
Shifter Adventure

"Yeah, were doing this" "Shut it" "You can and go eff yourself ahole" "screw u too"

Supreme_Commamder · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Being sent to a typical isekai by the council

To start off, Shifters are People who has the ability to shift in and out of reality and bring items or weapons or powers or anything really much and its depending on the situation.

There is only 10,000 Shifter Present to different universes and there are renegade shifters and just doesn't follow the typical shifter rules but anyways these renegade are a menace to other shifters but them, they annoy the MC of different worlds or kill them if they need to, because its fun and just to make their life a hell.

current numbers on the loyalist faction and the renegade faction is this, 5000 renegade and 5000 loyalist perfectly balance as everything should be

"no its not"

..... boi, get your ass back into this before I earse you from existence

"Shut up author you suck ass and I am out!"

Anyways, This story revolves around an Renegade shifter wandering to a typical fantasy world and trying to stop the typical MC with his Chaos that he carry's is basically depends on his choice, If he wants pure firepower he would chosen, ranging from grenade launcher to literal size orbital cannon if he needed or hell even a rubber chicken just for the fun of it or wanting to take out single target, he can choose railgun sniper or anything really much as he is a wild bastard.

And yes the shifters knows that they are in stories and do they care? nope, so our story begins in middle of nowhere which is were the renegade base currently at.

[Current Location:???, Unknown]

"So, another universe has appeared in our radar again and a fantasy one again" The operator just muttered before giving a sigh as there is another fantasy one in the list, he is an veteran shifter who decided to become an operator of the renegade HQ as he mainly does is just, find any new universe pop out in the radars in this HQ and reports it to the higher ups, mainly the council and these council member decided to see if they would send in agent or not.

Currently after the operator left, the place where operator does their job and currently, his walking down the long hallway filled with renegade shifters just going to random places, like cafeteria, gym, recreational room, and Etc. and he just greeted some shifters who walked passed them and they greeted him back as was suddenly got hit by a rubber band, it didn't hurt him but thats just annoying for him as he looked over on who the hell shot him.

He was met with a younger shifter, his body is around 10 but dont let that fool ya, this is their youngest and talented shifter that joined, but anyways he was whistling innocently and the operator just gave him a blank looked and asked in a flat tone "Shifter M, why did you just fire me a rubber band?" he was waiting for a reply which he got in a form of a middle finger, why did the author write this? anyways. He gotten a replied from agent M "Oh come on, Operator 69(nice) things are becoming boring! Ever since the ending of Le war"

"And I haven't even gotten myself a new assignment in over 10 months" M whined as 69 gave an eyebrow of a respond and replied "If this world has perked interest of the council they probably will send you to make some problems but I highly doubt it" at that last part was a muttered that M didn't hear

"And shifter M, i need to report this like real bad and it might perked up the council" That perked up Agent M, for reason that you'll never know because why the hell not and now he was trying to reach the council room without any problems for now, that will bite in his ass later on but anyways.

He manage to reach a large door with a small plate saying 'Council' and he just knocked onto the door before hearing "You can come in" by one of the councilmen and he promptly open it as he is rather nervous because the council is powerful within the renegade faction as each one is a master of everything

"So what is it 69?" A council member asked the veteran, while the other members looked at him as small sweat begun to appear on 69 forehead

"Sirs, another Fantasy universe has been spotted and its the same shit, Main character being sent into an fantasy world, get harem, go adventure and stuff like that" 69 explain to the council as a large hologram appeared showing the universe as expect its the same shit

"so what does this universe more interesting?" Council member 10 or also known as Shifter 10 asked the operator

"Well sir, to say there is a loyalist helping out the MC and there is a villainess reincarnated into that universe" 69 Replied the question and that promptly made everyone silent and had a bewildered looked on them

"What?" A council member asked dumbfounded

"A loyalist helping an MC" 69 replied with a blank look

"GET US AN ANGENT RIGHT NOW BEFORE OUR EFFING SERCET IS DISCOVERED!" Another councilmen yelled and they ain't taking another chance like the 'MC incident' and it was an horrible incident that lead to that shifter being 40k to 10k and things are getting worse as it seen to the population of the shifter despite being immortal and can have children's they decided to not pursue the love life so the dwindling number is just VERY slow for now

operator 69 gave a salute with his glowing red eyes because this is very serious as he suddenly disappeared put of the council room.

"May Our lord forgive us" A councilmen muttered

------------------------{Line break}-----------------------

Every single regenade shifter are currently represnt on an auditorium with 10 council men present, each one is different form each other, Shifter 1 is the first shifter in the sit, his clothes was basic to say the least, just some shirt and pants with basic shoe, this is the most powerful shifter in the renegade and this is what he is wearing.

Next was shifter 2, 3, 4, 5 all of them are in style of fantasy, Sci-Fi, mixed of both and shifter 5 is wearing some fancy crap as each one strong but not stronger then 1.

Next was 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, the style of their clothing is more on post apocalyptic and 6 n 7 are in power armor with different design and function

"Hear me, fellow shifter there is a reason why we called you here in this weird ass auditorium" Shifter 1 announce before any shifter can talk

"SHIFTER 1 WHAT THE FCK IS SO IMPORTANT TO CALL US HERE?!" A random shifter renegade (HEY) yelled while the other shifter shouts in agreement on why their here

"Operator 69 and also nice" Shifter 1 said while he gotten the respond of 'nice, 'noice' or any nice in different language

"As I was saying, we have found a shifter in a fantasy world and that shifter is a women and is dangling with that MC of that world" Shifter q continued before dropping a truth bomb

"WHAT?!!!!!?!??!!" Every single shifter in the auditorium yelled din unison

"A WOMEN SHIFTER?!" A shifter yelled before being promptly being shut up by Shifter M and that thing was wrapping his mouth with flex seal

"were fcked!" Another shifter yelled

"WE NEED TO KILL THEM BOTH" another shifter yelled with knifes on his hand and many more yelled

"ORDER, ORDER, ORDER!" shifter 1 yelled while shifter 10 sigh and shot few round Sinton the air which stopped every single one of them

"the situation is still not dire and the female shifter is still in the early process, we can stop it before any crap can happen" Shifter 1 said calmly

"WHICH ONE WE WILL SEND?!" Shifter U yelled, Shifter U had few universe floating around him

"The one would be sending is shifter WC" Shifter 1 said while giving a sigh, Shifter WC was also known as a wildcard, he is pretty much unpredictable when it comes to things, he would slap themselves a easy victory for them while giving the loyalist some hard time or something really fcked up

"SHIFTER WC?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Shifter U yelled with panic on his tone, every single one begun to protest because shifter WD is an chaotic, well all of them are but he takes it a new level and have made few MC becoming stronger then being killed

"That is our decision and all of you must know that he shows TRUE GENDER EQUALITY" Shifter 1 said before lying on the TRUE GENDER EQUALITY and WD ain't sexist also, hit him he will hit you back even if your a female

"Are you sure about this 1?" Shifter C asked the shifter 1 with no concern on his voice, his clothing style was more on the butler side and much more older then the other shifters

"Yes, that is our decision and is there any more question?" Shifter 1 asked the crowd of shifter as he received no response expect for a 'UWU" before that shifter who yelled it got hitted by food and it is quiet alot

"Good, dismissed until further notice" Shifter 1 said before destroying the podium and then every single one disappeared of out of the auditorium .


Shifter WC was currently in his room with a shooting range installed and he has his railgun and he is just taken some head shot at some humanoid target and each shot was a perfect clean headshot and he chuckled to himself before starting to Dance.






WC stopped dancing "Why do I feel someth-" Before WC was interrupted by a blast on his door which was reduce to nothingness and it revealed shifter 1 in his glory wearing again the simple clothing

"What in the absolute fck was that?" WC asked to no one in particular

"WC, we have a mission for you" Shifter 1 said while wipping off any dust which were none but he wanted to be fancy

"Oh? a mission ay, alright 1 what do ya need?" WC asked with a grin on his face, he will be wearing his mask and gloves also to hide his face because why not.

"Alright, you will sent to a typical isekai world with a hero and a villainess in different continents and there is a female shifter also being tangled with the hero MC in that world" 1 explains the details that he gotten from 69 and add his own

The grin of WC widen even more as he also begun to maniacally laugh because this is so fun and then he asked when he stopped "when do I move 1?"

"You will be moved around 1 hour, prepare everything you need and you will be sent in the other continent and possibly kill the MC if possible and capture the shifter if possible and the villainess, depends on you if you want to have a relationship or not and you will be sent earlier then expected, so you can stopped the Hero MC in advance" 1 said the objective of this mission and his grin stopped but nods

"Alright I'm off and Don't. Mess. This. Up." 1 warned him and he was given a thumbs before disappearing out of thin air

WC sighed at this, he wanted to annoy the crap of the Hero MC while the villainess is just trying to survive as a villainess which was typical but not enough to send a shifter as what they can do? well it's depends but most are not really threats and now he needed some items.

-------------------------[Line Break]----------------------

"Alright 69, again nice" WC said with a grin in as he had a ring on him, this was a storage ring which is useful and made by their shifter maker which make things like these as all of them have specialized powers but all of them can't make rings like these as those might need to do some physical law breaking crap and they can't anger the God of universe and they ain't doing it but anyways the portal was big enough to fit 10, 300 feet mechs and it was swirling dark purple and that is good and also they need these portal because while they can shift in and out of reality, they can't go to different world as each world has this defense mechanism that make reality hopper stopping in their tracks but thanks to a certain shifter, he manage to bypass it.


Operator 69 had a blank looked as he saw the shifter went it before closing the portal.

"AND THAT IS ALL FOLKS!" A shifter yelled after bursting through a wall with a grin on him before being hitted by a baseball by a loyalist shifter.

Another story as I have 2 more story in draft and I will be focusing on this one to have my motivation be back in full action, so Yeah and also Expect me to update this on random time and rejoice I finally upload a chapter

Supreme_Commamdercreators' thoughts