
Sherleen A girl name Sherleen

It's a beautiful love story of a girl name Sherleen, she's a hardworking talented girl who believes if any work which is done with full dedication then nothing is impossible, it's just a belief and a strong dedication. So this story is about a girl name Sherleen who is from Italy but belongs to a poor family but her dedication and hard work, enables her to enter in a most famous and rich university due to the scholarship as she's a brilliant girl, and in this scenario she will meet a boy name Garry who is a rich and insensitive boy who enjoys club parties. But soon their love chemistry will start in which Sherleen will be the reason of changing his life and attitude towards life. It's an adventurous love story.

shaivi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Life is unpredictable

Yes it's true life is unpredictable and throw you in the most weird circumstances, for which you are not at all prepared but still you have to fight for it, but according to me instead of fighting it's better to embrace the challenges or circumstances in your life, as this will too pass. Same happened with Sherleen, she was continuously thinking about how come Jack read her thoughts. It's quite strange to think about someone so much instead of knowing that he's just an employee in that company and why his words affecting me soo much (Sherleen thinking). It was an evening Sherleen went for a walk and reached in a beautiful garden where she sat, Now look what destiny again planned for both (Sherleen and Jack), Jack was at that garden where he saw Sherleen and sat beside her. It was a silence moment they both were quite and looked each other, Jack smiled and Sherleen didn't responded she gave a small grin look but then Sherleen started telling her past story. After hearing her story, Jack tears started falling from his eyes,. he said you have gone through so much and remained silent in front of others. You are a strong woman and still standing, to love someone and to lost someone is the most painful tragic. I was 6 years old when lost my dad, (Jack's dad). My mom raised me then, she suffered a lot hardships and continued to nurture me with good values, now you can imagine how it feels losing a dad. I didn't experienced his love don't know about his touch, care and affection, I only know my mom love, I got mature in my life very early because as I became mature I realised my duties for my mom. Life can really throw you into those situation which you haven't dream of. Hearing this Sherleen put her hands on his shoulder and console him, She said you have gone through in life more than me, my pain is nothing in front of yours. I don't expect anything from life now but I am really very happy that I got a best friend in you. I got the best companion in this life which I appreciate.

Love has a lot forms, it's just people tag it with certain relations.