
shin from black

shin fuji just transfer to sunset academy although a school for the high well smart and mighty shin isn't there for academy his on a mission to find his brother who've gone M.I.A in the school for over a year now

takamichi_sora · Action
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10 Chs

chapter 8


it was finally time for our test,to what I understood it seems like any normal test we take but it determin our ranking in the year and how it affects our results by the end of the term since the school is one which is highly focus on education and morals seeing it one of the best schools in Japan right,it normally holds a test to see our intelligence level to see if we can make it pass the average mark.even those who are ranked low are still having a G.P( grade point)of over 60 and our impressive class rep asuna is ranked 4th in the entire year and has an G.P of over 80% pretty good but what worries me is the fact that I got a dragged into an event I never planned for.

it stared this morning when I was walking to school when i ran in to Alice and Asuna on the way here and I was told that sato had visited Alice asking to join the student council but she declined I still wonder why there telling me this not that am surprised by it I am the main attraction from our lovely councle member miss Irina

"hey question what position do both Irina and sato hold?" Alice asked

"well to be honest they don't really hold any position there just the president's right hand men people she trust" Asuna said

"so basically there her secutaries" I said

" one could look at it that way" Asuna said

" hey Asuna this been bugging me but what you beef with the student council I said I wanted to hear it from you directly" I finally said it

"(sigh) alright I guess is time I tell you guys,it all stared back when I was a first year here I and the president where close friends back then we knew each other from middle school but them but I always out did her in everything academics, sports,all of it I was above her then the opportunity came for me to try out for the student council position we both gave it our all, am sure u didn't know but the way a council president is elected is first a exam system then a voting system is done, we both passed the exam system but the voting system was the hard part, we had to convince the school that we where council material and we where first years then so it was kind of hard but the president with her charisma and charm was able to get almost all the vote she needed I was lacking behind but I was able to manage and catch up thanks my classes help because they where the one who nominated me but when the voting period where almost over a candidate from year above us named Emilia orimora was suddenly eliminated for having rumours that she was using teachers as a way to gain votes not long after that the president was been assaulted for starting those rumours to get Emilia to drop out of the race after being outcasted by others the school decided to look into it and found that I was the one spreading the rumours which was a lie but everything point back to me"

"so in other words you where wrongly accused but they had the evidence to back up there words" I said

" yes from the campaign lost my stand with the class and my friend"

"so what happen after you where removed?"Alice asked

"well Emilia was given her chance back and she and the president ran the election but it ended with the president win, well we should hurry up now I don't really like remembering the past by at least I told you guy"

while waking to class I saw Irina in front of my class seems like she was waiting for me I dropped my bag and went out side to confirm what she wanted

"coming to see me wow you most really be crushing hard on me"

" don't be cute I came to make a deal with you Mr fuji since your won't back away from our fight with Asuna I want to make this request if I beat your in G.P this test you will join the student council and work with us"

"and if I beat you?" I said

"that not going to happen but if you do I'll become your little servert and quite the council"

" alright ,I accept it but question?"

"yes what is it"

"why me why make me join the student council you got other choices like Minato and rentaro"

" yes I do infact like her(she pointed at a girl in my class) Nora shinomiya,or him ichikawa Miyazaki they are promising students but non of them have what am looking for like you"

" and that is?"

"come on a lady has to have some secrets so do we have a deal"

"I don't see in anyway will this benefit me but sure I accept let do this" I said


and that why I have to pass this test am not that excited to be part of the student council then a girl came to my seat she's a fellow classmate of mine

"oh hey am..." (she seems shy)

"it Hana right Hana Kobayashi"

"oh yh how did you"

"you told me during introductions when I came remember"

"oh right yes I forgot"

"so what can I help you with"

she has this shy persona around her making it a bit different to talk to

"so ah I overheard what you where discussing with Irina out side I know it isn't my place but suld you really be taking a gamble like that"

"it alright don't worry I think I can handle it"

" alright if you say so am just a big worried that your taking a big risk like that is it cause of Asuna"

"no it personal interest"

I said with a smile on my face honestly am not afried cause on thing is for sure I can't lose


it been a few days since the test was over and the results where out

we where are the noice board near the second years classroom I could hear people saying the president came in first as usual

" so she's first again ha well not surprising with a G.P of 96%" Minato said from behind me

" and your shin where did you place?

"fifth place" I said

"wait fifth well shouldn't be surprising you came from an impressive school already"

someone the pulled my shirt I turn to see it Hana

"hey Hana"

"hey shin" she spoke in her soft voice

" so you won the bet"

" yh I did"

"SHIN FUJI" someone scream my name from behind it was Irina she pulled me away from the crowd of people to a secluded place

"you did something didn't you you cheated"

"I have no idea what your taking about"

" how how did you beat me you being in fifth was a crime already but me being below you is not possible tell now how did you do it"

" it call reading you should try it to dumbass now let go of my shirt"

" no noo it not possible"

" hope you didn't forget our little deal right my little slave accept your defeat with honor"after saying the look in her eyes turn blood red she was ready to explode

" alright fine this will not be the last of it" she finally walked away.

"really now what nonsense will you cook up next?".
