
Chapter 1: The Shadow in the Night

Holmes and Watson arrived at the old windmill, its sails creaking in the wind. As they approached, a figure lurked in the shadows, watching them.

"Ah, the windmill," Holmes said, his eyes scanning the area. "A perfect spot for a clandestine meeting."

Watson's eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he saw the figure step forward. It was a woman, her face obscured by a veil.

"Welcome, Sherlock Holmes," she said, her voice low and mysterious. "I am Raven, Johan Libert's associate. You're just in time to witness the next move in our game."

Holmes's eyes sparkled with interest. "And what move might that be, Raven?"

Raven smiled, her eyes glinting in the moonlight. "You'll see soon enough. But first, you must answer a question: What can be broken, but never held?"

Watson's mind raced, but Holmes's eyes lit up with understanding. "The answer, of course, is a promise."

Raven nodded, impressed. "Very good, Holmes. You may proceed to the next clue."

And with that, she vanished into the night, leaving Holmes and Watson to ponder their next move.