
Sherleen A girl name Sherleen

It's a beautiful love story of a girl name Sherleen, she's a hardworking talented girl who believes if any work which is done with full dedication then nothing is impossible, it's just a belief and a strong dedication. So this story is about a girl name Sherleen who is from Italy but belongs to a poor family but her dedication and hard work, enables her to enter in a most famous and rich university due to the scholarship as she's a brilliant girl, and in this scenario she will meet a boy name Garry who is a rich and insensitive boy who enjoys club parties. But soon their love chemistry will start in which Sherleen will be the reason of changing his life and attitude towards life. It's an adventurous love story.

shaivi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

In search of Garry

Sherleen was ready to go to university, she went to college attended sessions, lectures, and in meantime was also searching for Garry, Garry was not there in the college, Sherleen was upset and worry about him then she thought to contact one of his friend so she searched one of Garry's friend Brick and tried to ask him about Garry then he said that Garry is in hospital, few days back his mother was admitted in the hospital she's suffering from cancer and her condition is serious, that's why Garry not coming to college after listening this Sherleen was shocked and asked him his hospital address so that she can visit him, Brick shared the address to Sherleen and Sherleen immediately visited Garry in the hospital. As she came to hospital Garry saw her and ran to hug Sherleen his tears were falling and he hugged Sherleen tightly, Sherleen also started crying seeing the condition of Garry she tried to console him and told him to sit down be calm everything will be okay don't worry, Garry replied you don't know Sherleen I was a very insensitive and annoyed boy in my entire lifetime, I never took care of my mom as I should she always loved me and care for me but I was very careless handling the relationships I gave importance to money I thought people get attracted only by the person's wealth and prosperity no one gives importance to a person so I became a very rough boy, who plays with people emotions I didn't realized that your true gem is the relationship which you have in your life, I was always in this state that money can buy anything even the happiness, but I was wrong now my mom is suffering and I am helpless, I realized these things after meeting you, I saw you were a lot different from others, unique, plain, simple and a caring girl, I started to feel like you after meeting you I was not who I am now. I am a rich boy my dad and me contacted all sources to help my mom but I couldn't. Saying this he started crying, Sherleen was upset and quite while hearing the situation she said what happen to your mom why she is in such a serious condition, Garry replied my mom is suffering from cancer and she needs a transplant every 24 days circulation of blood is required to save her and for this it's necessary to have a similar bone marrow which is not matching with anybody, at my home and other relation, Sherleen immediately stand up and told him to let him meet the doctor maybe I can help your mom if my bone marrow will match, She contacted doctor and told him the Garry's mom situation, after checking up Sherleen, doctor said that Sherleen can save his mom, and Sherleen was ready to donate blood to Garry's mom and by this she accepted all the procedures which has to be followed. Garry was stunned by Sherleen's decision, Garry got his reply that how much Sherleen loves him, and Sherleen bravely came in front to help Garry's mother, she was lying on her bed Garry was sitting in front of her, she said to Garry "do you know everybody do love but the real meaning of love is sacrificing for each other" that's the true essence of love. Big big tears started falling from Garry's eyes and he realized how important any relationship is and it's has more value than money and wealth,

"Life will not give you certain chances so value it and love it".