
The Plan

'Wait! Am I not in just another work of fiction or 'fictional reality' right now?' Gears started turning in Sherlock's brain as he started to think of everything that had happened until now and everything Deadpool had said to him.

The clues started to come together and Holmes started to reach a conclusion that made Sherlock's face scrunch up in annoyance and anger. 'I was a character in fiction when we started to chase Deadpool. I should've still been one until the fight against him.'

'I only felt the change in me later, but the tether or the puppet strings attaching me to Sherlock Holmes universe should have been broken when all of reality was collapsing. That should be when I started to gain true free will and also when the idea to escape came to me.'

'But the repair of reality was too sudden. It was more like a deus ex machina some writer set up to move the story along.'

Either way, although Holmes didn't like the fact that he still might not have completely shed his identity as a fictional character, he wasn't particularly demoralized. He knew that he had no way of enacting his escape plan right away and eventually he would've had to find his way to fictional realities in order to prepare for his escape anyway.

Suddenly Holmes took off his hat and looked straight up. His eyes filled with traces of anger and disgust. "He threw his hat to the side, slowly looking towards the controls of the time machine…. is what you are probably writing right about now, right Mr. Author? I don't know if I am still in some fictional work but I know I will have to be in one eventually even if I don't want to when I go out of this ideaverse," Sherlock started to speak addressing the author he couldn't see or interact with.

"One thing is for sure, I have started to gain full control over what makes me who I am. So I can immediately know when I do something out of character for me. At least now I won't make stupid mistakes or do things I don't want to without my knowledge just because some guy was stupid enough to write it."

As Sherlock thought about it more and started to speak to the 'Author', he started to feel something watching him. The gaze was heavy like it was one person but also a million people at the same time. It felt very distant yet right next to him. "It is like there is a barrier. An impenetrable barrier separating me and the author or the fictional and real. This must be what that Deadpool felt like at all times."

Sherlock sighed as he continued to fiddle with the controls of the machine while speaking, "I can now sympathize with that lunatic. Although the method he went about it was foolish trying to destroy reality itself, I too can't help but want to escape from this state and get to that reality."

The time machine was broken during the fight. And although Holmes had one of the most brilliant minds, inspiring every smart or intelligent character to exist after his time, he was no engineer. He lacked the relevant knowledge. And after fiddling through everything he could, he just sat there looking at all the ideas floating past him.

He didn't know exactly how long he had been there but by his own estimates, it should've been at least a year or two. During this time or lack thereof, he had realized that he hadn't aged a single day nor had he needed any food, air, or water. It was like his bodily functions had shut down and yet he was completely fine.

Taking advantage of this bizarre state, Holmes devised a plan so outrageous, that it would top his plan of falling over a cliff with Moriarty by a long mile. The plan was simple really, since the ideaverse is the place where ideas are created, they had to go somewhere right? So Holmes would follow one of them until they reach their destination and blast through from the place the idea disappeared to using the time machine.

Granted, the plan was too crude for someone like S.H. but he had all the time in the world to fix the kinks in the plan and make it perfect. And so began the cat and mouse game of S.H. and the floating ideas in the ideaverse.

Although the story hasn't started off in earnest just yet, this chapter was necessary to characterize Sherlock and how the story interaction would happen later on. So be patient and enjoy.

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