
Chapter 4: The Final Confrontation

Holmes's eyes scanned the room, his mind working at lightning speed. He spotted a small ventilation shaft in the wall and sprang into action.

"Watson, the shaft! We must escape through there, now!"

They climbed into the shaft just as the gas reached its lethal peak. Holmes's cleverness had saved their lives once again.

As they emerged on the rooftop, they found themselves face to face with Johan Libert.

"Checkmate, Sherlock Holmes," Libert sneered.

But Holmes smiled. "Not quite, Libert. Your ego blinded you to the obvious. You see, I've been playing a double game all along..."

With a flourish, Holmes revealed the true culprit behind the thefts - none other than Inspector Lestrade himself!

Lestrade's eyes widened in shock as Holmes exposed his scheme. "You see, Watson, Lestrade was using Libert's reputation to cover his own tracks. But I outsmarted them both!"

Libert's eyes narrowed. "You may have won this game, Holmes, but I'll escape, and the game will continue another day..."

Holmes chuckled. "I'm counting on it, Libert. The game may end, but the battle of wits never does."

And with that, the curtain closed on the thrilling adventure, Sherlock Holmes vs Johan Libert. The game may be over, but the legend lives on...