
Shinmai cross DxD: Multiverse Outer God

Mc is Akeno Himejima's brother in the High School DXD world. Anything I say from here will be spoilers, so you'll have to read and learn. There will be incest in the story. I'm also not very good at writing sexual scenes so many will either be skipped or left unfinished, leaving the rest to your imagination ;) This world is the combined world of Highschool DxD and Shinmai Maou No Testament.

DEADLYSHADOW · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


"Hm? What is happening Nya~?"

At the sudden voice, everyone turned in the direction of the voice and Kuroka, the black-haired cat girl, was staring at everyone from the doorway.

"Oh? You're awake, Kuroka. How are you feeling?" Solas asked.

"Oh I'm fine Antares nya~"

"Just call me Solas."

"I get it Solas nya~"

"Um Nii-san who is this woman?" Akeno asked.

"Sure, let me introduce you. This is Kuroka, Koneko-chan's older sister. And this is Akeno my sister."

"Wait Kuroka?! That Kuroka?! Are you talking about Kuroka, an S-rank criminal and capture target?" Akeno shocked.

"Hehehehehe... The rumors are exaggerated nya~ Except for the things about my beauty, of course Nya~ I think they may even be reducing it on purpose nya~"

"N-Nii-sama what kind of relationship you've with her?!"

"Well um-"

"We are engaged nya~"


""What!?"" Everyone except Ingvild and Lilith was shocked.

"Ara ara~ How fast my son has grown."

'I'm really happy to have told Ingvild earlier but now I'll have a lot of trouble if these girls become Yandere.' Solas thought.

"Well, 8 years can't be explained in a short time after all. All right, let's go to the living room and talk."

Everyone went back to the living room, this time with Kuroka. Kuroka hugged Solas's arm, meowing and murmuring merrily.

"Ahem! Well then, let me start the story. After leaving the Vatican, I was going to go to the underworld, but first I wanted to see a little more of the world, so I traveled around the world. I came across a beautiful bay and while I was sitting there I stumbled upon Kuroka. We chatted for a while, and then this cunning cat wanted to go to a bar and we went to a bar in a nearby town."

"But we had so much fun nya~"

"Yeah you had. I took this drunk cat to her room because the alcohol didn't affect me. Afterwards, Kuroka must have sensed my dragon scent, so she kept asking me to impregnate her. And since she wouldn't take no for an answer, we made a contract and a ritual. After that, I went down to the underworld and you already know what's next. Today, this naughty cat came to Kuoh and was attacked, I guess his name must be Zolgear, and his assistant Zest is here. Anyway, I brought this injured cat."

"Nya~ If you like my cat version so much nya~" Kuroka transformed into cat form and jumped into Solas' lap and started rubbing against Solas for the sake of endearing herself.

"Kuroka-san, however much you want to have children with Solas-san, I am his fiancee and girlfriend. Humph~"

"Ayy, my son's family is growing, now if I count Kuroka-chan, we have 10 people. My son, how does it feel to be surrounded by 10 beauties fufufufufufuf..."

"There are not only 10 people I see as my family." Solas gave the shadow soldiers a small glance as he said this.

(My lord *sob I feel honored *sob) Beru said.

(It's a great honor to be considered our lord's family.) Igris said.


(My lord, the other shadow soldiers are too shocked and happy to speak.) Bellion said.

"Then I'm considered a member of the family now, right nya~? Let's make kitties nya~"

"Kuroka, but remember the contract, there are still terms and I'm a serious relationship guy so no kittens until the terms are met."

"Okay, it's fine with me, let's get married and have kitties nya~"

"No! He will have a child with me first." Ingvild jumped.

"No I won't give my Nii-sama!" Akeno said

"Ara ara~" Shuri said.

"Isn't the Master's environment very lively?" Seras said.

"Yeah I guess so." Esdeath's cheeks flushed slightly as she spoke.


"Shuri mama I'm hungry." Kurome said.

"Yeah me too I'm hungry too." Akame said.

"All right, then I'll prepare dinner." Shuri said.

"Let me help you Shuri-san." Asia said.

So Asia went to prepare a meal with Shuri.

"Solas-sama, can we practice?" Esdeath asked.

"Oh sure, I needed to warm up a little too. Kuroka, Akeno wanna watch?"

""Of course.""

'Actually, if they are going to do a warm-up, I can join.' Akeno thought.


'I take it back.'

Solas, Esdeath, and Seras were having a practice fight. Akame and Kurome were sitting on two chaise lounges next to Akeno and Kuroka, watching the fight with popcorn in their hands.

"Hahahahahahah... You really have improved, Esdeath."

"Thanks Solas-sama but if you won't be careful I'll beat you." Esdeath said with a laugh as she sent several high-speed spikes of ice.

"That won't gonna happen Esdeath. You are a thousand years young for that." Solas smashed the spikes of ice with a dark scythe.

"I got you master." Seras attacked from behind Solas with her vampire arm.

"Not this time." Solas used the handle of his scythe to block Seras's attack.

So for several hours they practiced quite a combat practice, with craters forming all over the island as if it had been bombarded.

Also, Asia, Ingvild, and Shuri had come to watch the training since the meal was being prepared.

"This time they did much less damage." Ingvild said.

"Yes, I was terrified that they would form a black hole like last time." Asia said.

"Fufufufufufufufuf... I guess my son really doesn't know how to restrain himself."


Everyone agreed that.

Akeno and Kuroka were shocked by what they saw. The power these three put out was truly incredible and they said it was just a workout.

'It was like the Four great Maou were fighting, and they just called it training.' Akeno thought.

"Husband is so powerful nya~." Kuroka said directly.


Later, Esdeath, Solas and Seras decided to take a shower before dinner.

Although there are dozens of baths in the castle, Esdeath and Seras wanted to take a bath with Solas, so the three of them took a bath together.

Afterwards, the whole family went to the dinner table and ate while chatting. Since everyone was curious about Kuroka's story, Kuroka decided to tell it.

"Ara ara~ So actually the reason you killed that noble was to protect Koneko-chan?"

"Yes nya~"

"Then why you didn't tell this to Koneko-chan?" Akeno asked.

"Because from that day on, whenever I went to my Shirone, she started to tremble and run away from me nya~. But it doesn't matter if she blames me as long as my shirone is safe nya~"




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