
Shifters Soulmates [Completed]

In the Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, shifters hid in plain sight. Humans did not know about their existence until they were destined to be their soulmates. In Paphos, Cyprus, the Werewolves run the forest while the others fled to the city. Can you spot a shifter right under your noses or will you have to be their soulmates to know who they really are? These stories will make you think there's more to Werewolves and Vampires that run with the humans.

Nikki_Larousse · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 2: The Saviour

Catherine Smith's POV

I cannot believe that I just added another mouth to feed. Not that I cared if it was not a human but a mouth all the same. I just laid down on the bed that I just finished installing by myself. I need to be proud of what I supposed. I was exhausted as the sweat was covering my body.

"Meow!" Winky meowed at me before she got up and was nestling between my breasts. I was stroking her fur as I was staring at the ceiling.

"What a day! I lost all the money that I saved for leaving my home and right now I think I might have a bath." I said as I was picking up Winky and I stared into her sea-green eyes.

"Do you want to bath with me?" I asked her as she meowed and she licked my nose. I laughed.

"I take that as a yes," I said before I went to the bathroom and started to fill in the water into the bathtub. I picked out my favorite bath bomb that smelled of jasmine. I was playing with the water to make sure that it was lukewarm, just how I liked it.

I then shredded my clothing as the cat was staring at me. I smiled at her as I was tossing the clothes onto the ground. I don't care if I have an audience, it was just a cat after all.

I then picked up Winky and settled it between my breasts as I was slowly sitting inside the bathtub. My muscles have been aching for the whole day and right now, I was happy to be in this water with my companion.

"My, this water is so good that I can just sleep right in here," I said as I was holding Winky. She nuzzled at my neck before she purred. I think she's approved of this bath and I was carrying some water to wash it.

"I wonder what is your real coloring of the fur," I said as I was stroking the water and I was brushing the fur to get the dirt out. So a feral animal, she sure knew how to be buff and muscled.

"I think you would look cute if you have brown fur," I said as I was kissing her nose and mouth. I was staring into her sea-green eyes. It was magnetic as I was trying to focus on it. I looked into it and I saw a man, a lean, muscular, toned man that was naked and he was smiling at me. Well. Maybe more of a smirk on his lips.

I blinked a few times before I was shaking my head. I was dreaming, I supposed because of the works and the shopping that I was doing. Winky was looking at me before she meowed at me as she purred again. I was brushing her fur and the dirt came off.

"I knew it! You do have brown fur. Oh, I adore your fur," I said as I was putting her on my bare chest. My breasts were on her paws but I was smiling as I don't care I was naked in front of an animal. It was an animal, not a human.

"Alright, I think I am done here," I said as I was trying to control my breathing before I set Winky down beside the bathtub. Then, I submerged into the water as I was washing my hair and I was trying to feel the lukewarm water on my head as well. I got up and I was breathing heavily.

"I think I need to get more of the jasmine bath bomb. This is divine," I said as I let the water drained from the bathtub before I pulled the curtains and I was showering under the faucet.

After I made sure that I was cleaned, I went to close the faucet and reached out for my towel. It was hanging from the hanger beside the bathtub but it was not there. I looked out from the curtain before I saw that Winky was playing with my towel.

"Winky, give me that," I said as I was reaching for the towel before she dragged it out of the bathroom. I gritted my teeth as I was pushing the curtain away and Winky was staring at me, something about her eyes were staring right at my naked body was shivering me inside out.

"Okay, enough game. I need to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow," I said as I bent to get the towel before Winky released it and I was drying myself before I wrapped the towel around me. I was staring at myself at the single mirror hanging above the sink before I turned to look at Winky. She was still wet.

"Oh, alright, I will dry you up since I don't want you to be cold," I said as I was taking another towel and I was drying her against my chest. She was silent the whole time as she was looking at my face. I smiled at her before I kissed her nose and mouth again before I went to the kitchen to set up some light dinner and some food for my new companion.

I was lurking around for some edible that can be eaten by cats. It looks like I have to make do with some leftovers that I have from my take out. I looked at the content and it was some chicken in the box.

"I hope you like chicken. I will get your food tomorrow," I said before I settled the chicken in front of the cat and she ate like she did not eat for the last month.

"Oh, poor you," I said as I was brushing her head as she was attacking the chicken. I went to get some water before I drank it. I need to lie down now as I was tired by cleaning my apartment and put the furniture in the way that I wanted.

"Well, time to bed. You can take the coach," I said to Winky before I was walking back to the bedroom as I was adorning the silk nightgown onto my body. I can feel my nipples hardened because of the cold air of the night as I was making my way to the bed. I slipped into the cover and when I hit the pillow, sleep claimed me.

I felt like I was floating in heaven. I was gasping and moaning as I felt a rough touch on my body. I don't know if it was real or a dream but I don't want it to stop.

"Do you like that, Cat?" A rough voice asked me as I was arching my body. I don't think I can answer in my dream but I was answering the strange voice that was penetrating my mind.

"Yes, oh yes. That feels good," I said as I felt something was brushing my body. I don't know where but when I tried to touch it myself, I was being held down.

"Tut, tut, tut. Only I can touch you here. Not even you can do it. Do you understand?" He asked me as I just categorized that this voice, this stranger belonged to a man.

"Yes. Whatever you say, just don't stop," I moaned as I was tossing from side to side. I was aching and aching before he chuckled.

"Now, you will have my word that you will not be neglected," he said. Neglected? I don't understand what was I doing that I was being neglected. But still, this dream was nice and I was aching for something. I don't know what but I will die if I don't get this aching out of my system.

"Please," I said as I was gasping. I was still closing my eyes as I don't want this dream to end.

"Please what, my love? Tell me and I shall deliver it," he said as I was aching. I moaned and gasped before I can form my sentence.

"I can't hold it anymore. I need to…let me break…please I need a release. I don't think I can get this over with without you," I said before I was moving against my own body. I think my body has its mind of its own. He chuckled before I felt the rough touch again.

"Say my name," he urged as I was moving even more right now. Against the rough touch.

"But I don't know yours. Please. Tell me your name," I said as I was moving even faster. I need his name so that I can feel even more satisfied than this.

"Wyatt. Remember it. Say it," he said as he was urging me to say it. I can sense that I was going over the moon and my aching will be released.

"Yes, Wyatt. Yes, oh! Wyatt!" I said before I felt the wave of pleasure was on my vein and I think I can smile in this dream and I don't want to wake up.