
Shht, keep quiet!

Complete. What would happen if you get misunderstood by everyone, and have to live with a man you have seen for only 30 minutes... That night, Tiffany was having an innocent group dinner with her students. It escalates Into a big mess. There was a corpse covered in blood, a drunken man and another man with a gun. Who is the murderer? 'Tell it to another and I'll kill you'

Mrwyoo · Teen
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 4

Once Mark enters the empty party hall, he sees smoke coming from the kitchen. He charges in the smoke-filled area. The kitchen is not the place the bomb went off. He needs to find him. But then, Tiffany accesses the kitchen. Mark is furious. 'Why are you here? Get out now!' He yells. Tiffany takes a step back. She is petrified by his stern voice. 'N... No. I'm coming with you.' There is no time to play the youtube couple drama. Mark quickly runs over to her side. Taking her out of the building will make him waste time. He takes off his overcoat and covers her with it. Grabs her hand and starts to run. 'What the hell is happening here? I thought that you had it under your control, you fucker.' He yells at his watch. Tiffany thinks. That's it! We are going to die. He has officially lost it. But to her astonishment, a voice answers him back. 'Hey, I was not the one playing on the grass, fooling around with a girl.' She has to laugh at what the voice is saying. So there is someone else apart from her who can raise his voice to the almighty devil. Tiffany feels that Mark tightens his grip on her hand. 'Are you laughing right now?' Mark growls at Tiffany. 'I'm sorry.' She answers back in a low voice.

'Just go inside the storage room. The surveillance camera shows that the boy has entered that room after the explosion. It's the second door on your left.' Mark runs in right after he kicks in the door. The whole place is dark because of the smoke. 'Found him. Get the vehicle ready. I'm coming out over 4 minutes.' He let Tiffany's hand go. 'And you stay here. Dare to come in. I'll punish you when we are back home.' He disappears into the thick smoke. Tiffany covers her mouth with her hands because she is inhaling to much smoke right now.

There is a loud bang coming from inside the room. 'MARK!' Screams Tiffany. 'Stay. Don't.' It's Mark's voice. He is carrying someone in his arms. 'Are you okay?' He comes out of the room. She looks down and sees an ugly wound on his right torso. Blood is streaming down his clothes. He leaves bloodstains on the floor with each step. 'You are bleeding.' She touches his side. 'Leave it. Follow me. Don't lose me and cover mouth, woman!' The way back out was luckily over with no accidents. The big vehicle is parked outside, waiting for them. A man opens the door for them. 'Get in.' Says Mark looking at Tiffany. She gets in the car. Mark lays the unconscious boy in the seat next to the man. He is the last one to get on. 'Good. He has only passed out and no physical wounds for now. Tiffany kicks the man's shin. 'Get me the first aid box, you big-mouth. I don't care who that boy is, but Mark has an open wound.' The man is taken back by Tiffany. Mark laughs and groans after that. 'Just try her. You'll get addicted to her.' Tiffany turns to Mark. 'Oh. So you want to get kicked too before you leave this world for good?' Mark made a zip-up with his hand. 'I'll shut up.'

The man gives the first aid box to Tiffany. She gently cleans and patches up the wound without losing focus. Mark is enjoying watching her as she is so focused on him. He loves the way she gives him attention like this. 'The wound has to be stitched. Covering it up like this won't hold out.' Mark holds her hand. 'It's okay for now. Something like this won't kill me that easy.'

'Good for you, mister.' She ignores him now that he is out of danger. The man she kicked is the one she heard through the watch. Jackson is his name for now.

The boy wakes up. He holds his head. 'My head is hurting. And who are you, people?' He looks afraid. Jackson talks first. 'Well, we are hired by your father to protect you? Something like that. Did something fell on your head? I need to make sure you are uninjured. That guy sitting in front of you saved you. And the lady next to him. Don't mind her for your safety.' Jackson does not look at Tiffany. He knows that she is glaring at him right now. But the boy can't help but look at Tiffany as he gazes at her from head to toe. Mark notices it. He gestures for the boy to come closer. They come face to face. Mark leans in further to his ear and whispers. 'If you keep watching any further. Know that I will be the last person you will see before I sent you off to the other world. Clear!' Mark leans back to his seat, closes his eyes, and smiles at the boy. The terrified boy closes his eyes for the rest of the ride.

Mark tells Jackson to drop the three of them at his house. Tiffany opposes telling him that he still has an open wound, and it needs to be stitched shut. Mark orders Jackson to send someone to his home. 'Send JD to my house so he can sew my wound and her mouth.' Tiffany rolls her eyes. 'You are wounded right now, so I'll drop it here.' And the middle finger goes up. 'Your middle finger is up every time we have a lovely conversation. Are you trying to hint me on something by using your finger like that? Spicing up our conversations? I don't mind showing it to you. You can see for yourself how it goes up and becomes hard only for you.' Tiffany turns to Jackson. 'Do you mind if I go with you? It's a matter of life and death. I think that it's not safe for me to enter his house.' Jackson moves back and steps in the vehicle. 'Nope. I'm not going to take a violent woman like you to my house. It's a matter of life and death for me too.' He shuts the door, and the vehicle drives off. He ran away like that.

Once inside, Tiffany is the first one to take a shower. She rushes to take a short one. The second one is the boy. Mark removers his shirt with the help of Tiffany. 'It still hurts, right?' Mark shakes his head. 'No. Disappointed?' She looks unhappy. 'Kinda.'

Not long after that, JD arrives at Mark's house. 'Oh. That's an ugly one.' Tiffany nods her head in agreement. 'Right! He should be locked up. It should be forbidden to show his face to the outer world.' She points at Mark's face. JD looks at Tiffany and raises his hand in a high five position. Tiffany plays along. 'I like it. Good one. It's a pain in the eye to keep looking at him. But no one listens to me.' Mark remains unchanged. But the boy jumps in the middle of the conversation. 'I think that he is super handsome, tall, and he has a body that will make everyone jealous. I don't understand why the two of you don't think that he is not good looking?' The room falls into silence. JD, out of nowhere, asks him a question. 'You swing that way? The same party?' The boy looks perplexed. His face becomes red. He averts his eyes. He hit the mark.

JD has finished closing up the wound. He gave Mark twelve stitches. Tiffany is holding herself in, not to make any fun of Mark. But Mark is looking her way. 'You want to say something?' She shakes her head in a nonchalantly way. 'Oh, nooo. I don't want to be that third wheel. Going to my room. Have fun.' She grins at Mark. JD understands it. 'Have fun, you guys. I'm out. And you. Don't use too much energy. Keep it nice and clean. You don't want those stitches open up.' JD turns to Tiffany. 'I go this way, and you go that way, sister.' JD high fives Tiffany again en leaves. Tiffany escapes to her room.

Mark gets up and points to the sofa. 'You are going to sleep there.' He leaves the boy standing in the hallway.

He enters Tiffany's room without any warning. Tiffany is already laying on her bed. 'Oh, no, you don't. Get out. If you don't, I'll scream my lungs out.' Mark comes closer. 'I can't go out. Not with him walking around the house. Plus, I need extra care for tonight.' Tiffany gets up. 'You can sleep here, and I'm going to your room. Bye.' Mark blocks her path. 'Just for tonight. No ulterior moves. I swear.' Tiffany gives in. 'Alright, but I'm warning you. One wrong move before I'll reopen your wound.' Mark jumps in bed. Tiffany crawls in bed after him. She lays down with her eyes closed, facing the ceiling, and Mark lays on his side, watching Tiffany. But Tiffany has a funny feeling in her stomach and feels nauseous. Did she eat to much cake? She holds her hand in front of her mouth and makes noises. Mark gets up. 'I haven't even touched you yet. How can you be pregnant?' She glares at him and hit him on the shoulder. 'Don't worry. You are not the father. It's someone else and much sweeter than you are.' She rubs on her belly, hoping that it will help. Mark offers his help. 'You want me to rub your tummy? It'll be easier for you.' She stops rubbing her belly. 'You are not going to touch me. Heard that!' She shows her back to him and proceeds with rubbing the pain away. Mark lays back on his side. He is supporting his head with his hand and looking and her struggling. He put his arm around her torso and pulls her in. She is now leaning against him. 'Stop being so defensive. I'm not going to do anything. Let me rub this one out.' This time it's Tiffany's loss. That sounds so dirty. Mark places his big hand on her belly. It instantly warms up her stomach. Her body loosens up and leans more onto Mark's body. He begins to rub in circles. Unconsciously, Tiffany lets out a soft moan. It feels so much better. The pain is almost gone now. 'You like it?' He mutters in a soft voice against her right ear. 'Hmm.' Comes from Tiffany. Good, because Mark begins to feel restless. He stops and turns his back to Tiffany. That made her shift her body and look at him. Weird. Usually, he would say or do evil things to her. First, he helps her rub away the pain and now turns his back to her. She sits up and leans over his big body, trying to face him. Mark feels it and tries to move his body away from Tiffany. The stubborn Tiffany holds on to him.

'Are you ignoring me?' She is curious about his answer. 'Go to sleep. Nothing good will happen if you keep talking to me.' He let out a long sign. Tiffany is not done talking yet. 'Why?' She asks. 'Because.' He replies childishly. Tiffany is climbing on top of him now. He feels her body pressing against him even more. He throws her off of him, and this time he climbs on her. Now they are looking at each other. 'Did I not warn you, that if you keep barking at me that I'll bounce on you? You just don't take my words seriously anymore, don't you?' She does not say anything and looks at him. Mark comes down on her, and their nose brushes each other. 'Am I clear?' She nods her head. Mark rolls over his body and turns his back to her again. Tiffany senses her heart throbbing in her throat. Mark suddenly coming down on Tiffany made her feel scared yet curious at the same time. Adrenaline is taking over her body.

It's early in the morning. Mark wakes up, covered in a cold sweat as he is in too much pain. The painkillers that JD gave him worn off. He begins to move around. It makes Tiffany wake up. 'Does it hurt?' Tiffany looks concerned. 'It's fine, so don't worry. It'll go away after a while. But Tiffany is not convinced at all. 'Fine? Your flesh is meshed up. How can that be fine?' She gets up and rushes to the garderobe to get some painkillers, picks up the bottle of water from her desk, and goes back to bed.

'You have to sit down before you take these painkillers in.' She helps him get up. He takes the painkillers and washes it away with the bottle of water. A minute passed. Tiffany makes Mark lay back in bed while she remains seated and worries about his wound. She only wants to look at his wounds and see if it is alright. Her hands move on his clothes and slowly pulls up his shirt. 'Stop it there, lady.' Comes from Mark. He sounds exhausted. 'Just a quick look. See if it is fine.' She proceeds with exposing his skin. Taking off the bandage is not needed because it is drained in his blood. 'Oh, no. We have to change your bandage. Wait here.' She goes out of the room and comes back with clean supplies. Tiffany gently removes the blood-soaked bandage, cleans the wound, and seals it off with a new one. 'So. I changed your diaper. It's fresh and clean. Don't wet it again. You big ass, baby.' She pats his head.

Mark's mission is a success. He deliberately poked his wound open and worsened his condition. He thought that it would be a pity not to get her attention while being in her bed next to her. Who knows. Maybe she will ask him to sleep together. Just to be safe. The corner of Mark's lips curls into a monstrous smile.