
Shin's Brother Shoma

An 18-year-old boy that wished to escape the modern world, finds that exact thing happens when he wakes up. With his memories from his previous world and a mysterious change that's the first of its kind. Shoma is put into the world of Kenja No Mago, finding himself as the brother of the protagonist Shin wolford. Being human is easy with the memories but, being a kitsune is another thing. Disclaimer: I don't own Kenja no Mago at all, only my OC. This is my first novel on a whim. Cover uses pictures not of my own.

Shadow_0f_Shoma · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Captial and Encounter

After that, we all went back to grandpa's house so grandpa and granny could discuss things with uncle Dis. And since it was late their talk didn't last long and everyone went home saying happy birthday and good night as they left.

Once everyone was gone Shin and I said good night to grandpa and we headed to bed. While we were in bed Shin and I talked about the fact that granny and grandpa used to be together.

"So what was up with you suddenly hugging them even though it was just a hug somehow it felt different?" Shin asked Shoma with curiosity about my actions.

"Well honestly I can't say it just felt like it was needed but if anything I believe they will tell us sooner or later," Shoma said with confusion in his tone then just smiled. 'But honestly during everything I feel like I should know these things. And especially with a photographic memory but it's like something is blocking parts of my memory.

I know this is the Kenja No Mago world, but I can only remember up until Shin is saved from him hunting the boar.' Shoma thought to himself as to why this was the case until he was brought out of his thoughts from Shin calling him.

"Hey, Shoma...hello earth to Shoma can you hear me," Shin asked as he seen Shoma not responding and just blankly staring.

"... Huh what oh sorry I got lost in thought about something. So what were you saying?" Shoma said apologizing to Shin then ask him to repeat what he said.

"Well I just said that I agree with that grandpa and granny will tell us when they are ready then I said that we should go to sleep. You know since it's late and we have to get everything ready to move. Then you just spaced out for some reason." Shin said while getting ready to sleep.

"Ah haha sorry about that I guess I'm really tired haha. Well, yea your right let's go to sleep night." Shoma said then got ready as well and turned off the lights in the room.

"Yea night sleep well," Shin replied to Shoma and went to sleep.

After Shin fell asleep, Shoma stared at the ceiling while trying to find out why he can't remember things from kenja no mago.

'This is dumb I can remember everything that I read, watched, and seen but why are things related to this world just blank after the bit of the beginning. Is my photographic memory skill broken but that is like saying I have memory loss. Ugh, this is giving me a headache I'll just sleep on it for now.' Shoma said to himself then just went to sleep.



"*Yawn*... hmm. Ummm where the hell am I. What is this place and why is it so black. Wait...don't tell me I died again," In a place where no light can be seen Shoma is 'standing' in what looks to be nothing at all.

"No wait I can still feel the magic around me and I can still feel Shin and grandpa's magical energy," Shoma says to himself as thoughts race through my mind on what is happening.

"You are in your mind," A figure said while looking at Shoma in thought.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice say something. But when I turned around I was surprised at seeing myself.

"Wha---," Shoma was cut off from what he was about to say when the other him started to speak.

"Before you say anything let me just say that no I am not a second personality of yours or some being trying to trick you. I'm a part of you that got sealed when coming to this world. And I already know your gonna say what bullshit is this but this was the condition to come here." The other Shoma said to me.

"Wait for what how come I don't reme--never mind I guess you have that part as well," Shoma said his thoughts, and the other him just nodded. 'Is this some way to make the plot for a story...'

(A/N: *cough*...)

"So what now?" I ask as I don't want to think about this as it hurts my head as to the reasons for this.

"Well, I'll be absorbed by you." He said to me.

"Hmm is that so well even if I do get the memories of this world I don't mind if a few things change due to my presence here."

"I can't say anything as I wouldn't know how it would turn out. Well anyway, I guess this is good luck to you have fun." He said to me as he turned into particles and was absorbed into my body.

After I absorbed the other me a flash of light came and when I came to my head was sore and my eyes opened to see a wooden floor.

"Ow that hurt and how did I end up here?" Shoma asks himself aloud confused at how he ended up here but was brought out of his thoughts when he heard someone's voice.

"Well I was trying to wake you up but you didn't respond and I shook you but you just rolled away and then you fell on the floor." The one who said this was Shin with a wry smile.

"Huh wait it's morning," Shoma said while turning to the window and could see the sun was shining.

"Yea now come on we have to start cleaning then pack. At least it'll be easier with "other dimensional storage" magic to move things." Shin said while hurrying Shoma to get ready.

"Ok ok give me a minute and I'll be out and yea it will be easier to pack things," Shoma said while getting ready but still in thought.

'I wonder if Shin and Sicily will still fall for each other because I think they are a great match together. But it would be interesting to see how Shin and Maria would be.' Shoma thought to himself.


Like that it's been half a month and Shin and Shoma along with Merlin and Melida are in a carriage that's heading to the capital. Along the way, Merlin and Melida were bickering about each other's company.

"Hey, granny I'm grateful that your coming with us and gonna be living with us as well." Shin turned and said to Melida with a smile.

"Yea it'll be fun to have you live with us granny so thanks for coming," Shoma said also smiling at Melida.

"But aren't I enough to come to come with you," Merlin said with his arms crossed.

"I'm only here for you boy's and I don't trust this old man to teach you two common sense by himself that's all," Melida said in a matter of fact tone

"Either way thanks for coming we appreciate it both of you," Shin said sincerely while smiling at Melida and Merlin along with Shoma nodding and smiling as well.

Merlin and Melida smiled at Shin and Shoma and hummed happily during the carriage ride. Shin and I just looked out the carriage window looking at the scenery until we could see a big castle in the distance surrounded by a big wall.

"Hey, it's the Capital," Shoma said to Shin as they both looked at the castle.

"Yea it's huge," Shin said while being amazed at the view.

Shoma nodded in agreement but with a few thoughts on his. 'So the events will start soon huh. But I wonder if this is the same as the anime or not.

After a while longer the carriage finally arrived at the gates and a guard came up to the door and asked for our identifications. And when grandpa and granny showed their identifications the guard froze and then shouted in disbelief.


With that shout anyone nearby that heard it stopped and looked in the direction and came running while shouting, "The Magi is here as well as the Guru I gotta see this."

"Excuse me but if you don't mind could you hurry this up," Grandpa asked the guard who got flustered for his mistake.

"Ah haha I'm very sorry about that and yes of course I just need to know who might the two young master's be," The guard apologized then asked who we were.

'Huh, I feel weird when I got called like that it's a bit uncomfortable.' Shoma said to himself at the matter.

'You-young master that's new and embarrassing to be called that.' Shin thought to himself.

"These two are Shin and Shoma Wolford, they are mine and Melida's grandsons," Merlin said with a smile.

"Master Shin and Master Shoma," The guard shouted again but apologized right after and let us pass.

'Geez I know I was expecting that but it's a lot louder in person. And having enhanced hearing doesn't help.' Shoma said to himself as they passed through the gates.

Once the carriage entered the Capital Shin and Shoma were amazed at the sight.

'Wow, this is my first time seeing something like this. All the medieval kind of style like in games or shows. Will I never really left the islands in my past but this cool that I can see this.' Shoma says to himself while looking around.

'This place is big and people look happy. It reminds me of kind of how Tokyo is.' Shin says to himself at the sight of everything.

While Shin and Shoma were looking around Melida and Merlin looked at them with kind smiles. Then Melida had a serious expression and motioned to Shoma.

"Shoma now that were in the Capital and will be living here. I think it would be best if you kept your features hidden. Since this has never been heard of in all of ever." Melida said seriously to Shoma.

"I understand," Shoma said to Melida.

With Shoma understanding, nothing else was said for a bit until Melida noticed something about Shoma shifted. Merlin seen this as well and noticed a small amount of magic gathering but was curious as to why.

"What's wrong Shoma you seem a bit tensed," Merlin asked with concern.

"Earlshide is a pretty peaceful country right?" Shoma asked in a bit of a serious tone.

"Yes, it is why do you ask?" Merlin said in confusion.

"No I was just curious," Shoma turned to them and smiled, and going back to a calm attitude. 'I can feel some sick aura's here, could it be Strom no I dont know the difference of a demonoid yet so humans eh.' Shoma thought to himself.

"Alright then," Merlin said but wondering what was with the shift in Shoma.

After that Melida and Merlin just shrugged it off and put it to the back of their minds. While the talk was going on Shin just watch in curiosity as everything was happening. While thinking of maybe asking Shoma why the sudden change.

No one talked in the carriage for a while until Shin broke the silence. "So hey grandpa how big is your house in the Capital."

"Hmm I'd say it's pretty big but I can't quite remember," Merlin said after pondering for a bit.

Shin and Shoma just nodded waited till they got there to see. And after some time they finally arrived at the house and Shin was the first to say something. "It's huge."

'Pfft, that's what she said haha. Haha no matter what I'm still a kid and also since I never really got to adulthood oh well.' Shoma thought after hearing Shins first impression.

"Yea this is a nice house," Shoma said with slight amazement.

"This was a gift from the country for the subjugation of the Demonoid," Merlin explained a bit.

After that, they went to the front door and opened it and were met with a line-up of maids and butlers. They all were bowing and three figures came up and bowed again then introduced themselves.

"Welcome home master's Merlin and Melida as well as master Shin and Shoma. We are happy to be in your care," The head maid Marika, the head butler Steve, and the head chief Coller said respectfully and bowed.

"Thank you and well be in your care," Merlin said while having a bit of a tired expression.

"I guess Disum them over when he heard we arrived," Melida added with a tired sigh.

'What's with the sudden VIP treatment,' Shin thought to himself.

Shoma knowing what Shin is thinking smirked and decided to tease him a bit, "So master Shin that has a nice ring to it don't you think hehe."

"Ugh, can you not it's embarrassing enough already," Shin said flinching at being called master by Shoma.

"Haha sorry, it was just an opportunity," Shoma said while chuckling.

"Well anyway, you two can leave the unpacking to us. And go and explore the town and get familiar with it." Merlin said to Shom and Shin with a smile.

"K well sees you guy's later," Shin said while waving and walking to the gate.

"Yea see you when we get back," Shoma said waving back at them while walking with Shin.

After Shin and Shoma left they wandered around the town going to a few stalls for snacks and chatted while looking around. While walking though they saw just how much Merlin and Melida are respected here. As they walked they saw the artwork, a line for a theatre play, book stands all about them.

They continued to explore around and found a magic item shop so they decided to check it out. And once they walked in they were told to not break anything as everything was of high quality. They just nodded and looked around and were utterly disappointed at the items as they were simple and easy ones to do. Shin tried out a pair of gloves with pull and push enchanted on each hand.

Once Shin passed magic energy into the pull glove that was over a bowl of apples one of them instantly shot up to his hand. Shin and Shoma just stared at it and Shoma tried his best to not laugh out loud. While Shin just threw the gloves off at the shop owner and walked out while trying to ignore Shoma's attempt at trying not to laugh.

After Shoma calmed down they continued to explore and found themselves in an alley trying to cut through to get around the crowd. While walking they stopped and looked at each other and nodded.

"Were lost," Shin said to Shoma

"Yup but at least we know how to get home and we're not totally lost cause I have a mental map of most of the town," Shoma said while finishing a meat skewer.

"Wait what how search magic mainly shows living beings and can't show inanimate objects," Shin asked while giving Shoma a questioning look.

"What I thought you knew since you saw how I trained my senses," Shoma said but just received a blank look from Shin.

"Ha, I just use search magic normally but focus on everything and not just living things. Since I'm spreading my magic all around me like a radar." Shoma explained and just got a wide-eyed expression from Shin.

"Did you never try it that way?" Shoma asked while looking at Shinas he had a slight embarrassed look and awkwardly laughed.

"Anyway let-," Shin was gonna try and dodge the question but was cut off when they heard some voices nearby.

Some distance away Shin and Shoma saw three guys surrounding two girls and both thought 'What a cliche and started to walk over.

"Come on just join us we can show ladies a real~ fun time," One of the guys in armor said.

"Yea come on don't worry it will feel good," Another one of the three said.

"No get away from us and leave us alone," One of the girls with red hair said to the guys surrounding them.

"Please leave us alone," The other girl with blue hair said in a distressed voice.

"Hey do you ladies need some assistance," Shin said and caught the attention of the group.

"Yes we are in desperate need of a helping hand," the girl with red hair said with hope and a bit of desperation in her voice.

'What a weird way to say they accept.' Shin thought as he and Shoma paused for a second when they heard what she said.

'Why does it sound weirder hearing it in person. But these guys' auras tick me off, I guess this is the difference from watching and reading compared to seeing them.' Shoma said to himself while looking at the three guys.

Seeing two boys come and interrupt their talks with the girls the three guys walked up to Shin and Shoma with arrogance and mocking expressions.

"Huh, what do we have here a couple of heroes do we," one of the guys that seem to be the leader said while smirking.

"Haha you two weak kids should just leave before you get hurt." said one of the guys but got a chill but just shrugged it off.

"Yea we protect these girls every day by risking our lives to hunting monsters," the third guy of the group finally said something.

"Although hunting monster is a noble thing hunting girls just makes you a scumbag," Shin said to the three guys who now have tick marks on their heads looking ready to ring our necks.

"And hunting monsters is a part of your job description and it doesn't look like these ladies asked for your help," Shoma said adding fuel to the fire with a smile but wanted to teach these idiots a lesson for calling him weak.

After that the three lost it and charged Shin and Shoma drawing daggers, two went for Shoma and one went for Shin but was the bulkier of the three.

" "DIE," " The three guys charged wanting to kill.

Shin just looked at the guy charging him and as the guy attacked it just looked like he was moving in slow motion. So he just shattered the dagger and palmed his chin knocking him out and skidding a bit away.

'Did he not take a defensive stance, dam I feel sorry for the two the charged Shoma especially after calling him weak. May you rest in peace.' Shin said to himself shocked at how easy he took the guy down then gave a small prayer for the others.

Shoma stood there looking at the charging duo as they got more pissed that one of them got easily taken down. Shoma just smiled at the two which unnerved them but still charged but suddenly froze in place out of fear. Shoma didn't move an inch but he released a small bit of pressure on them.

"I don't like being called weak and I may be petty but I just don't like it." After saying this Shoma disappeared and reappeared punching both of them in the gut. And they followed the same fate as their first comrade but with more pain as Shoma added a little more strength and added a small bit of electricity to the punch.

'I feel a little better but maybe I'll visit the hunters association to go hunt. Hmm, I wonder how much I would get if I sold some of the materials I gathered for the forest.' Shoma talked to himself wanting to vent a little more but was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the two girls gasped in surprise.

*Gasp* "Thanks for helping us there. Are you two alright?" A girl with straight red hair that reaches her waist and big brown eyes this is Maria that asked both of us with a bit of concern in her voice.

Shin and Shoma both said they were fine and reassured them that they're fine.

'She's pretty cute,' Shin thought.

"Thank you for saving us from those hunters," A beautiful and cute girl with waist-length blue hair that has bangs hanging over her forehead with chest-length hair strands hanging in front, with blue-green eyes.

Shin's brain short-circuited when he saw Sicily and didn't say anything and was just dazed.

'Wow in person she is really cute and adorable I see why she is the favorite girl, and she has a really calm aura. Maria's aura feels...,' Shoma was inspecting Sicily but when he was looking at Maria his eyes locked with hers and they looked at each other and paused. Shoma felt like he could hear bells ringing. His face started to heat up and he somehow unconsciously brought out his ears and tail but his tails were now one big fluffy tail.

Right when Maria locked eyes with Shoma her mind went blank and she started to blush but was shocked, her eyes went wide when she saw ears and a big fluffy tail appear on Shoma.

Shoma noticed the change in Maria's expression and snapped out of his daze and felt his ears and tail and immediately hid them. Sicily noticed this as well and Shin snapped out as well but was confused as to what happened as seen they both were looking at Shoma. Right, when Shin turned to Shoma he heard him start to awkwardly laugh.

"Ha-ha sorry about that that was my magic it does that sometimes as I can shape it how I want. And can you keep this a secret?" Shoma said nervously trying to play off his blunder as magical energy.

"Ah, o-okay that's new and in-interesting haha," Maria said going along with it but felt like he was hiding something.

"Ye-yea sure we won't tell anyone," Sicily said agreeing as well but felt that he was hiding something also.

'Oh my god, I'm gonna get an earful from granny when we get back ugh. At least they said they'll keep it a secret.' Shoma sighed in relief but was not wanting a lecture from Melida and on the first day as well.

Shin heard this and figured out what happened but didn't think too much about as talked to himself about getting smitten with Sicily.

"A-anyway let's go to the nearby cafe as I wanted to show my gratitude for saving us." Maria suggested but stopped as she looks at Shin not moving.

"Umm are you sure you alright," Sicily asked Shin with concern.

Shoma sees this and sighs then smacks Shin in the back of the head and tells him to hurry up. Shin snapped out of his daze again and apologized and the four of them went off to the nearby cafe. And Shoma checks to see if anyone else saw his tail and ears but thankfully no one saw it.

Back at the house Melida gets the feeling that she'll have to give a lecture when Shin and Shoma come back.

Enjoy and I suck at trying to do romance. Oh well.

Shadow_0f_Shomacreators' thoughts