

In a strange world where powers exist! Shinji awakens a hidden power within him but has to fix it!

Kyvid · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Learning my Powers

I woke up strapped on a bed with chains…. Wondering where I am..... I realize that these chains are very...… light..... So then I pulled my arms from the chains and snapped them like it was nothing… I rub my wrists a little in shock..... How could I have snapped those chains like that?..... I hear footsteps coming towards my door... getting louder and louder than a sheet of some sort of metal slid open and there was the doctor!...

Shinji: "What did you guys do to me!"

Doctor: "We tested your blood and some other things like the strength of your skin and don't ask how we got some blood!"

Shinji: "You what with my skin!?"

Doctor: "We tested it. Like, I know this will sound crazy but we shot a gun at you."

Shinji: "WHATTTTTTT!!!! How did I not wake up!"

Doctor: "Don't worry everything was fine. My guess you did not feel the bullet which is why you did not wake up but You're alive aren't you!"

Shinji: "I could have died! I want your name right now and your superior!"

Elora: "My name is Elora, sorry I did not tell you my name before and general Marden is not here right now. He went to a business meeting."

Shinji: "Well i wanna leave and go home!"

Elora: "You can't!"

Shinji: "Why?"

Elora: "Because we need to do more tests and everyone kinda thinks you're dead!"

Shinji: "W-What? DEAD!? What about my mom and my job?"

Elora: "People stopped at your mom's house and told her the news and she did not seem upset. She seemed fine! Also you got fired remember!"

Shinji: "M-My M-Mom did not care!"

Elora: "Sorry Shinji, but don't worry I care for you!"

Shinji: "Can I please have a minute to myself." while softly crying!

Elora: "Yes, please take all the time you need! Everyone here cares about you!."

Elora leaves the room, closing the door lightly. I lay down on my bed sobbing a bit all over my pillow...…. It's been 30 mins since Elora left... No one was in the room with me... Then I heard someone whisper to me!

Figure: "Shinji"

I turned and the figure I saw was standing in the middle of the room with his black aura surrounding him! The same aura I had! I felt a little fear.

Shinji: "Who are you?"

Figure pulls down hood-

Source: "I am the source of your power."

Shinji: "My source?"

Source: "You were born with this power Shinji. I have been with you for your whole life! I have been suppressing your power, which is why you never saw the power before!"

Shinji: "How was i Born with this?"

Source: "Your father also had this power, but the power was different, before he got killed!"

Shinji: "W-What?.... Killed?... My dad died in a car crash!"

Source: "He made it look like it was a car crash!"

Shinji: "W-Who's He?"

Source: "I do not know who it was. I'm guessing it is whoever is making are powers do evil things! Your power is not supposed to be black aura, it's supposed to be yellow with a tint of red in it! I am getting weaker and I have stopped suppressing your powers because of the great potential you hold! You could save us!"

Shinji: "These dreams? Why am i having them!"

Source: "I do not know, it must be something that this evil is doing to you! I don't have much time left before he notices i'm gone!"

Shinji: "From the place I am dreaming about?"

Source: "Yes he has me trapped in there! I was able to leave just for a bit without him noticing but it's taking so much energy out of me….. So listen closely I need you to go to 16 ge street in Florida, there is a kid there. He is 16 years old. I need you to bring him back to area 51 with you. There he will be protected! He has powers just like yours but his is suppressed! I need you to help him!"

Shinji: "HELP HIM! I barely know my own powers!"

Source: "You will figure them out! That's why I chose you for this quest! You are smart and filled with so much potential, but you need to hurry. I can't suppress his powers much longer as mine is getting weaker by the second! So HURRY! I must go!"

I looked down at my hands for a second...…. My fear for my source had gone away. I looked back up and he was gone! I hear footsteps coming down the hall again..... It's Elora. She comes in shortly after my source leaves.

Elora: "Everything all right I heard mumbling!"

Shinji: "Everything is fine! I want to run tests... like physical tests to see the feets of my abilities!"

Elora: "What changed!"

Shinji: "Well I was thinking that it's probably a good idea to learn what i can do!"

Elora: "Well alright, we will start tomorrow! Better get some shut eye!"

Shinji: "O I had no idea it was night time! Haha"

Elora: "Well good night."

I lay down on the bed and was just thinking about how long me and my source were actually talking for.... It felt like mins but after Elora told me that it was night time we must have been talking for hours!... I soon had fallen asleep.

I wake up early in the morning...…. Surprised I did not have that dream...…. Shortly after I wake up Elora comes walking down to my door with General Marden. They both walk in-

Marden: "So I heard you are ready to learn!"

Shinji: "Yes I am! I want to see what I can do!"

Marden: "Well we know you can stop a 9mm pistol shot! You can thank Cade for that!"

Shinji: "Whos Cade?"

Marden: "Cade is the guy who electrocuted you with 25,000 volts! O ya and you can survive 25,000 volts! We wanna see if you could survive more than 25,000 volts and bigger rounds!"

Shinji: "I mean I want to see what I can do and what I can withstand. It will probably hurt like hell but i'll give it a shot!"

I don't know what my body could withstand at its fullest so I was a little scared going into it but I felt it would be fine because of my source.

Shinji: "I think I will work out a bit to gain more muscle! Maybe that will help with my skin's strength!"

Marden: "Yes that's another thing…. Your strength has increased drastically….. I don't know how when you have gained no muscle mass?"

Shinji: "How much stronger?"

Marden: "I am not sure but from what I heard with the truck incident, you could potentially rip a tree from the ground!"

Shinji: "Well alright lets try it!"

Me, Marden and Elora go outside to the nearest tree! It was a decent sized tree.... I went over to it and looked at it for a sec then turned my head and looked at Elora.

Elora: "You can do it!"

I looked back at the tree and gave it a hug trying to figure out how to grab it! Then Marden yells and I look at him.


I looked back at the tree and went to wrap my arms around the tree. I get into position and push my fingers into the tree. I was surprised... my fingers actually punctured the tree.... Then I lifted... I pulled the tree out like it was grass.... I had the tree over my head and was smiling at how strong I was….. Marden yells


Shinji: "OK!"

I look in the opposite direction and chuck the tree as far as I could...…. It landed... I threw that at around 20 feet! Elora with a shocked look on her face and Marden with a smirk on his face and i'm happy as hell-

Shinji: "O my god did you see how far I threw that!"

Elora: "Yes o my god you are so strong!"

Marden: "Great! Now lets run some more tests!"

We all go inside the empty room…. I'm looking around and I see that they left and shut the door....

Shinji: "What is this test?"

Marden over a loudspeaker: "To see if you can withstand the strongest bullet!"

Shinji: "The strongest WHAT! What if I don't stop it?"

Marden: "Then we have a healing chamber for you to go into! Then you will be good as new!"

Elora over the loudspeaker: "Shinji it's me Elora, don't worry everything will be fine, we have everything under control!"

After hearing Elora tell me everything was alright I was calm

Shinji: "Ok! Hit Me!"

I close my eyes waiting for the bullet. Couple seconds pass by and...POWW.... I felt the bullet hit my chest and I felt me slide back a few feet.... I open my eyes and I see the bullet on the ground in front of me dented in. Elora came rushing in to see if I was alright.

Elora: "SHINJI... you alright!?"

Shinji: "Yes, I'm fine but I feel a bit stronger after taking that hit!"

Elora rips his shirt to find no wound!

Elora: "You exerted a black aura from your body as soon as the bullet hit! It melted some of the metal in the room!"

I looked around and noticed the melted metal.

Shinji: "I did feel kinda warm."

Elora: "Ya i'm just glad you ok!"

Marden walks in

Marden: "That was some insane heat! No human would have survived in that! You must be resistant to hot temperatures!"

Shinji: "Ya maybe but I am beat from all that testing I think I-I-I--"

Shinji passes out from the power he had to use from that bullet. Elora tries to catch me but I fall on the floor. Marden and Elora carry me to my room and put me on my bed. Elora and Marden start talking-

Marden: "This dude has some serious power and potential! Elora be careful around him! You don't know what he is fully capable of yet!"

Elora: "I will. I'll make sure he's up tomorrow for more tests!"

Elora stays in the room to pick up a couple things and marden leaves! Elora whispers in my ear

Elora: "I like you a lot Shinji. I know we have not known each other for too long but I feel that I really like you."

Elora is walking out of the room and turns and says

Elora: "Later.... Shinji."

More information will be in the Auxiliary chapter!

If you want more leave a rating and comment what you thought of the chapter!

Kinda rushed some things but im also thinking of what to write as i write!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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