
An unforeseen event!

On the day of my mother's death, everyone one seemed normal, at her funeral people just complained about her wrongs and didn't focus on what she had done right. My mother left a strange locket in my care, the locket was golden with jewels around the outside making an oval, and it had an incredible display of reflected sunlight that made it looked magical.

A month after the funeral, I had gotten a little job as a night guard at the palace, well I wouldn't say little but as long as I did my job it was easy. The princes loved to tease the maids. One of the princes had me take his friend home and as I walked back towards the palace, I noticed the moon peering down at me. I made a wish " One day I hope I can find love that nobody could take from me and let him love me til death do us part." this was the last time I would see my world or the last time before i believed in magic.

Waking up in an unfamiliar world ,that seemed peaceful but to quiet, I looked around noticing a colour hidden through the trees, it was a flag, then I heard fighting going on in the distance. I looked closer through the trees to see that this wasn't my world. Some of the creatures wore one colour the overs another, they looked human but with some pointy teeth, good reflexes, great hearing , eye sight and more. The worst part was when one of the elf people noticed me, causing me to become frightened and run, I hid in side a tree unknowing what to do? Where to go? And what happened? More questions ran through my mind Who could I trust in this world?

I heard a few foot steps.

Peeping out I saw the elf that had seen me.

He had white hair but looked young, he also seemed to have good hearing to follow me this far so I did my best to lower my breathing.

I hid again. Out of nowhere I blanked out. Why?who?what?how? These were what went through my head as I though about what I had just encountered.