she needed her father's love!"

"He surely wise at that age." Hiruzen impress.

Suddenly, three male Shinobi with eyes familiar to Hinata appear in front of Hinata's dad.

"Hiashi-Sama!" At first, Hyuga Shinobi asks if Hinata's father is right.

"Are you okay!" A second Hyuga shinobi is standing beside Hinata's father.

Hinata's father's name, Hiashi, replied, "Y-Yeah."

The Hyuga Shinobi helped Hiashi up as the last Hyuga yelled. "You're gonna pay for what you did! Punk." The ninja starts to run toward Kyo.

"Oh, come on, that is not fair!" Naruto yells in anger.

"They are going to fight a 5-year-old boy! How low Hyuga Shinobi has fallen!?" Kushina supports her son's words.

Hiashi didn't say anything as the story continued.

Kyo got madder when they defended the abusive father, "THEN COME AND GET MEEEEEE!" Kyo roared in anger. One Shinobi was about to punch Kyo, but Kyo ducked down and gave a side elbow strike to the third Hyuga Shinobi. That hit made the Shinobi down to his knees and groan in pain.

The second Hyuga suddenly appeared and managed to hit Kyo on his face, making Kyo stumble a bit, and then the Shinobi hit Kyo dodge again to the left and right. Kyo slipped and fell to the ground as the stob kick came toward the boy. Kyo jumped to his leg and delivered a backflip to the second Hyuga Shinobi.

"Damn, that gonna hurt," Kiba said he felt the pain.

Then Kyo sees an opening and punches the second Hyuga straight ahead to the rib, punching his face multiple times with the speed of a Jonin ninja. The second Hyuga Shinobi stepped back and caught his breath, and unknown to Kyo, the first Hyuga Shinobi just behind him was just about to hit him.

"Watch out Kyo-Chan!" Yuri yelled as she couldn't keep it cool anymore and was too worried.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" The ninja stops his attack when Hiashi holds his arm.

Kyo looks at his back and sees The Shinobi just about to attack him, but Hinata's father saves him.

The other sighed in relive when Kyo didn't get more damage from what Hiashi had done.

'Why?' That is the only thing that comes to Kyo's mind.

"Seems like Hiashi-San came to his senses," Ryo said while sighing in relief. Now he knew why Kyo had passed out for hours.

"Kyo!" Hinata runs toward Kyo and looks at his injury.

Kyo gives a weak smile, "I'm fine, Hinata."

"What did you mean? You're fine!?" Yuri yell in worried as Ryo calm her down.

The girl holds his shirt and starts to cry.

Hinata hugs him, which surprises the other.

The people in the room who knew Hinata were also surprised, except Yuri and Ryo.

Kyo is taken aback, but he hugs back, and Hinata continues to cry.

The first Hyuga said, "Boy! You are under arrest for bei-" His talk is cut when Hiashi interrupts him by holding his shoulder.

Hinata is crying as she asks why he is helping her. "Why do you go so far for me?" Hinata didn't understand why he went through all that just for her. Kyo had just met her, so why?

"Because you are his friend Hinata-Chan!" Naruto said as the others looked at Naruto and smiled.

Kyo chuckles as he replies, "The answer is easy, Hinata." Hinata looks at Kyo as he looks at her with a weak smile, "Because you are my friend Hinata."

Hinata and the others were surprised again, and Naruto was correct, but Hinata smiled when Kyo protected her younger self just because he was her friend, and she could see that little Hinata surely fell in love with Kyo as she did with Naruto.

Maybe more because he defends the other her from her other father, and she gets excited to see more.

Hinata hugs back and begins to cry again. 

Hiashi walks toward both of them. 

Kyo saw that as he hugged Hinata and didn't want her dad to hit her again; even though his body was hurt, he still could fight for her.

"Aww, he's such a sweetheart!" Kushina squeal.

"I know, right! he might be the best Uchiha version we will have!" Mikoto said with a grin as the other Uchiha looked at her except Ryo and Yuri.

Hiashi gives a smile. "It's okay, young Kyo. I promise I'll not hurt her."

Kyo eases a bit and gently pushes Hinata away, and tells her it's okay. She looks at her father, and then Hisashi opens his arm to hug her. She runs toward her dad and starts to cry again.

"I'm sorry, Oto-Sama, I'm so sorry." Hinata cries from her dad's shoulder. Hiashi wasn't lucky because his eyes were also teary.

Hiashi realised his mistake for a long time, but no one dared to speak about the mistake he made until this young boy told him and fought for his daughter's rights, "Is okay... you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry I treat you harshly. I'm sorry, Hinata."

"Kyo-Chan was truly something else! He is strong, kind and wise for his age! Just Imagine what he can do when he gets older." Anko said with a smile.

The others nodded, and they also couldn't wait to see Kyo get older.

Kyo chuckles and smiles, 'W-Well, isn't this nice...'

Kyo's vision gets blurred. He collapses to the ground and faints. The last thing he hears when Hinata calls his name.

"KYO-CHAN!!" The others yell in worry as most of their partner and friends try to calm them down.

"His injury must have caught on him..." Hashirama said while trying to calm down his wife.


Kyo wakes up in a dark room with only one candle; he realizes that he is not in his room. He looks to the left side; he sees Hinata sleeping beside him with one of her hands on top of him. It's like she was hugging him and falling asleep.

"Hehe, seems like little Hinata already cares for Kyo-Chan!" Hanabi said to tease her sister as Hinata blushed a bit.

Then he looks to his right. He is surprised to find Naruko sleeping beside him. Kyo looks at Naruko's face; it seems like she is crying because she has dry tears around her eyes. Her head is on top of his right arm.

"Naruko also care about Kyo. It seems like Naruko will have a new rival," Kushina said while looking at Hinata, who was hiding her face.

"Hey Naruko, Hinata. Wake Up." He calls their name as Hinata and Naruko begin to wake, and then they see Kyo is up.

"KYO!" Naruko and Hinata yell his name as they both tackle him in a hug.

"Aww, they three were so cute. I want to hug them so badly!" Kushina squealed as Yuri and the girl nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, he heard a running sound running toward the door. It's open and reveals His mom with a worried face, his dad with a reliving face, and Hiashi with a bandage on his head. He wonders why, as well as the maid behind them.

"Hahahaha! Seems like Hiashi already got his punishment!" Jiraiya laughs out loud as the others giggle.

Kyo smiles sheepishly, "Hello, Kaa-San."

"Ohh, you will greet me with that smile, Kyo-Chan, not after you did to yourself~," Yuri said while everyone could see the demon mask appear behind her.

The male gets scared, and the female wonders if they can learn to do so.

"You are In Bigggg Trouble, Young man. Hehe." Yuri said with an evil giggle and smile as Multiple Demon mask behind his mom started to appear.

Kyo suddenly has something hard to swallow, making him think, 'I may not survive for this one. Thank you, Kami, for giving me life this long.'

'It's nice to know you Kyo-Chan.' Naruto said while he and the others gave respect.


•To Be Continue•


"Wow, Kyo-Chan is strong, and he can defeat Jonin Shinobis while injured!" Anko said with a smile.

"Remember, he is also wise and skilful. Aside from the fact that he can't use ninjutsu, he is surely a strong kid." Hiruzen said with a proud smile.

"But if he is strong, how will Ita- Ita-Isachi-San handle the Uchiha massacre? Kyo surely will not let it happen, not after what we saw he did to Hinata, and we know Kyo is a person who puts family and friends first." Sasuke said as the others looked down.

"You all don't have to worry because when that happens, Kyo-Chan will not be there to see it," Yuri said with a sad smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Sasuke asks.

"I think the story will explain it," Ryo replies with a sad tone.


(I was speechless when my favourite Mangaka passed away. Dragon Ball art will always be my character and story inspiration.

 (His work and art will never be forgotten.)

(Thank you for everything, Akira Toriyama. Without you, this story would never exist.)

(Vote if you Like it! Share if you Love it! And a Follow will be awesome! See you guys next time! Don't forget to wear a mask when you are outside.)

(See ya😊)