
shin from black

shin fuji just transfer to sunset academy although a school for the high well smart and mighty shin isn't there for academy his on a mission to find his brother who've gone M.I.A in the school for over a year now

takamichi_sora · Action
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10 Chs

chapter 4



it been a 2weeks sice I came here and Ive got not luck in finding my brother no evidence noting it like never came here or a person like him never existed something isn't seating right with me.

as was thinking and resting my head on the table someone tapped me I look up to see our class rep asuna

"yes can I help you?"

"you may common I need your help with a few things" she said pulling my arms

"wow you have such a strong arm it so muscular"

"can you stop now it feels weird"I said

"sorry shin now wake up let move"

asuna always been like this since I came she just suddenly states depending and calling me to help her out with random stuff granted some aren't useless but it butts into my time but the. again I could uncover something if I stick with her

as we where going out we meet with Alice the. asuna said

"perfect timing I need your help to come with me"

"sure but any problem?"

"I got some load to carry and I need a little help doing it please"

"if so why didn't you ask rentato or Minato or any other person in class?"I asked

"so rude fine if you really want to know am not particularly close to mu people in class they seem to avoid me most of the time"

"someone as popular as you" Alice said

"common I got class rep thanks to my grads being the highest during The selection test that doesn't mean am everyone's favourite"she said

the conversation continue on till we got to a point near the library when some called out my name


a calm sweet voice called me I turn to see it Mio

"oh hello miss Mio" I said

"cut the formality it annoying geez your always like that when ever we meet"she said

"oh am sorry"I said

"Mio hope your not trying to steal my classmate in to your little club society of book nerds"asuna voice said from the back

seems like they know each other just my

"oh come on,sorry for her tune me and Asuna go way back and cause I made a member of your class join my club last month she's upset with me how mean,so how you've been"

"been good and you how nerd club going"

"going well thank you very much and...."some interrupt MiO before she could finish and wisped something in her ear

"am sorry guys but I have to go asuna we'll catch up later"



there I was watching everything as MiO and Asuna talk while I wait with shin

"sheesh she's taking to much time"shin said

"then why volentire?"

"I didn't I got drag same as you"

"so your that kind of person who can't say no to a lady so noble"

"well she is our classrap and am sure you've noticed it to right the bad vibes round her in class"shin side

impressive he noticed It on the outside Asuna may look popular but inside she has a hard time with the class only few people class it not obvious that there avoiding her but if you pay attention you'll see it clear as day am not interested in what happened but if it may cause me a problem later

"shin have any idea what happened between her and the class?"

"no and to be honest I really don't care it not my problem and she hasn't told us meaning she can handle it"

"well that cold"

"am being realistic here not all problem are supposed to be metalled with by others and i honestly don't want to get cought in a cross fire between her and what evers going on"

his not totally wrong tho some matters are better left not touched hmm let see what plays out as shin said better not to get involved, I looked up and saw MiO leaving and asuna came to use

"sorry I took so long can we go" she said

we where moving when we came across some she was wearing the student council emblem on there arm.

"hello miss Asuna it already time for classes so why are you outside?"

"noting that consigns you Irina now move out of the way I have no business with the student council"

"such a foul mouth speaking to someone way above you"

"don't get way over your head alright now move I've noting to do with you"

"oh really then you two(point at me and shin) your violating school rules by bring out here"



now we where face to face with a member of the student council and it seems her and Asuna have bad blood but for some reason am in the middle of it

"it not breaking school law when we have our classrap with us and where going to see a teacher"

"you dare speak back at me It seems you don't know your place I'll fill a complain to the president of a student talking back at me"

then suddenly the staff room door open and out home room teacher came out

"ah miss Asuna your here the books are on my table go take them and as for you miss Irina don't cause any trouble for my student"

"if she doesn't obay the law I am forced to take action I'll over look it this time

"there seems to be a problem" a voice came from behind

"miss president".
