
Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

An introverted girl has had enough of the isolation inadvertently formed by her solitary nature. Things changed when she discovers that she has the ability to transverse across the fabric of our universe into the dimensions of multiple storylines. Not only do these storylines leave her with invaluable lessons - they also impart a portion of their power - if she is deserving of it. The time has come for Zhao Youyue to change her fate. Never again, will she remain as a Side-Character!

Drunk for Her · Urban
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773 Chs

Where’s your Motherf*cking Italian Artillery?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhao Youyue got the rough idea of the sketch through a function like "Baidu Wiki" within the Dimensional Gate. She could surmise the plot just by looking at the title of it, "War Heroes". This was pertaining the war between China and Russia, and spoke of brave warriors who fought for their countries. It looks like the same old war movie with the same old content.

Zhao Youyue noticed there were quite a few female characters this time, and she read through their entrailing character roles. There were female nurses, female snipers, female college students and female clerks. In order to portray the cruelty of the Russians, there was also a five-year-old little girl who had lost her family to the Russians. She was the sole survivor of the family, and she was only one meter tall.

Of course, this little kid was just a side character, so she can't possibly join in the war to resist the Russians, right?