
Shinigami Uzuma

There was nothing left of Uzushio, the last survivors fled to the only place that would protect them from the rest of the cruel world even during war, so Uzumaki clan plants it's seeds in Konoha placed at the edge of village as it goes through trauma and blood shed through it's time. As many clan members are born and die. Ichiraku gets rich from all ramen addicts

Laughing_skull · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Third war

Omoi looked worried her heart beat raised as she got news from the fronts in the second war they weren't allowed to join because even a single loss would have been too much but now after her marriage and Otoya's many flings the clan had now over fifteen members most of which were under the age of seven including her four sons except Haruna who was sent with Fugaku to a mission against kuro which terrified her. Eiko attempted to wrangle the younger kids only one of the kids seemed not to join in to the dog pile on Eiko, that being the two year old Shinta Uzumaki the oldest from Otoya. "Shin you should put on your mask please." The child simply looked at his aunt the moment he breathed out a steam as his chakra control was bad enough his spit was always boiling hot so he took the mask and put it on.

Pouting a bit, like many of Otoya Uzumaki's children he was basically bought from his mother, Chitose decided to revive the clan it would be most advantageous to spread as much as possible. Leading to the clan paying a lot to have the mother give up their children, many young mothers chose this as the payment was worth it. The product of this were many Uzumaki with a lot of diversity one trait that stayed the same was the red hair, the longevity and rebuntioness many of the clan shared except the first born he showed nothing but absolute concentration, Shinta was once brought to Danzo as was Haruna both taken there to assist with some project.

The boy had seen something that no child at that age should.


The head of the root read through the notes given to him by Jiro. The Uzumaki clan were undoubtedly loyal and had complete disdain for the other villages that were seen by all the adults, however they didn't continue this hatred to their children.

The reports showed how Well Haruna was doing, the possible member for the root showed talent with his ink technique and yet the seals he used in war were more brutal a curse called the ink Ink transfusion curse seal.


Haruna walked to the encampment. "Kami." Fugaku said seeing the possible tens of shinobi all having their body altered their blood having turned to ink the Kumo nin all dead. "This is gruesome." Even though he had killed over fifty shinobi, still the acts of the genin were impressive. "Please don't pass on information about this Sir Fugaku." The uchiha looked over the dead and all the Kuro nin were bleeding or spitting ink. Still some ran at them only to be cut down by Fugaku. "What is this technique?" He asked having seen the Uzumaki body flicker through the squads only leaving minor cuts on his opponents just to have them grabbing their stomach.

"A curse seal." The Uzumaki showed his Kanata the blade covered in ink. "Everyone I cut with the blade was cursed, but it only works if I know the target's chakra nature, at least that is their natural nature. I found that kekkei genkai are immune to it and if I mistake the target it doesn't work as well." Fugaku nodded and still had questions.

"Why do you need to know the target's chakra nature?" Haruna put his katana back. "It works as a Katalyse, it makes it easier for the curse to use that kind of chakra to spread and alter the blood of the target. Turning the blood into ink and poisoning them from the inside out like an infection." He pulled a Papier seal. "This is the counter curse. It ends the spread but you have to place it within a day or it will be worthless."

He gave it to Fugaku and he pocketed it. "That kind of jutsu would be forbidden if it wasn't war." Hanuna nodded. "You're a prodigy if you can create such a deadly curse." Hanuna looked at the ground.

"I'm no prodigy, I just don't have the chakra control to use real jutsus or the strength to use heavy weapons."

"Don't be modest, you make that up with your mind Hanuna and your traps saved us against those Iwa Shinobi." Hanuna nodded. As the sun went down the two stood up to destroy the supply road from the land of lighting.

At That Fine second Fugaku jumped out of the way of A about to crash into them. Both Konoha nin bodies flickered into a better position. "That sharingan was able to see me?" He then turned to the red head. "They set only two to attack the supply route?" He before two more Kumo nin joined him, then a realization came noticing no marks or scuffs from battle. "An uchiha and a genin. Either Konoha is running out of forces or you believe Kumo is weak." At that the younger Haruna opened a scroll that after releasing into a cloud turned into an armor with a shinigami mask in the midst he threw a scroll at the supply route.

"Sir uchiha please leave we're under prepared for this fight. I will hold them off." Fugaku glared at rowdy A trapping the men in a genjutsu before launching a fireball, the Kumo nin dodged yet A used his lighting cloak after seeing Fugaku had fled in a rage the Kumo nin rushed at the Uzumaki in armor even with the body flicker the was able punch the child's left arm off if the was twig even under the armor.

They turned to see the armor still holding the blade before A just demolished it with one hit. Just to find no one in the armor. A few miles away Fugaku growled, not only had their mission failed but he had lost his teammates, he felt ashamed at just fleeing but he had thought Karuna had a plan of some kind.

Until said person came out of the ground panting. "Haruna, are you alright?" He said, sitting him up. "How did you escape?" The child threw up, as his body processed the adrenaline coursing through him. "I left an Ink clone and used Hiding in Surface jutsu, if it wasn't for that I would be missing an arm or worse." Fugaku nodded as the boy's breath grew calmer. "So you left one of your ink technique creations." He nodded. "This mission was a failure." Haruna smirked as a massive explosion rang out. "What did you do?"

Haruna stood up. "One of the Kumo nin must have opened the scroll where I had a swarm of Exploding ink butterflies."

At said route A looked at the destruction furious, he had saved a comrade yet the other one was caught in the explosion. the only one fast enough to escape the explosion his other teammates were ripped apart.

Fugaku smilled "I'll ensure you're promoted. Good work Haruna." He grinned at the compliment and both started heading back to Konoha as they had easily cut Kumo out of the war for now.

Author note: This is after Minato meets with A and killer Bee. Also Haruna just generalized with his opponents all having lighting nature, why some of them still stood back up to fight.