
Shin's Brother Shoma

An 18-year-old boy that wished to escape the modern world, finds that exact thing happens when he wakes up. With his memories from his previous world and a mysterious change that's the first of its kind. Shoma is put into the world of Kenja No Mago, finding himself as the brother of the protagonist Shin wolford. Being human is easy with the memories but, being a kitsune is another thing. Disclaimer: I don't own Kenja no Mago at all, only my OC. This is my first novel on a whim. Cover uses pictures not of my own.

Shadow_0f_Shoma · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Shock and Surprises

*5 years later*

In a barren land with some rock formations are three figures. These figures are Merlin, Shoma, and Shin. The trio is walking in this wasteland for one reason and that reason is to do Merlin's graduation test.

"Ok, this spot should be good to do the test. Hmm, oddly did this place always look like this? Merlin said then questioned himself if the place always looked this destroyed.

"Ah... uh maybe it was always like this or just naturally changed," Shin said in a slightly hurried voice.

"Yea most likely naturally since it's so open and can change with time and weather," Shoma answered in a calm tone but was sweating bullets at the question.

Basically, Shin and Shoma know why the wastelands are so destroyed because they used it to practice and test magic.


Ever since the first time Shin and Shoma hunted a monster they started to regularly hunt them for more experience. When they were hunting Merlin was always with them watching just in case something happened.

While watching them he was surprised at how well they analyzed and killed monsters especially Shoma. He would always look like he was playing with them but really he was studying them in how they move and act.

After he was done in one motion the monster would stop then fall with its head off or with magic it just falls with no visible wounds.

Seeing this Merlin thought to himself, 'This child is like a predator and anything against him is his prey.' Then he turned to see how Shin was doing and he seen him slice the heads off or the monsters would fall with a hole in its head.

After that Merlin trusts them to go on their own and hunt and do magic training since he taught them all the magic he knew. Once he let them on their own they practiced magic but quickly saw that they needed somewhere else to practice. With that thought, they both looked for a place to practice magic without damaging the forest.

Some time passed and Shin was the first to find a place and after finding a place he went back and brought Shoma to show him. When they got there Shoma was amazed at the vastness of the area and actually perfect for magic practice. And since that day they kept using that place that's the wasteland to practice and test magic.

*Flashback end*

"Well anyway, let's continue with the test. As for the test you two just have to demonstrate your magic that has developed and the control." Merlin said to Shin and Shoma letting the previous thought go and with interest in how much growth the two had.

"Alright let's do this," Shoma said with excitement in his voice wanting to show grandpa how much he has grown.

"Same, and I can't wait to show you our growth since our last test," Shin said with the same excitement as well in his voice.

"Alright, Shin your up first," Merlin said while looking at Shin.

Shin nodded and walking in front of Merlin and Shoma who walked off to the side to watch.

'Ok first the process of combustion, start with a spark and slowly feed oxygen and hydrogen into it. With this I get a flame, now feed it more oxygen and hydrogen and then ignite it from the flashpoint on..' After Shin fired to fire magic it shot across the wastelands like a bullet with a blue trail behind it until it impacted the ground and a huge explosion followed after and the shockwaves after.

"So how was that did I pass?" Shin turned around and asked grandpa with a smile and voice full of confidence.

Merlin looked at this and smiled happily as he said, "With flying colors. And now Shoma it's your turn."

"Alright, and you got this bro." Shin cheered at that he passed and also wished Shoma luck.

Shoma walked up to where Shin was after he stood next to Merlin. Shoma raised his foot then stomped it to the ground and what followed was several pillars of stone coming out of the ground. Once that was done he put a hand up and in front of it appeared a ball of wind with arcs of electricity around it.

Shoma started to compress the ball till it was the size of a pebble and released it. After releasing the electrified wind bullet all the stone pillars got destroyed and a massive trail of destruction followed.

"Haha so how's that," Shoma said while waiting for his grandpa to answer but saw a shocked face on him and Shin.

"Tha-that was beyond my expectations and you passed with flying colors as well," Merlin said to Shoma shock at what he just witnessed but smiled happily afterward.

"Yeah alright, we both passed Shin," Shoma said excitedly and walked up to Shin with his fist outstretched to him.

"Yea we did it and that was amazing," Shin replied to Shoma and fist-bumped him but amazed at the power.

"Hoho now that that's over let's head home it's getting pretty late and we have a celebration tomorrow so rest up," Merlin told his two grandsons with a smile and happy tone.

After Merlin said that Shin opened up a portal and the three of them when through the portal and arrived home.

*Next day*

"...Alright now, a toast to our esteemed master Merlin's grandsons, congratulations on turning 15 and on becoming adults. Now in honor of this, let us celebrate. Drink up, everyone!" A man with blond hair and extravagant clothing said with a smile and joyous tone. This man was uncle Dis, he was a man that came by oftentimes and is one of grandpa's friends.

It could be said that he has the look and feel of a king. With his presence, it was like no matter what you could trust him.

"Well then, to Shin and Shoma, Cheers!" Uncle Dis announced.

" "Cheers!!!" " Everyone present raised their cups and cheered aloud to Shin and Shoma with smiles and happy expressions.

"Soon you two will go out into the world," Merlin said to them in a calm tone.

"Huh but can't I stay here I'm fine with living here...I don't really have to go outside." Shin said with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine living here as well," Shoma added after Shin.

"No! To become an adult, you must follow the rules of society," Melida told Shin and Shoma in an exasperated voice after hearing them say that.

"Hmm, so you two cleared the magic graduation test set by master Merlin, congratulations to both of you." Uncle Dis said to Shin and Shoma.

"Thank you, uncle Dis."

"Thanks as well, uncle Dis." Shin and Shoma thanked uncle Dis after he said that.

"So have you boy's decided what you want to do from now on?" A short slightly rounded man asked this is Tom Haag a friend of grandma's that's a merchant that came by and brought stuff to grandpa's house.

"Huh we never really thought about it...so for now I guess a town of sorts would be good, how about you Shoma," Shin said then looked at Shoma on what he wants to do.

"Hmm a town sounds fun and they probably have some tasty foods," Shoma said while thinking about all the new tastes he would be able to try.

"And after that?" Tom asked.

" "After that?" " Shin and Shoma said at the same time in confusion to the question.

After they said that everyone went quiet and just stared at both of them.

"You're gonna do something right? You guys could become monster hunters if you go to the capital or even open up a magic items shop. But if you don't like the working life you could always find a lady to support you. The one who said this was Siegfried Marquez a young man with short light blue hair and wears a military-style magician's outfit. He came along with uncle Dis.

"It's only you that would think in that way. And good thing they're not like you because they don't need to become someone like you." This time the one who spoke this was a young woman with long red hair in a ponytail. She wears light armor for mobility. She has a firm yet slender body with big eyes and a cute face.

After she said that both of them went quiet and then looked at each other and started bickering with sparks flying between them.

"Calm down you two don't be like that Chris, Sieg," Michel said with a sweat drop looking at the two bickerings.

"Hunter? I can make a living off killing monsters, and a magic shop, can I really set up one that easily?" Shin asks with a questioning look.

"Oh, I can make money hunting eh? Huh, money and prey hehe. Shoma asks with an excited look on his face at the thought of hunting.

Everyone looks at them with a bit of shock than a wry smile at Shoma and felt sorry for the monster he hunted.

Silence fell on everyone for a few seconds until Tom broke the silence.

"Yes, there's an organization called the hunters association that gives out rewards for hunting monsters and...wait have you two ever gone shopping?" Tom asked with a sweat drop waiting for a reply.

"Hmm well we did Tom's shopping when you asked but uncle always handled transactions." *nom* *munch* Shin replied then took a piece of meat from his plate while Shoma nodded in agreement and doing the same.

Everyone was shocked at what they just said. Then everyone looked at Merlin for an answer.

"Ah now that I think about it...I forgot to teach them this world's common sense." Merlin said while scratching the back of his head.

" "WHAAAAT!!" " Everyone shouted out in disbelief.

'Well, we have been just focussing on magic and training.' Shoma thought to himself.

After that, it was decided that the next day Shin and I were to show what magic we learned.

"So we just have to show our magic right?" Shoma asked grandma Melida and she nodded but was a bit distracted by the magic used to travel.

"What is this magic?" Melida asked.

"It's a magic created by Shin," Merlin said simply.

They asked a bit more about it and were shocked at the magic called "Gate" that can let you travel far distances. After that Shin and I were ready and everyone was watching from a safe distance to the side.

Shin started by showing his fire magic and fires off in the distance at a fast speed with a trail of blue behind it. Once it hit the ground it turned into a massive explosion with the shockwave reaching all the way to us.

Then after that Shin backed up and then Shoma walked forward then stomped his foot down and pillars of stone shot up. Then Shoma made an electrified wind bullet and once he was satisfied with it he shot it at the pillars. At first, it didn't look like anything happened then in an instant a gust of wind was felt and the pillars were gone.

After the wind calmed down everyone except for Merlin, Shin and Shoma were beyond shocked at the display of power. And then they noticed the ground was carved out with spider web cracks following a path of destruction and a giant crater in the distance.

"So how's that. Umm." Shoma said while turning around for a reply then seen everybody but grandpa and Shin with utterly shocked faces. But then he sensed a scary aura come from grandma which made him flinch.

"Merlin...You. Did you not teach them restraint?!" Melida yelled at Merlin while strangling him.

"They were good learners, really...grasped everything I taught them... so I was like...why not," Merlin said while still getting strangled by Melida.

While that was happening uncle Dis and the others were discussing the strength of mine and Shin's power and that with it we could take over the world. As well as being used for others' benefits due to them being naive to the world.

'Is it really that big of a deal?' Shin thought to himself.

'Ok I understand we may not know this world's common sense but...ah wait never mind they don't know that we have our past life memories. But society is different either way that I'll just leave it at that.' Shoma thought to himself but just put the topic to the back of his mind.

While Shin and Shoma thought this uncle Dis finished discussing and turned to grandpa Merlin.

"Master Merlin I want to talk to you about something." Uncle Dis said to grandpa.

"Hah...Hah, can you first do something about this old lady?!" Merlin asked then Melida doubled the effort.

"This is all your fault!! I wouldn't be this worked up if you didn't cause this!" Melida said while she got more pissed with Merlin.

"Please granny, calm down it's not good for your health. Shin said this to granny Melida unknown to what he brought upon himself and that Shoma wanted to avoid.

Shoma was about to stop Shin from saying what he was about to say but was too late in the matter. As granny Melida stopped then turned in the direction of us and started to yell at us.

'Ah dam, I had hoped Shin wouldn't say anything but too late.' Shoma thought while getting an ear full from Melida.

Once Melida finished lecturing the three she finally calmed down. Now that Merlin was done getting yelled at he looked at uncle Dis and said.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Merlin asked uncle Dis.

"I don't think that it's the right time for them to go out into the world just yet. To be honest the boy's power is extraordinary, so much so that it threatens the power balance of the world. Along with no idea of how it is outside the forest, if he entered society now he would be manipulated for other country's benefit. Especially the Empire that is all about war." Uncle Dis said while stating the possibilities.

"I understand that but what's your point in this?" Merlin asked with interest on what uncle Dis is suggesting.

"So here's my suggestion, why don't we enroll Shin and Shoma in the Magic Academy in my country?" Uncle Dis said then waited for a response from Merlin.

After uncle Dis said that the atmosphere around grandpa shift in an instant and said, "...A suggestion that benefits your country, I see."

After that was said the atmosphere became tense. No one said a word for a few seconds.

'Woah, grandpa...' Shin thought as this is the first time seeing grandpa like this.

'Scary, that's the first time grandpa has ever been scary but there's a concern for us in his words.' Shoma said to himself while looking at the situation.

"I hereby swear that I will not use Shin and Shoma for military or political purposes. And I think of them as if they're my own nephews and don't want to involve them in my counties disputes. The Magic Academy which is in the Capital of my country is for those who have passed middle school. And that tempers those who are skilled in magic. If they enroll there we can assess just how they are compared to "normal" magically gifted people his age. And it's a chance for them to make friends their own age." Uncle Dis said that with a serious voice.

"...I see...hmm so Shin, Shoma what do the too of you think, what Disum said has truth to what he's said and I think its a good idea as well." Grandpa pondered for a bit then agreed and asked Shin and me what we thought.

' 'Disum so that's his full name.' ' Shin and Shoma thought the same thing then thought about it.

"I think I'd enjoy going to school and making friends would be fun," Shin said his thoughts aloud with a smile.

"Oh, that sounds like it would be fun, and making friends would be enjoyable as well." Shoma also voices his thoughts on the subject with a smile and interest in his voice.

"Great I'll inform the academy that you will be joining but you two would have to do an entrance exam like everyone else. Since in my country we have a perfect merit system in place, so I won't be giving you boys any special treatment not that you would need any.

And where you are placed is based on the entrance exam. Also, nobility has no power over anything due to the perfect merit system. That is why I can enroll you both in the academy immediately.

"So what happens if you were caught doing so?" Shin asked in curiosity.

"A very serious punishment will be given, even I'm not exempt from this," Disum replied to Shin's question with seriousness.

"That sounds scary," Shin said.

"It's an act that disservices promising new magicians," Disum said still with seriousness.

'Huh, so everyone is treated the same nobility and commoners, I just hope I don't meet a pompous idiot.' Thought Shoma as he feels like if he did meet one he must be very punchable.

"Hey, uncle Dis what do you mean by my country?" Shin asks while wondering if his uncle was someone important.

"Yea now that you mention it uncle Dis are you like a king or something because you give off the aura of one?" Shoma also asked while saying his thoughts.

"Oh, I guess I never told you boy's huh well let me reintroduce myself. My name is Disum von Earlshide, and I am the monarch of the kingdom of Earlshide." Disum said with prestige and confidence.

"Oh, so he was really a king that explains a lot." 'But he doesn't really act like one here.' Shoma said while thinking of how he acts here.

'My uncle Dis is a king!' Shin thought while shocked.

"Then what about my big bro Sieg and big sis Chris," Shin asked with shock and wonder.

"Oh, I'm a magician of the royal court and here as an escort for his majesty," Sieg said with confidence in his voice.

"I am one of the imperial knights, and as well as an escort for his majesty," Chris told in a proud tone.

"What I can believe big sis Chris, but big bro Sieg seriously?!" Shin said in disbelief.

"Well I kinda figured with big sis Chris with the way she carries herself, and big bro you just seem like the playboy type than any other," Shoma added what he thought about the two.

"Hey, why I'm I the only one doubted here," Sieg said with the annoyance of being doubted.

"Hm-hm yup they have a good eye," Chris commented and nodded happily with the answers.

"What did you say," Sieg said pissed at Chris's comment while glaring at her.

"What you want a fight?" Chris said pissed as well and glared back.

"Honestly these two seem like they're quarreling lovers," Shoma muttered to himself watching the two argued.

"Well whatever there not really important..." Shin said to ignore Sieg and Chris to continue.

" " HEY!!" " Chris and Sieg said annoyed at Shin's comment.

"What about you Michel?" Shin asked uncle Michel wondering who he is.

"Oh me I'm already retired but I used to be knight commander of the order." Uncle Michel replied while scratching the back of his head.

'What is this why are there so many VIPs here!' Shin thought while shocked at the fact of everyone's title.

'That explains so much of why uncle Michel is a demon trainer.' Shoma thought to himself of now knowing why his uncle's training was so hellish.

"Sigh...honestly you bunch never told them," Melida said with a sigh.

After hearing all that Shin asked how they knew grandpa. So uncle Dis told us about how the story grandpa told us was his country that was attacked. And that during an effort to subjugate the devil uncle Dis was about to be killed but got saved by grandpa and granny and from then on became great friends.

"Oh, so grandpa and grandma were in a party together?" Shin said with curiosity while looking at grandpa and granny but he saw them turn away from each other.

"In a party you say? They actually used to be husband and wife you know." Chris said while looking at us.

"Eh...Ehhhh, What?! Shin shouted in shock at hearing that fact.

While Shin was being shocked I looked at grandpa and grandma and their aura seemed to give off a hint of sadness and they have a distant look. I don't understand why but I feel that in time they will tell us when they are ready. So I walk up to them and hug them and by doing so everyone was confused but uncle Dis and Michel had a look of shock.

"Know that we love you no matter what and nothing will change that," I told them in a low voice then smiled while hugging them.

Merlin and Melida had a look of shock when they heard Shoma then they saw his smile and hug him back.

'This boy how did he...wait he can see auras...that means ha whatever, him and his mysteries haha.' Melida thought for a bit then just shook her head and hugged back.

'I never told them so he must have seen our aura's, this boy just keeps surprising me one after another,' Merlin thought while looking at Shoma and hugged him back as well.

After all that was done, it was decided that we'd be moving to the Capital to take the entrance exam in a month.

'I may not know what happened but that doesn't matter to me. I may not know what's in store for me in the future but as long as I have my family I'll be fine and I'll protect them with my all. Status.'


Name: Shoma, Wolford

Age: 15

Race: Half-human, Half-Kitsune

HP: 10000+ (avg. mage/knight 500)

STR: 10000+ (avg. mage/knight 40-100)

AGI: 10000+ (avg. mage/knight 40-60)

END: 10000+ (avg. mage/knight 65)

INT: 10000+ (avg. mage/knight 50)


Super growth

Magic control

Close combat

Weapons mastery

Super regeneration

Parallel thinking

Abnormal status resistance

Elemental manipulation

Space-time magic

Flash step

Aura sense

Enhanced senses


Photographic memory

Healing magic




Matter manipulation

Body strengthening

Nullification magic

Gravity manipulation



This story's fun to make. If you like it that fine if you don't I dont really care I just enjoy the thought of how this story will go. Until next time.

Shadow_0f_Shomacreators' thoughts