
Sherleen A girl name Sherleen

It's a beautiful love story of a girl name Sherleen, she's a hardworking talented girl who believes if any work which is done with full dedication then nothing is impossible, it's just a belief and a strong dedication. So this story is about a girl name Sherleen who is from Italy but belongs to a poor family but her dedication and hard work, enables her to enter in a most famous and rich university due to the scholarship as she's a brilliant girl, and in this scenario she will meet a boy name Garry who is a rich and insensitive boy who enjoys club parties. But soon their love chemistry will start in which Sherleen will be the reason of changing his life and attitude towards life. It's an adventurous love story.

shaivi · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Now after getting the news of good university grades Sherleen and her family started preparing themselves for her university life where her father advised her with certain things to keep in mind to be only focus on your dreams, and studies her mom told Sherleen that her new phase of life starting and the university which she is going is big and rich university so her mom told her to not get attracted by the other people wealth and to only focus on your studies, Sherleen listened to her mom teachings and dad advise and she promised her parents to trust her and she will never let them down and obey all the teachings which her parents have given to her. Sherleen prepared herself for the new beautiful morning when she will be attending her first day at university she slept early so that she can get up early in morning as she was very excited for her university life to be starting.