
Animals heart Ch.1

"Animals are like family , they will never give up on you''


When I walked out the gate that was leading to my yard in the back of the field I headed straight to my 1969 ford f100 red ranger as the red paint was chipped off some. I grabbed my keys which were in my navy blue jacket and opened the door to the truck as I got in the front seat and put the key in the starter. The truck cranked beautifully in doing so as I smiled with delight It worked once more. My long brown hair was pulled up in a messy bun with a purple scrunchie hair band as my hazel eyes looked at the outside in front of me so I won't be driving off the edge of the road or hit another person which isn't the best. I was going to the gas station to pick up some snacks and gas for the truck , as I pulled up on the crumbly pavement of the gas station I got out and noticed a st. Bernard was sitting by the sidewalk on the entrance by the store as I thought it was someone's dog who's just ran off to do its own thing. I entered the store as the cashier known as Stan greeted me with a friendly smile and a bowl of water. "Hey Camila how are you doing today? I know that look on your face , that dog outside has been there for almost two days now . I don't want to call animal control in case it never gets adopted and then...yeah." Stan looked down unsure of what to say next so he just went around the counter and flashed the brunette a small smile before going outside and giving the dog some water that was cold since it was summertime. While he was doing that i was thinking back at what he said about the dog being here for at least two days now which might be unusual to some folks around here. I wondered if the dog was dropped off by their careless owners or maybe it got lost from a storm , i didn't know nore do think about it much longer as Stan came in and looked to be working hard since this morning there was a whole crowd of people and tourist as he scurried to get to each of their orders or lottery tickets. He was about to get a bag of dog food so the dog won't be left hungry overnight , i said to him and bamboozled of what i'm about to say to the slightly gray haired man "Hey stan could i get a bag of the golden bone dog food please? I'll be taking the dog to my place and I would like you to try and keep on the lookout if a dog that looks like the one out there is on the internet or a flier , k?" He nodded and grabbed the dog food I needed and some other necessities such as dog treats , collar and leash , and even some toys. He put it all in the bed of the truck as he called the dog "Wishbone come here boy!" he clapped and waited for the dog that came over to him as he patted the dogs head and smiled warmly at Wishbone. "So that's what you're calling it? I like it , where did you get the name Wishbone from?" I asked as I opened the truck's door so the dog could get up in the passenger seat. "Well one day i was eating some chicken and fries from that barbecue place down the street from here and i dropped a wishbone as the dog came running at it ready to get it up off the floor then luckily i grabbed it in time so it won't swallow it up like a vacuum!" Stan chuckled at the memory of wishbone howling that he didn't get it as the old man then said "Everything is free since you're a good friend of mine and that I'm glad you will try your best to find an owner or maybe even you can keep him!" he said as he closed eyed smiled at me and Wishbone as the dog was now in the seat. I chuckled some as I hugged the man and bid goodbye as I got in the truck and looked at Wishbone more closely , his fur was slightly matted up , dirt and fleas all over his body , he was like a gentle giant but more puppy-like . I started up the truck and off we went as I let the window down just a little so he could feel the breeze of the wind hit his snout which was cute as he sneezed several times .

When we got home I opened up the truck's doors and let the dog out , grabbed the groceries , and headed inside the house . Wishbone came running in between my legs inside the house as he looks around excitedly to see what the house has and the different country smells it has to offer . I put the groceries up and went outside again but to my opened up shed that I made with my father who was a wood worker and a chef. I had a desk filled with wood carving stuff , clay , wood , more wood, and other tools. I loved making art and just making things such as sculptures from wood or clay , drawings , garden accessories and more. I opened up a cabinet that was beside the woodworking table , I brought out my gloves and then put them on as i grabbed a piece of wood and then started carving it although i had nothing in my mind to carve until i heard it. Wishbone barked that grabbed my attention and then the idea hit me like a train , carving Wishbone. I smiled brightly

Hello there and welcome to my little book that I'm writing! enjoy

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