
Sherleen A girl name Sherleen

It's a beautiful love story of a girl name Sherleen, she's a hardworking talented girl who believes if any work which is done with full dedication then nothing is impossible, it's just a belief and a strong dedication. So this story is about a girl name Sherleen who is from Italy but belongs to a poor family but her dedication and hard work, enables her to enter in a most famous and rich university due to the scholarship as she's a brilliant girl, and in this scenario she will meet a boy name Garry who is a rich and insensitive boy who enjoys club parties. But soon their love chemistry will start in which Sherleen will be the reason of changing his life and attitude towards life. It's an adventurous love story.

shaivi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Back to work.

After a long break, she finally decided to went back to work and switch on to the work mode. She directly reached to the office and started working day and night to cover up the assignments and duties which were pending before. She didn't meet with Jack during these days as she wanted to finish her pending work she thought to talk with him after her work will be completed after some days she went outside in a flower vase shop and bought some beautiful fresh jasmine flowers and also purchased some chocolates from the coffee shop. After buying those flowers and chocolates she went directly to the office where Jack was completing his work, Sherleen saw him and went inside her cabin and then called one worker to call Jack. He went outside and told Jack that miss manager is calling you, Jack went to her cabin and said good morning ma'am. Sherleen answered his greetings and said after a lot discussion within myself I come to this point that you were right, and to bring me into my real present life it's just a token of respect to you I hope you will accept this. Completing her sentence Jack said it's my pleasure ma'am why have you taken so much effort for this. It's my duty and work to help each and everyone in the company and every task gets accomplished after a team work, and that is only possible if all will have the same enthusiasm and coordination to do that work. Sherleen smiled and said yah and that's why for me you take these flowers and chocolates. I appreciate your skills, you are very talented and intelligent in handling problems I am impressed saying saying this she offered him with the gifts and Jack smiled and accepted her presents for him. He said he was feeling regretted what he said to you before, he was feeling guilty whether it was okay to ask a manager about her personal life happiness. But it took a lot guts to me for asking you this question, Sherleen reacted with a laughter and said no issues I know you are a workaholic person and you need everyone to be answerable to your questions, she said this in a sarcastic way, which Jack understood and smiled, he said if you don't mind I would like to say one more thing, it seems I have seen you after ages laughing like this. You seem sweet and sober manager but you never laughed it feels good seeing you happy. Sherleen blushed and said nothing. Jack went back to his alloted seat and came back again submitting his project on time to the manager, Sherleen looked into his project and accepted his assignment. Everyone finished their alloted assignments and the date of the submission was near. They successfully achieved their international project, and created a good impression among all the companies. Due to this achievement . Sherleen decided with her other team members to increase the bonus and employees salaries.